Member Profile

Membership type: full
Thandazile Ntombie Mhlongo
Country of origin: South Africa Currently in: South Africa, Johannesburg General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
2012 Master Engineering sciences2022 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Supervision of Master and co-Supervision of PhD students
Publications resulting from Research:
• Mhlongo, N.T., Tekere, M. and Sibanda, T. (2019). Prevalence and public health implications of mycotoxigenic fungi in treated drinking water systems. Journal of Water and Health. 17(4) 515-531.
• Mhlongo, N.T., Ogola, H. J. O., Selvarajan, R., Sibanda, T., Kamika, I. and Tekere, M. (2020). Occurrence and diversity of waterborne fungi and associated mycotoxins in treated drinking water distribution system in South Africa: implications on water quality and public health. Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 192(519) 1-16.
• Tekere, M., Mhlongo, T.N., Sibanda, T., Kamika, I. and Selvarajan, R. (2020). An assessment of fungal occurrence in treated drinking water and implications to public health. Water Research Commission, (WRC Report No. 2568/1/20), 1–70