Member Profile

Membership type: affiliate
Irasema Mendieta
Country of origin: Mexico Currently in: Mexico, Santiago de Querétaro General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
2019 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms2014 Master Biological Systems and Organisms2012 Undergraduate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
Cancer Biologist focused on the neuroimmunoendocrine interactions of the tumor microenvironment.
Publications resulting from Research:
Mendieta I., Núñez-Anita RE., Nava-Villalba, M., Zambrano-Estrada, X., Delgado-González, E., Anguiano B., Aceves C. Molecular iodine exerts antineoplastic effects by diminishing proliferation and invasive potential and activating the immune response in mammary cancer xenografts. BMC Cancer. Marzo 2019. doi: 10.1186/s12885-019-5437-3
Mendieta, I., Nuñez-Anita, RE., Pérez-Sánchez, G., Pavón,L., García-Alcocer G. and Berumen LC. Effect of A549 neuroendocrine differentiation on the antitumor immune response. Endocrine connections. Abril 2018. doi: 10.1530/EC-18-014
Hernandez-Ortiz, M., Acosta-Torres, LS., Hernandez-Padron, G., Mendieta, I. Bernal, R., Cruz-Vazquez, C., Castaño-Meneses VM. Biocompatibility of synthetic crystalline opal nanoparticles. October, 2012. Journal of Biomedical Bioeengenieering Online. Vol 11:78. doi:10.1186/1475-925X-11-78
Acosta-Torres, LS. Mendieta, I. Nuñez-Anita, RE. Cajero-Juárez, M. Castaño, VM. Cytocompatible antifungal acrylic resin with silver nanoparticles for dentures. March, 2012. International Journal of Nanomedicine. Vol 7: 4777-4786. doi: 10.2147/IJN.S32391.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:TeachingAnatomy and Phisiology of Nervous System Professor of Bachelor Degree at Instituto de Estudios Superiores ISIMA, Queretaro, Qro. (SEP-MAR 2020) Phisiology Professor of Bachelor Degree at Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Queretaro, Qro. (SEP-MAR 2020) Chemistry Professor of Bachelor Degree at Engineering Faculty, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Queretaro, Qro. (FEBRUARY-MAY 2018).
European Association of Cancer Research