Member Profile

Membership type: full
Beatriz Martínez Daranas
Country of origin: Cuba Currently in: Cuba, La Habana General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
1981 Undergraduate Biological Systems and Organisms1996 Master Biological Systems and Organisms2008 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
My research is related to the ecology and conservation of coastal-marine ecosystems, i.e. seagrasses and coral reefs. The role of macrophytes as bioindicators of the state of the ecosystems, and the effects of stressful factors on them, including climate change.
Publications resulting from Research:
Suárez, A. M., Martínez-Daranas, B., Alfonso Sánchez, Y., Moreira-González, A. R., & Jover Capote, A. (2023). Lista actualizada de las macroalgas marinas cubanas. Acta Botanica Mexicana 130(e2196).
Torres-Conde, E. G., van Tussenbroek, B. I., Rodríguez-Martínez, R. E., & Martínez-Daranas, B. (2023). Temporal changes in the composition of beached holopelagic Sargassum spp. along the northwestern coast of Cuba. Phycology, 3, 405–412.
Martínez-Daranas, B., Betanzos-Vega, A., Lopeztegui-Castillo, A., Capetillo-Piñar, N., Castellanos-Iglesias, S., 2021. Influence of several stressful factors on the condition of seagrasses at Sabana–Camagüey Archipelago, Cuba. Regional Studies in Marine Science 47(101939).
Torres-Conde, E.G., Martínez-Daranas, B., Prieto, L., 2021. The Havana littoral, an area of distribution for Physalia physalis in the Atlantic Ocean. Regional Studies in Marine Science 44(101752).
Castellanos-Iglesias, S., Siret-Martínez, S. L., Di Domenico, M., Martínez-Daranas, B., & Haddad, M. A. (2021). Epiphytic hydroid community as sentinels of seagrass condition and human impacts. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 173, 112939. doi:
Sauvage, T., Wynne, M. J., Draisma, S. G. A., Ortegón-Aznar, I., Mateo-Cid, L. E., Mendoza-González, A. C., Martínez-Daranas, B., Fredericq, S. (2021). Caulerpa wysorii sp. nov., a denuded Caulerpa (Chlorophyta) resembling C. sertularioides when ‘dressed’. Phycologia.
Suárez, A. M., Martínez-Daranas, B. (2020). Similitud de la ficoflora marina en zonas del Atlántico Occidental Tropical y Subtropical. Caldasia, 42(1), 85-95.
Suárez, A. M., Martínez-Daranas, B., Alfonso, Y. (2015). Macroalgas marinas de Cuba. La Habana: Editorial UH. ISBN: 987-959-7211-44-0 (Book)
Reed, J. K., González-Díaz, P., Voss, J. D., Busutil, L., Diaz, C., Pomponi, S. A., Farrington, S., Cobián-Rojas, D., David, A., Martínez-Daranas, B., Hanisak, M. D., González Mendez, J., Sturm, A. B., González Sánchez, P. M., García Hernández, M. R., Viamontes Fernández, J., Jiang, M., Laverick, J. H., & Zlatarski, V. N. (2023). Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems of Cuba. En: V. N. Zlatarski, J. K. Reed, S. A. Pomponi, S. Brooke, & S. Farrington (Eds.), Coral Reefs of Cuba (pp. 111-125). Springer Nature Switzerland AG. (Book chapter)
Suárez, A. M., & Martínez-Daranas, B. (2023). Macrophytes Associated with Cuban Coral Reefs. En: V. N. Zlatarski, J. K. Reed, S. A. Pomponi, S. Brooke, & S. Farrington (Eds.), Coral Reefs of Cuba (pp. 111-125). Springer Nature Switzerland AG. (Book chapter)
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchHigher Education StudyProfessor of Mainre Biology, Marine Botany and Scientific Methodology Researcher
Workshop and Conference Attended
2024 Naples, Italy 2024 World Seagrass Conference & 15th lnternational Seagrass Biology WorkshopAffiliations
Cuban Society of BotanyExperts Group of the Program of Science and Technology "Sustainable uses of the Cuban biodiversity"Academy of Sciences of CubaPresentation given
2024Developing the potential of Thalassia testudinum in the health sector in Cuba, following the Nagoya protocol and the biodiversity conservationNaples, ItalyEvent: 2024 World Seagrass Conference -
Other Awards
Feb 2017Julian Acuña AwardAward of the Cuban Society of Botany for the contribution to the Botany in Cuba and the formation of new specialistsApr 2016National Award of the Academy of Sciences of Cuba in Natural and Exact General Sciences (2015)Award for the book Macroalgas marinas de Cuba. La Habana: Editorial UH. Suárez, Martínez-Daranas & Alfonso (La Habana: Editorial UH, 2015)Dec 2026Prize of the Scientific Critique 2015 of the Cuban Institute of the Book, CubaAward for the book Macroalgas marinas de Cuba. La Habana: Editorial UH. Suárez, Martínez-Daranas & Alfonso (La Habana: Editorial UH, 2015)Jun 2022Award of the Havana University Principal (2021)Award to professors and researchers due to relevant results in science and technologyJun 2022Special Distinction of the Ministry of Higher Education (2021)Distinction of the Ministry of Higher Education due to merits in scientific, technological and innovative research to professors and researchers