Member Profile

Membership type: full
Hayat Lionboui
Country of origin: Morocco Currently in: Morocco, Beni-Mellal General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2018 Doctorate Agricultural Sciences2008 Master Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
Publications resulting from Research:
Htitiou, A., Boudhar, A., Lebrini, Y., Hadria, R., Lionboui, H., & Benabdelouahab, T. (2020). A comparative analysis of different phenological information retrieved from Sentinel-2 time series images to improve crop classification: a machine learning approach. Geocarto International, 1-24. doi: 10.1080/10106049.2020.1768593
Lebrini, Y., Boudhar, A., Htitiou, A., Hadria, R., Lionboui, H., Bounoua, L., & Benabdelouahab, T. (2020). Remote monitoring of agricultural systems using NDVI time series and machine learning methods: a tool for an adaptive agricultural policy. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 13(16), 796. doi: 10.1007/s12517-020-05789-7
Lionboui, H., Benabdelouahab, T., Htitiou, A., Lebrini, Y., Abdelghani, B., Hadria, R., & Elame, F. (2020). Spatial assessment of losses in wheat production value: A need for an innovative approach to guide risk management policies. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 18(1), 100300.
Lionboui, H., Elame, F., Boudhar, A., Hadria, R., Elboukari, B., & Benabdelouahab, T. (2020). A modelling approach to assess technology effect on wheat farms performance in semi-arid areas. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 30(4), 561-577. doi: 10.1504/IJPQM.2020.108575
Benabdelouahab, T., Lebrini, Y., Boudhar, A., Hadria, R., Htitiou, A. and Lionboui, H. (2019). Monitoring spatial variability and trends of wheat grain yield over the main cereal regions in Morocco: a remote-based tool for planning and adjusting policies. Geocarto International. DOI: 10.1080/10106049.2019.1695960.
Htitiou, A., Boudhar, A., Lebrini, Y., Hadria, R., Lionboui, H., Elmansouri, L., Tychon, B. and Benabdelouahab, T., (2019). The Performance of Random Forest Classification Based on Phenological Metrics Derived from Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 to Map Crop Cover in an Irrigated Semi-arid Region. Remote Sensing in Earth Systems Sciences. Vol 2 (4): pp 208–224.
Hadria, R., Benabdelouahab, T., Elmansouri, L., Gadouali, F., Ouatiki, H., Boudhar, A., Salhi, A. and Lionboui, H. (2019). Derivation of air temperature of agricultural areas of Morocco from remotely land surface temperature based on the updated Köppen-Geiger climate classification. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment. Vol 5(4): 1883–1892.
Khellouk, R., Barakat, A., El Jazouli, A., Boudhar, A., Lionboui, H., Rais, J. and Benabdelouahab, T. (2019). An integrated methodology for surface soil moisture estimating using remote sensing data approach, Geocarto International, DOI: 10.1080/10106049.2019.1655797
Lebrini, Y., Boudhar, A., Hadria, R., Lionboui, H., Elmansouri, L., Arrach, R., Ceccato, P., Benabdelouahab, T., (2019). Identifying Agricultural Systems Using SVM Classification Approach Based on Phenological Metrics in a Semi‑arid Region of Morocco. Earth Systems and Environment, 3(6):1-12.
Elame, F. and Lionboui, H. (2019). Performance and Competitiveness of the Moroccan Tomato. International Journal of Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 5(1): 1-6
Benabdelouahab, T., Derauw, D., Lionboui, H., Tychon, B., Hadria, R., Boudhar, A., Balaghi, R., Lebrini, Y., Maaroufi, H., and Barbier, Ch. (2019). Using SAR Data to Detect Wheat Irrigation Supply in an Irrigated Semi-arid Area. Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 11(1), ISSN 1916-9752.
Benabdelouahab, T., Lionboui, H., Hadria, R., Balaghi, R., Boudhar, A. and Tychon, B. (2019). Support Irrigation Water Management of Cereals Using Optical Remote Sensing and Modeling in a Semi-Arid Region. In M. El-Ayachi, & L. El Mansouri (Eds.), Geospatial Technologies for Effective Land Governance (pp. 124-145). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-5939-9.ch008.
Elame, F., Lionboui, H., Wifaya, A., Mokrini, F., Mimouni, A. and Azim, K. (2019). Analyse économique de la compétitivité de la filière tomate dans le Souss-Massa (Maroc). Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires. Vol 7 (4).
Lionboui, H., Benabdelouahab, T., Elame, F., Hasib, A., and Boulli, A. (2018). Estimating the economic impacts of climate change on agricultural water management indicators. Pertanika Journal of science and technology, JST Vol. 26 (2), ISSN: 0128-7680.
Khellouk, R., Barakat, A., Boudhar, A., Hadria, R., Lionboui, H., El Jazouli, A., Rais, J., El Baghdadi, M., and Benabdelouahab, T. (2018). Spatiotemporal monitoring of surface soil moisture using optical remote sensing data: a case study in a semi-arid area. Journal of Spatial Science, 1-19.
Lionboui, H., Benabdelouahab, T., Elame, F., Hasib, A., and Boulli, A. (2018). Dynamic Agro-Economic Modeling for Sustainable Water Resources Management in Arid and Semi-arid Areas. In: Hussain C. (eds) Handbook of Environmental Materials Management. Springer, Cham.
Lionboui, H., Benabdelouahab, T., Elame, F., Hasib, A., and Boulli, A. (2016). Multi-year agro-economic modelling for predicting changes in irrigation water management indicators in the Tadla sub-basin. International Journal of Agricultural Management. Volume 5(4):96-105, December 2016.
Lionboui, H., Benabdelouahab, T., Hasib, A., and Boulli, A. (2016). Analysis of Farms Performance Using Different Sources of Irrigation Water: A Case Study in a Semi-Arid Area. International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development. Volume 6(2): 145-154, June 2016.
Elame, F., Lionboui, H., and Redouane, C.-A. (2016). Water Use Efficiency and Valuation in Agriculture in the Souss-Massa. pp. 1-9. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Benabdelouahab, T., Balaghi, R., Hadria, R., Lionboui, H., Djaby, B.and Tychon, B. (2016). Testing AquaCrop to simulate Durum wheat yield and schedule irrigation in semi-arid irrigated perimeter in Morocco. Irrigation and Drainage.
Benabdelouahab, T., Balaghi, R., Hadria, R., Lionboui, H.,and Tychon, B. (2016). Assessment of vegetation water content in wheat using near and shortwave infrared SPOT-5 Data in an irrigated area. Revue Des Sciences De l'Eau.
Benabdelouahab, T., Balaghi, R., Hadria, R., Lionboui, H., Minet, J. and Tychon, B. (2015). Monitoring surface water content using visible and short-wave infrared SPOT-5 data of wheat plots in irrigated semi-arid regions. International Journal of Remote Sensing. Volume 36(15):4018-4036, August 2015.
Lionboui, H., Fadlaoui, A., Elame, F., and Benabdelouahab, T. (2014). Water pricing impact on the economic valuation of water resources. International Journal of Education and Research Volume 2(6):147-166, July 2014.
Elame, F.and Lionboui, H. (2014). Efficience technique, allocative et économique des exploitations agricoles de la zone de Souss-Massa. Revue de la recherche agronomique marocaine Al Awamia Vol 2014.
Lionboui H., Doukkali M.R, Fadlaoui A., Bahri A.and Benabdelouahab T. (2012). Efficience technico-économique et valorisation de l’eau des exploitations agricoles dans le périmètre irrigué de Tadla ». IHP-VII Series on Groundwater No. 4, International Hydrological Program- Division of Water Sciences, UNESCO. Pages 452-459.
Benabdelouahab, T., Douaik, A., Mrabet, R. and Lionboui, H. (2012). Cartographie de la Conductivité hydraulique à saturation du sol par les méthodes géostatistiques. ». IHP-VII Series on Groundwater No. 4, International Hydrological Program- Division of Water Sciences, UNESCO.2012. Pages 233-240.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchResearcher in Environmental Economics and Natural Resource Modeling