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Member Profile

Membership type: full

Bukuru Lyse Christa

Country of origin: Burundi Currently in: Burundi, Bujumbura General field of specialization: Other
Academic Background


2020 Doctorate Other
Research and Profession

Current Research Activities

Biological Systems and Organisms

I work as a researcher at Burundi Institute of Agricultural Sciences(ISABU), I am doing a research on two projects: "Valorization and conservation of indigenous medicinal and nutritional plants in Burundi" and "Study of the phytochemical and pharmacological characteristics of indigenous medicinal plants in Burundi".

Publications resulting from Research: 

an article in the process of being finalized and will be submitted in Journal of ethopharmacology & South African Journal of Botany

Current profession

Current professional activities type: 
Analyst and researcher in soil and food products analysis laboratory

Workshop and Conference Attended

2022 Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Afflatoxin analysis and production of Aflasafe product
2022 Kenya, Nairobi Training of Trainers on integrating Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP) Common Framework into ASARECA NARIs and farmer groups
2023 Faisalabad, Pakistan Fellowship in the field of Agricultural water and soil management

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