Member Profile

Membership type: full
Yousra Kotp
Country of origin: Egypt Currently in: Egypt, Cairo General field of specialization: Chemical Sciences-
2013 Doctorate Chemical Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Chemical Sciences
Water chemistry
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Ali M. Ismail, Yousra H. Kotp, M. G. Eloffy, A. H. Konsowa, Hosam A. Shawky, Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Forward Osmosis Thin Film Nano-Composite Membrane to Enhance the Reverse Osmosis Desalination Economics, Desalination and Water treatment (2021) Accept.
2. Ehab A. Abdelrahman, Y.G. Abou El-Reash, Hany M. Youssef, Yousra H. Kotp, R.M. Hegazey, Utilization of rice husk and waste aluminum cans for the synthesis of some nanosized zeolite, zeolite/zeolite, and geopolymer/zeolite products for the efficient removal of Co(II), Cu(II), and Zn(II) ions from aqueous media, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 401 (2021) 123813.
3. Yousra H. Kotp, High-flux TFN nanofiltration membranes incorporated with Camphor-Al2O3 nanoparticles for brackish water desalination, Chemosphere 265 (2021) 128999.
4. Rabaa Yaseen, Yousra H. Kotp, Doaa Eissa, The impact of production of silver nanoparticles using soil fungi and its applications for reducing irrigation water salinity, Journal of Water and Land Development, 46 (2020) 216–228.
5. R.M. Hegazey, Ehab A. Abdelrahman, Yousra H. Kotp, Ahmed M. Hameed, Abdu Subaihi, Facile fabrication of hematite nanoparticles from Egyptian insecticide cans for efficient photocatalytic degradation of rhodamine B dye, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 9(2020) 1652-1661.
6. Yousra H. Kotp, Enhancement of Industrial Effluents Quality by Using Nanocomposite Mg/Al LDH Ultrafiltration Membranes, Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 30(2020) 5244-5260.
7. Yousra H. Kotp, Mohamed E.A. Ali, Muhammad Gomaah, Hesham A. Ezzeldin, Preparation and characterization of manganese silicomolybdate for the adsorptive removal of Pb(II) and Fe(III) metal ions from aqueous medium: case study: Hesinia area, Egypt, Desalination and Water treatment 193 (2020) 95–105.
8. Mohamed E.A. Ali, Yousra H. Kotp, Reham Bosela, Amira Samy, Shimaa Awad, Jennifer Runhong Du, Enhancing the performance of TFC nanofiltration membranes by adding organic acids in polysulfone support layer, Polymer Testing,91(2020)106775.
9. Amira Shawky, Yousra H. Kotp, M.A. Mousa, Mostafa M. S. Aboelfadl, E. E. Hekal, Desalination Performance of Thin-film Composite Forward Osmosis Membranes Based on Different Carbon Nanomaterials". Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, 63(2020) 5161-5173.
10. Hosam A. Shawky, Rabaa Yaseen, Yousra H. Kotp, Doaa Eissa, Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles and its effect on TFC RO membrane for groundwater desalination, Desalination and Water treatment 193(2020)34-74.
11. Eslam R. soliman, Reda G.M. Ibrahim, Eglal R. Souaya, Yousra H. Kotp, Khairia A. Guindy, Identification of the physio-chemical processes controlling the composition of groundwater at Wadi El Tumilat area, East Nile Delta, Egypt, Middle East Journal of Applied Sciences,9(2019) 1137-1160.
12. Eslam R. soliman, Yousra H. Kotp, Eglal R. Souaya, Khairia A. Guindy, Reda G.M. Ibrahim "Development the sorption behavior of nanocomposite Mg/Al LDH by chelating with different monomers, Composites Part B: Engineering, 175(2019) 107131.
13. Ehab A. Abdelrahman, R.M. Hegazy, Yousra H. Kotp, Ahmed Alharbi"Facile synthesis of Fe2O3 nanoparticles from Egyptian insecticide cans for efficient photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue and crystal violet dyes, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy,222 (2019) 117195.
14. Yousra H. Kotp, Mohamed E.A. Ali, Saad A. Mohallal, Mostafa M. S. Aboelfadl "Synthesis of a novel inorganic cation exchanger based on molybdate; applications for removal of Pb2+, Fe3+ and Mn2+ ions from polluted water" Separation Science and Technology, 54 (2019) 620–633.
15. Yousra H. Kotp “Removal of organic pollutants using polysulfone ultrafiltration membrane containing polystyrene silicomolybdate nanoparticles: Case study: Borg El Arab area, Water process engineering,30 (2019) 100553.
16. I.M. Ali, M.Y. Nassar, Yousra H. Kotp, M. Khalil “ Cylindrical-Design, Dehydration and Sorption Properties of Easily Synthesized Magnesium Phospho-silicate Nanopowder” Particulate science, and technology,37(2019), 207-219.
17. Yousra H. Kotp, Mohamed E.A. Ali, Muhammad Gomaah "Impact of the geothermal activities on physico-chemical characteristics of the groundwater in Nubian sandstone aquifer in Farafra Oases, Western Desert, Egypt" Middle East Journal of Applied Sciences, 8 (2018) 1112-1130.
18. Rehab H Hagab, Yousra H. Kotp, Doaa Eissa “Using nanotechnology for enhancing phosphorous fertilizer use efficiency of peanut bean grown in sandy soils”, advanced pharmacy education & research, 8(2018) 59-67.
19. Yousra H. Kotp, Yehia A. Shebl, Mohamed S. El-Deab, Bahgat E. El-Anadouli, Hosam A. Shawky “ Performance enhancement of PA-TFC RO membrane by using magnesium silicate nanoparticles”, Inorganic and organometallic polymers and materials, 20(2017)201-214.
20. Abdel-Hameed M. El-Aassar, Moustafa M. S. Abo ElFadl, Mohamed E. A. Ali, Yousra H. Kotp, Hosam A. Shawky "Effect of manufacture conditions on reverse osmosis desalination performance of polyamide thin film composite membrane and their spiral wound element" Desalination and water treatment, 69 (2017) 65-71.
21. Yousra H. Kotp. Controlled synthesis and sorption properties of magnesium silicate nanoflower prepared by a surfactant-mediated method, Separation science, and technology, 52(2017) 657- 670.
22. Hesham A. Ezzeldin, Saad A. Mohallel, Yousra H. Kotp “ Multivariate statistical analysis of hydrochemical data to identify the geochemical processes in the Nubian sandstone aquifer, Abu Simple, south Egypt”, Current Science International ,5 (2016)574-591.
23. Moustafa M. Said, Abdel Hameed M. El-Aassar, Yousra H. Kotp, Hosam A. Shawky, Mohamed S. A. Abdel Mottaleb” Performance Assessment of prepared polyamide thin film composite membrane for desalination of saline groundwater at Marsa Alam-RasBanas, Red Sea Coast, Egypt”, Desalination and Water Treatment, 51(2013)4927-4937.
24. Hosam A. Shawky, Moustafa M. Said, Abdel Hameed M. El-Aassar, Yousra H. Kotp, Mohamed , S. A. Abdel Mottaleb, “Study the chemical characteristics of groundwater to determine the suitable localities for desalination processes in the area between Marsa Alam and Ras Banas, Red Sea Coast, Eastern Desert, Egypt”, Journal of American Science; 8 (2012).
25. Ismail M. Ali, Yousra H. Kotp, Ibrahim M. El- Nagger “ Thermal stability, Structural modifications and ion exchange properties of magnesium silicate”, Desalination,259(2010) 228-234.
26. Ismail M. Ali, Yousra H. Kotp, Ibrahim M. El- Nagger “Sorption mechanism of some heavy metal ions from aqueous media using magnesium silicate”. Arab Journal of Nuclear Sciences and Applications 43(2010)101-113.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Research