Member Profile

Membership type: full
Ihesinachi Kalagbor
Country of origin: Nigeria Currently in: Nigeria, Port Harcourt General field of specialization: Chemical Sciences-
2006 Doctorate Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Chemical Sciences
Heavy metal analysis in water and vegetable samples from the oil prospecting areas of the Niger Delta Region.
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Synthesis of New Benzothiazinophenoxazine Ring System (1992) – Charles O. Okafor, Mabel V. Akpuka and Ihesinachi A. Eluwa. Dyes and Pigments, 19, 81 – 87
2. Synthesis of a New Dye: 2, 3-Bis [1-Phenylazo-2-napthoxy] [1,4] – Naphthoquinone (2006). Kalagbor, Ihesinachi, A and Okafor, Charles O. Journal of Science and Technology Research, 2 (4): 18 – 21.
3. Extraction of Molybdenum (VI) With 4-Adipoyl and 4-Sebacoyl Derivatives of Bis (1-Phenyl-3-Methylpyrazolone-5) In Acid Media (2011). Kalagbor A. Ihesinachi, Uzoukwu B. Augustus and Chuku U. John. Nature and Science,9 (3): 37 – 42.
4. Extraction of Chromium (VI) With 4-Adipoyl and 4-Sebacoyl Derivatives of Bis (1-Phenyl-3-Methylpyrazolone-5) In Acid Media (2011). Kalagbor A. Ihesinachi, Uzoukwu B. Augustus and Chuku U. John. Nature and Science,9 (9): 147 – 153.
5. Physicochemical and Microbiological Assessment of Borehole Water in Rumu-Kalagbor, Port-Harcourt,Rivers State, Nigeria (2013). Ihesinachi Appolonia Kalagbor and Stella Adedunni Emmanuel. Journal of Envi.Sc and Engr. B2: 426-431.
6. Impact of Industrial Effluents on the Physicochemical Properties and some trace Metals on Efffuruntor River in Ugheli South of Delta State Nigeria (2012). Chukwu U.G., Kalagbor, I. A. and Oyiborhoro, B. Journal of Appl.Sciences in Environmental Sanitation 7 (4): 275-280.
7. Water Analysis for Heavy Metals Content in Selected Boreholes in Port-Harcourt Metropolis (A Case Study during 2010-2011), (2013). Kalagbor Ihesinachi Appolonia and Mgbodom-Okah Chidinma Juliet. Journal of Envi. Sc and Engr. A 2: 418-426.
8. Effects of Anions, Complexing and Salting-out Agents on the Extraction of Mo (VI) from Acid Media into Chlorofrom Solution of Bis(4-Acylpyrazolones) (2014). I.A.Kalgbor and B.A. Uzoukwu. American Chem. Sc Journal 4(2): 174-186.
9. Investigation of the Presence of Some Heavy Metals in four Edible Vegetables, BitterLeaf (Vernonia amygdalina), Scent Leaf (Ocimum gratissimum), Water Leaf (Talinum triangulare) and Fluted Pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis) from a Cottage Farm in Port-Harcourt. I.A.Kalagbor, V. Barisere, G. Barivule, S. Barile and C. Bassey (2014). Research Journal of Envi. And Earth Sc. 6(1): 18-24.
10. Technical and Science Education, The challenge of Women National Reforms for Development (2013). Kpabep M. Charity and Ihesinachi A. Kalagbor. International Journal of Scientific Innovations and Sustainable Development. 3(2): 112 -115.
11. Analysis of Heavy Metals in Four Fruits from Sii and Zaakpon Communities in Khana, Rivers State (2014). Kalagbor, I. A, Naifa, P. B and Umeh, J. N. International Journal of Emerging Technology & Advanced Engineering. Vol. 4(5): 827 -831.
12. Evaluation of Heavy Metals in Orange, Pineapple, Avocado Pear and Pawpaw from a farm in Kaani, Bori, Rivers State, Nigeria (2014). Kalagbor, I. A and Diri, E. International Research Journal on Public and Environmental Health. Vol. 1(4): 87 – 94.
13. Comparison Study of Dry and Wet Methods used for the assessment of concentration of five Heavy Metals in edible vegetables from Rivers State, Nigeria. Kalagbor, I. A and Opusunju, K (2014). International Research Journal for Public and Environmental Health. Vol. 2(2): 16 – 22.
14. Bioavailability Study of Nine Heavy Metals in Four Edible Vegetables and a Crop from a farm in Port Harcourt using AAS and SEM. Kalagbor, I.A., Emmanuel, S.A. and Oyewole, D.O. (2015). American Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science. 2 (4): 23 -34.
15. Anions, Complexing and Salting-out Agents Effects on the Extraction of Cr (VI) from Acid Media into Chlorofrom Solution of Bis(4-Acylpyrazolones) 2015. Kalgbor, I.A. and Uzoukwu, B.A. International Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Vol. 7 (4): 181 -190.
16. Concentrations of Some Heavy Metals in Cassava (Manihot esculentus) and Plantain (Musa sp) Harvested from Farmlands in Kpean and Kaani, Khana Local Government Area, Rivers State Nigeria. (2015). Kalagbor, I.A., Dighi, N. and James, R. Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management. Vol. 19 (2): 219 -222.
17. Determination of Five Heavy Metals in White Yam (Dioscorea rotundata) and Three-leaved yam (Dioscorea dumetorum) from Farms in Khana, Nigeria. (2015). Kalagbor, I.A., Adooh, D.L. and James R. Environment and Pollution. Vol. 4 (4) ISSN 1927 – 0909.
18. Abandonment of Treatment as a Bane for Care Givers in the Peadiatric Oncology Unit at University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Rivers State Nigeria (2014). I Kalagbor and G Eke. Pediatric Blood & Cancer. 61, S394-S394.
19. Comparative Study of Male and Female Students’ Performance in Science Laboratory Technology, Rivers State Polytechnic, Bori Nigeria. (A 5 year case study). (2015). I.A. Kalagbor, V.L. Gbosidom and T.H. Ekiyor. Advances in Life Science & Technology. 46: 37-45.
20. Evaluation of Heavy Metals in Some Food Items from Three Markets on the Eleme-Ogoni Highway (2017). Kalagbor, I.A., Okarahia, F.P., John, O.A. and Okiri, M.A. Journal of Chemical Society of Nigeria. 42(1): 12 -17.
21. Effects of Grinding Techniques on Metal Contaminants in Wheat (Triticumaestivum), White Beans (Vignaunguiculata), Plantain (Musa sapientum) and Maize (Zea mays) Milled with Domestic Blender, Hand Grinder, Wooden Mortar and Grinding Stone (2017). Kalagbor, I.A., Abraham,Z., Mene N.B., Uba, G. C., Don-Pedro, O.R., Friday, G.I., Dako, P.T and Osuamkpe, N.E. Journal of Chemical Society of Nigeria. 42(1): 49 -54.
22. Estimation of the Levels of Fe in Wheat and Maize Flour Milled using Commercial Milling Machine and a Home Blender (2017). Kalagbor I.A, Fyneface D., Korfii U., Ogaji T. and Kpoonanyie F. Journal of Applied Sciences & Environmental Management. 21 (2): 341 -344.
23. Heavy Metals Presence in Some Vegetables and Crops Harvested from Farms in Ebocha, Egbeda and Igbo-Etche in Rivers State, Nigeria (2017). Kalagbor, I. A.,Echem, O. G.,Omeokwe, M. L., Omelebele, H. C., Omereji, F. and Onwugbuta, C. Chemical Science International Journal. 20(1): 1-8.
24. Adsorption of Cu2+ and Fe2+ From Single Metal Ion Solution Using Unmodified and Formaldehyde Modified Kola-Nut (ColaNitida) Testa (2017). Chukwu U. J., John E. P. and Kalagbor A. I. Journal of Applied Chemistry. 10(12): 12-18.
25. A Comparative Assessment of the Physicochemical, Microbial property and the Levels of some Heavy Metals in Ekerekena Creek in Rivers State (2018). Kalagbor, Ihesinachi and Tubonemi, Tekena. International Journal of Applied & Natural Sciences. 7 (4): 9 -18.
26. The Impact of Motivation and Role Modeling on the Female Students’ Choice of Science and Engineering Discipline in Four Tertiary Institutions in Rivers State, Nigeria (2018). Kalagbor, I.A., Orlu, H. A., Ibezim-Ezeani, M.U., Ekpete O. and Kpabep C.M. (WISWB 2018 Proceedings).
27. The Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contents of the Ambient Air within Port Harcourt and Environs. Dibofori-Orji Amalo Ndu, Kalagbor Ihesinachi and Ekpete Ozioma Adaunwo (2019). Chemistry Research Journal 4(3): 117-123.
28. Assessment of Metal Contamination Levels in Wheat, Maize and Beans Processed with Four Different Grinding Tools using XRF (2019). Kalagbor, A. Ihesinachi, Akue K. Excel, Barile N. Father, Ite Magnus and Naador Stella. Earth & Environment Science Research & Reviews. 2(1):1-4.
29. Application of National Sanitation Foundation and Weighted Arithmetic Water Quality Indices for the Assessment of Kaani and Kpean Rivers in Nigeria (2019). Kalagbor I. A, Johnny V.I and Ogbolokot I.E. American Journal of Water Resources. 7(1): 11-15.
30. Electricity Generation from Septic Waste Water using Septic Tank as Microbial Fuel Cell (2019). Akatah B.M and Kalagbor I.A. Sustainable Energy. 7(1), 1-5.
31. Determination of PAHs and BTEX in Soil and Crops (Cocoyam and Cassava) of Crude oil Impacted Community, Mogho Gokana, Nigeria (2019). Echem, Ogbonda G., Kalagbor, Ihesinachi A., Lucky, G. B. International Journal of Sciences, 5, 19-24.
32. Comparison of Selected Plant Extracts As Green Corrosion Inhibitors for Aluminium in 1.0 M HCL Solution (2019). Echem, Ogbonda G., Chukwuike,Vitalis I. and Kalagbor, Ihesinachi A. IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry. 12(4), 68-75.
33. Bio-Electricity Generation from Waste Vegetables (Fluted Pumpkin, Waterleaf and Cabbage) Using Microbial Fuel Cells (2019). Kalagbor I. A., Emabie K., Porokpege Z., Nyono T. B. Science & Environment. 2 (1), 127-130.
34. The Level of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon in the Ambient Air within and outside Port Harcourt Metropolis (2019). Dibofori-Orji A. N. and Kalagbor I. Chemistry Research Journal. 4(1): 101-105.
35. Exposure to Heavy Metals in Soot Samples and Cancer Risk Assessment in Port Harcourt, Nigeria (2019). Ihesinachi A.Kalagbor, Amalo N. Dibofori-Orji and Ozioma A. Ekpete. Journal of Health & Pollution, 9(24): 1-12.
36. Evaluating the Effects of Air Pollution on Agricultural yield of Selected Crops in Eleme, Nigeria (2019). Ekiyor TH, Horsfall IT, Kalagbor IA, Egbara – Dedna BA. Journal of Applied Science & Environmental Management. 23(10): 1771-1778.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchAdministrationTeachingResearch work, administration as a Director of Research & Development. Teaching and Supervision of graduating students' projects.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2015 University of York, UK. 12th International Conference on Materials Chemistry - Royal Society of ChemistryAffiliations
1. Institute of Chartered Chemists of Nigeria, ICCON. 2. African Scientific Institute (FASI). 3. Chemical Society of Nigeria (FCSN). 4. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). 5. American Chemical Society (ACS). 6. International Water Association (IWA). 7Presentation given
2014Comparative Study of Male and Female Students' Performance in Science Laboratory Technology, Rivers State Polytechnic, Bori, Nigeria (A 5year case study)Morelos, MexicoEvent: Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD). 5th International Conference Conference