Member Profile

Membership type: full
Monira Jannatul Kobra
Country of origin: Bangladesh Currently in: Bangladesh, Rajshahi General field of specialization: Physics-
2012 Master Physics2010 Master Physics2018 Doctorate Physics -
Current Research Activities
Intranuclear cascade model for deuteron- and alpha-induced nuclear reactions.Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchI am a Ph.D. student at Kyushu University, Japna.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2017 The Abdus Salam ICTP, Trieste, Italy Career development workshop for women in science2017 Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan 3rd International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering & Sciences (IEICES)2015 Japan Atomic Energy Commission , Ibaraki, Japan Symposium on Nuclear DataAffiliations
American Physical Society -
Other Awards
Mar 2015FellowshipYoshida Scholarship for doctoral studies (this scholarship is awarded to one/two international post-graduate students from each of the six top-ranked national and four private universities in Japan).Jan 2009FellowshipNSICT Fellowship 2009-10 from the Ministry of Science and Information & Communication Technology, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh (for M.Sc. Thesis).