Member Profile

Membership type: friends
Dah Nouvlessounon Marius Durand
Country of origin: Benin Currently in: Benin, Cotonou General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
2016 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
medicinal plant valorization
Publications resulting from Research:
Michaelle Chokki, Mihaela Cudălbeanu, Cheikna Zongo, Durand Dah-Nouvlessounon, Ioana Otilia Ghinea, Bianca Furdui, Robert Raclea, Aly Savadogo, Lamine Baba-Moussa, Sorin Marius Avamescu, Rodica Mihaela Dinica and Farid Baba-Moussa (2020) : Exploring Antioxidant and Enzymes (Α-Amylase and Β-Glucosidase) Inhibitory Activity of Morinda lucida and Momordica charantia Leaves from Benin. Foods, 9(4):1-21
Durand Dah-Nouvlessounon, Hubert Adoukonou-Sagbadja, Diarrassouba Nafan, Adolphe Adjanohoun, Pacôme A. Noumavo, Haziz Sina, Bello O. Daouda and Lamine Baba-Moussa (2015). Morpho-agronomic variability of three kola trees accessions [Cola nitida (Vent.) Schott et Endl., Cola acuminata (P. Beauv.) Schott et Endl., and Garcinia kola Heckel] from Southern Benin. Genetic resources and crop evolution. DOI 10.1007/s10722-015-0362-z.
Durand Dah-Nouvlessounon, Hubert Adoukonou-Sagbadja, Nafan Diarrassouba, Haziz Sina, Adolphe Adjanohoun, Mariam Inoussa, Donald Akakpo, Joachim D. Gbenou, Siméon O. Kothoni, Mamoudou H. Dicko, Lamine Baba-Moussa (2015) : Phytochemical analysis and biological activities of Cola nitida bark. Biochemistry Research International. 2015:1-12
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Teachingresearche and teaching
Workshop and Conference Attended
2019 Galati, Roumania 9th Euro-aliment Symposium-innovative Minds for Future FoodPresentation given
2019Phytochemical and biological activities of Momordica charantia extracts used in Benin traditional medicineGalati, RoumaniaEvent: 7th Scientific Conference of Doctoral Schools SCDS-UDJG