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Ossénatou Mamadou

Country of origin: Benin Currently in: Benin, Porto-Novo General field of specialization: Physics
Early Career Fellowship
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success story
Academic Background


2014 Doctorate Physics
2009 Master Physics
2007 Undergraduate Physics
Research and Profession

Current Research Activities


I'm currently working on the underlying physical processes (radiation, energy, water, and greenhouse gas fluxes) in the Atmospheric Boundary-Layer and their relationship with the climate, to propose better parameterization tools for them.

Publications resulting from Research: 

Nicolini, Giacomo, Marc Aubinet, Christian Feigenwinter, Bernard Heinesch, Anders Lindroth, Ossénatou Mamadou, Uta Moderow, et al. ‘Impact of CO2 Storage Flux Sampling Uncertainty on Net Ecosystem Exchange Measured by Eddy Covariance’. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 248 (January 2018): 228–39.

Gourlez de la Motte, Louis, Ossénatou Mamadou, Yves Beckers, Bernard Bodson, Bernard Heinesch, and Marc Aubinet. ‘Rotational and Continuous Grazing Does Not Affect the Total Net Ecosystem Exchange of a Pasture Grazed by Cattle but Modifies CO2 Exchange Dynamics’. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 253 (February 2018): 157–65.

Sylvie Galle; Manuela Grippa; Christophe Peugeot; Ibrahim Bouzou Moussa; Bernard Cappelaere; Jerome Demarty; Eric Mougin; Geremy Panthou; Philippe Adjomayi; Euloge Agbossou; Abdramane Ba; Marie Boucher; Jean-Martial Cohard; Marc Descloitres; Luc Descroix; Mamadou Diawara; Martial Dossou; Guillaume Favreau; Fabrice Gangneron; Marielle Gosset; Basile Hector; Pierre Hiernaux; Bil-Assanou Issoufou; Laurent Kergoat; Emmanuel Lawin; Thierry Lebel; Anatoly Legchenko; Moussa Malam Abdou; Oumarou Malam Issa; Ossénatou Mamadou et al : AMMA-CATCH, a critical zone observatory in West – Africa, monitoring a region in transition : Vadoze Zone Journal, July 2018, doi: 10.2136/vzj2018.03.0062

Mamadou O., Gourlez de la Motte L., De Ligne A., Heinesch B. and Aubinet M.: Sensitivity of the Annual Net Ecosystem Exchange to the Cospectral Model Used for High Frequency Loss Corrections at a Grazed Grassland Site. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 228–229: 360–69. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2016.06.008.

Mamadou O., Galle S., Cohard J-M., Peugeot C., Kounouhéwa B., Biron R., Hector B. and Zannou A.B.Y.: Dynamics of water vapor and energy exchanges above two contrasting ecosystems in sudanian climate, Northern Benin (West Africa). Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2016. doi:10.1002/2016JD024749.

Gourlez de la Motte L., Jérôme E., Mamadou O., Beckers Y., Bodson B., Heinesch B. and Aubinet M.: Carbon balance of an intensively grazed permanent grassland in southern Belgium. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 228–229: 370–83. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2016.06.009.

Galle, S., C. Peugeot, M. Grippa, V. Chaffard, S. Afouda, E.K. Agbossou, E.E. Ago, M. Arjournin, B. Awessou, M. Boucher, M. Boukari, J-M Cohard, M. Dossou, M. Descloitres, M. Gosset, B. Hector, E. Lawin, O. Mamadou, et al. ‘AMMA-CATCH: un observatoire hydrologique, météorologique et écologique de long terme en Afrique de l’Ouest: résultats importants et données disponibles’, 2016.

Mamadou O., Cohard J-M., Galle S., Awanou C.N., Diedhiou A., Kounouhéwa B. and Peugeot C. Energy fluxes and surface characteristics over a cultivated area in Benin: daily and seasonal dynamics. Hydrology and Earth Systems Science, 18, 893 – 914, 2014.

Kounouhéwa, B., O. Mamadou, G. Koto n’Gobi and C.N. Awanou Dynamics and Diurnal Variations of Surface Radiation Budget over Agricultural Crops Located in Sudanian Climate ». Atmospheric and Climate Sciences 03, no 01 (2013): 121 31.

Mamadou O., Galle S., Cohard J-M., Seghieri J., Peugeot C., Kounouhéwa B. and C. N. Awanou. Saisonnalité des flux d’énergie en surface d’une zone cultivée en climat soudanien (Bénin, Afrique de l’Ouest). Actes du Colloque de l’Association Internationale de Climatologie, pp 2013.

Current profession

Current professional activities type: 

Workshop and Conference Attended

2020 Kigali, Rwanda Research Training School on Climate Change Science


African Academy of Science

Presentation given

Land surface processes in West Africa
Kigali, Rwanda
Prizes, Grants and Awards

Other Awards

Jan 2020
AIMS NEXT EINSTEIN Women in Climate Change Fellows
The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences Next Einstein Initiative (AIMS-NEI) Fellowship Program for Women in Climate Change Science (WiCCS) seeks to increase women’s participation in, and contribution to, to a more sustainable societal response to climate change. It is part of a broader effort by AIMS-NEI to build the intellectual capital needed to better our understanding of the causes of climate change in Africa, and to solve the myriad challenges to Africa’s development resulting from climate change.
Jun 2007
UNESCO Prize for the promotion of young students to embrace studies in basic sciences.
Fellowship with OWSD

Fellowship with OWSD

Fellowship with OWSD

Fellowship awarded 2019

Early Career Fellowship awarded 2025

OWSD 6th General Assembly certificate: download

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