Member Profile
Membership type: full
Anushree Khandale
Country of origin: India Currently in: India, Chennai General field of specialization: Physics-
2011 Doctorate Physics2006 Master Physics2004 Undergraduate Physics -
Current Research Activities
Working on development of novel electrode materials for low temperature solid oxide fuel cells.
Publications resulting from Research:
Crystal structure, electrical and electrochemical properties of Cu co-doped Pr1.3Sr0.7NiO4+δ mixed ionic-electronic conductors (MIECs) M.B. Bansod, A.P. Khandale, R.V. Kumar, S.S. Bhoga, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43 (2018) 373-384.
Synthesis and characterization of Ce doped Sm2CuO4+δ cathode for IT-SOFCs applications, V. N. Chaudhari, A. P. Khandale and S. S. Bhoga, Ionics, 23 (2017) 2553-2560.
Structural and electrochemical investigation on Ga3+ doped Pr1.3Sr0.7Ni0.7Cu0.3O4+δ cathodes for IT-SOFCs applications, M. G. Bansod, A. P. Khandale and S. S. Bhoga, Ionics 23 (2017) 2561-2570.
Improved electrical and electrochemical performance of co-doped Nd1.8Sr0.2Ni1-xCuxO4+δ, A. P. Khandale, M. G. Bansod and S. S. Bhoga, Solid State Ionics, 276 (2015) 127-135.
Sr-doped Sm2CuO4 cathode for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells, V. N. Chaudhari, A. P. Khandale and S. S. Bhoga, Solid State Ionics, 268 (2014) 140-149.
Nd1.8Sr0.2NiO4-:Ce0.9Gd0.1O2- composite cathode for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells A. P. Khandale, R.P. Lajurkar, S.S. Bhoga, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 39 (2014) 19039 -19050.
Nd1.8Ce0.2CuO4+:Ce0.9Gd0.1O2- as a composite cathode for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells, A. P. Khandale and S. S. Bhoga, J. Power Sources, 268 (2014) 794-803.
An investigation of different Nd1.8Ce0.2CuO4+δ-Ce0.9Gd0.1O2-δ composite cathodes, A. P. Khandale and S. S. Bhoga, Electrochim. Acta, 130 (2014) 439 – 445.
Effect of Sr doping on structural, electrical and electrochemical properties of Nd2CuO4 for IT-SOFC application, A. P. Khandale and S. S. Bhoga, Solid State Ionics, 262 (2014) 416-420.
Influence of synthesis route on electrical and electrochemical properties of Nd1.8Sr0.2NiO4+, J.D. Punde A. P. Khandale and S. S. Bhoga, Solid State Ionics, 262 (2014) 701-706.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingWorking as an Assistant Professor in Physics at Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and manufacturing, Kancheepuram, Chennai, India.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2016 Patna, India. 15th Asian Conference on Solid State Ionics2014. Shivaji University, Kolhapur, India. 2nd International Conference on Physics of Materials and Materials Based Device Fabrication2013. Kyoto, Japan The 19th International Conference on Solid-State Ionics2012. BARC, Mumbai, India. 4th Interdisciplinary Symposium on Materials Chemistry2012. New Delhi, India. International Conference and Workshop on Nanostructured Ceramics and Other Nanomaterials2011. Suntec , Singapore International Conference on Materials for Advance Technology2011. VNIT (Nagpur, India) Indo-Japanese Workshop on Solid State Ionic Devices2011. ICTP , Italy Workshop on Advanced Oxide Interfaces2010. NFTDC (Hyderabad, India) Indo-Austrian Symposium 2010: Advanced Materials for Engineering2010. Trieste (Italy) Joint ICTP-IAEA Advanced Workshop on Multiscale Modelling for Characterization and Basic Understanding of Radiation Damage Mechanisms in Materials2010. Trieste (Italy) School on Synchrotron and Free-Electron-Laser Sources and Their Multidisciplinary Applications2010. Cochi (Kerla, India) International Conference on Materials2009. Delhi, India International Conference on Electroceramics,2009. Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, India, International Conference on Sol-Gel Processes for Advanced Ceramics,2009. Chennai, India, International Conference on Functional Materials,2008. Material Research Centre, IISc, Bangalore, India, Indo-Russian Workshop on Self-Propagating High Temperature Synthesis,2008. Coimbatore, India 11th Asian Conference on Solid State IonicsAffiliations
Society for Materials Chemistry.Presentation given
2014Study of Ce0.9Gd0.1O2-d impregnated Nd1.8Ce0.2CuO4+d cathode for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cellsKolhapur, IndiaEvent: Int. Conference on Physics of Materials and Materials Based Device Fabrication2013.Effect of Sr doping on structural, electrical and electrochemical properties of Nd2CuO4 for ITSOFC applicationsKyoto, JapanEvent: The 19th International Conference on Solid-State Ionics,2012.Electrochemical Performance of Nd1.8Ce0.2CuO4+d:Ceo,9Gd0.1O2---------BARC, MumbaiEvent: 4th Interdisciplinary Symposium on Materials Chemistry,2012.Study of Nd1.8Ce0.2Cu1-xNixO4 (x = 0.2-0.8) as Cathode for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel CellNew Delhi, India.Event: International Conference and Workshop on Nanostructured Ceramics and Other Nanomaterials2011.Evaluation of mechanochemically prepared nanocrystalline Nd1.8Ce0.2CuO4+d cathode for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cellSuntec (Singapore)Event: International Conference on Materials for Advance Technology2010.Synthesi and characterization of Nd2-xCexCuO4 (x=0-0.3) ..........SOFC applicationCochi (Kerla, India)Event: International Conference on Materials2009.Study of mechanochemically prepared nanostructured Nd1.8Ce0.2CuO4 cathode,Delhi, IndiaEvent: International Conference on Electroceramics,2009.An Investigation of Nd2-xCexCuO4+d prepared by sol-gel method ffrom solid oxide fuel cell point of viewIndira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, India,Event: International Conference on Sol-Gel Processes for Advanced Ceramics,2009.Study of Ce0.75Nd0.25 :Nd1.8Ce0.2CuO4 composites, oxygen permeable membraneChennai, IndiaEvent: International Conference on Functional Materials2011.Effect of synthesis route on electrical and electrochemical performance of Nd1.8Ce0.2CuO4+δ cathode material for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cell,Noida (India),Event: National Conference on Solid State Ionics,2009.Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline Gd doped CeO2,Longowal, IndiaEvent: National Conference on Advanced Materials and Radiation Physics,2013Study of thermochemical stability of Nd1.8Sr0.2NiO4 with different electrolytesNagpur, India.Event: UGC sponsored National Conference on Synthesis and Applications of Novel Materials, -
Other Awards
Dec 2013Postdoctoral Fellowship for WomenAwarded by University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi, IndiaMar 2012Research Associate (RA)Fellowship for Postdoctoral Research by Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, India.Jul 2007“Rajiv Gandhi National FellowshipFulfilment of Degree of Doctor of Philosophy” by University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi, India.Dec 2012Best Poster Award4th International Symposium on Materials Chemistry held at BARC, Mumbai, India for the paper entitled “Electrochemical performance of Nd1.8Ce0.2CuO4CeGd0.1O2 composite cathode for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells”.Mar 2013Best Poster AwardNational Seminar on Materials Preparation and Characterization: Nanoparticles and Future Trends, Sindhu College, Nagpur, India.