Member Profile
Membership type: full
Manal Mohamed Aly Mostafa
Country of origin: Egypt Currently in: Egypt, 6 October General field of specialization: Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences-
2013 Doctorate Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences2005 Master Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences -
Current Research Activities
Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences
Obesity and its Complication, Nutritional Assessment by Anthropometric Measurements.
Publications resulting from Research:
1- Ovarian and Uterine Ultrasonographic Study in a Sample of Normal
Egyptian Pubertal Girls: A Cross-Sectional Study.
Nayera E Hassan, Salah Mostafa, Hamed Elkhayat, Kalled Hassan Sewidan,
Sahar A El-masry, Manal Mouhamed Ali. Research Journal of Medicine
and Medical Sciences, 7(1): 56-61, 2012 ISSN 1816272X.
2- Gómez-López-hernández syndrome versus rhombencephalosynapsis
spectrum: A rare co-occurrence with bipartite parietal bone. Ghada M.H.
Abdel Salam, Sawsan Abdel Hadi, Manal M. ,Thomas, Ola M. Eid, Manal
M. Ali, Hanan H. Afifi. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A:
Volume 164A, Number 2, February 2014. Impact factor:2.259. ISI Journal
Citation Reports @ Ranking: 2016:96/167 (Genetics & Heredity). Online
ISSN:1552-4833. Pages: C1. First Published: 21 January 201.
3- Nayera E Hassan, Sahar A. El-Masry, Salwa, M. Elshebini, Salwa ElBatrawy, Rokia El-Banna, Nihad H. Ahmed, Dalia Adel, Dina Fekry, Nagwa
M. Hassan, Emad N. Zikri, Mohamed S. El Hussieny, Aya Khalil and Manal
Mouhamed Ali. Dietary Measures Combined with Physical Activity Versus
Acupuncture in Management of Obese Males. World Journal of Medical
Sciences 10 (4): 462-471, 2014. DOI:10.5829-idosi.wjms.2014.10.4.83233.
3- Nayera E Hassan, Sahar A. El-Masry, Salwa, M. Elshebini, Salwa ElBatrawy, Rokia El-Banna, Nihad H. Ahmed, Dalia Adel, Dina Fekry, Nagwa
M. Hassan, Emad N. Zikri, Mohamed S. El Hussieny, Aya Khalil and Manal
Mouhamed Ali. Dietary Measures Combined with Physical Activity Versus
Acupuncture in Management of Obese Males. World Journal of Medical
Sciences 10 (4): 462-471, 2014. DOI:10.5829-idosi.wjms.2014.10.4.83233.
3- Nayera E Hassan, Sahar A. El-Masry, Salwa, M. Elshebini, Salwa ElBatrawy, Rokia El-Banna, Nihad H. Ahmed, Dalia Adel, Dina Fekry, Nagwa
M. Hassan, Emad N. Zikri, Mohamed S. El Hussieny, Aya Khalil and Manal
Mouhamed Ali. Dietary Measures Combined with Physical Activity Versus
Acupuncture in Management of Obese Males. World Journal of Medical
Sciences 10 (4): 462-471, 2014. DOI:10.5829-idosi.wjms.2014.10.4.83233.
3- Nayera E Hassan, Sahar A. El-Masry, Salwa, M. Elshebini, Salwa ElBatrawy, Rokia El-Banna, Nihad H. Ahmed, Dalia Adel, Dina Fekry, Nagwa
M. Hassan, Emad N. Zikri, Mohamed S. El Hussieny, Aya Khalil and Manal
Mouhamed Ali. Dietary Measures Combined with Physical Activity Versus
Acupuncture in Management of Obese Males. World Journal of Medical
Sciences 10 (4): 462-471, 2014. DOI:10.5829-idosi.wjms.2014.10.4.83233.
7- Nayera E. Hassan, Sahar A El-Masry, EnasTawfic, EmanAlmorsy, Aya
Khalil, Manal Mouhamed Ali, Iman Elbagoury, and AmanyEnouby.
Interaction between Central Obesity, Lipid Profile and Adiponectin in
Children. RJPBCS. 2015 6(6): 1285-1293. IF=.035. SJR: 0.157. Research
Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. ISSN: 0975-
8585. Accepted date: October 2015. Printed date: 18 November 2015.
8- Maternal Body Mass Index and its Relation to Length of Labour, Mode of
Delivery and Feto-Maternal Complications in Primigravida. Ahmed T. Abd
El-Fattah, Manal Mohummed Ali, Hani M. Abd El-Aal, Abd El-Metaal, and
Mohamed E. Hammour. Med. J. Cairo Univ., Vol. 85, No. 2, March: 553-
558, 2017
9- Nayera E. Hassan, Sahar A. El-Masry, Salwa R. El Batrawy, Aya Khalil,
Manal M. Ali, Muhammad Al-Tohamy, Maha Abo Hashish. Relationship
between breast feeding duration and risk of overweight/obesity among
Egyptian children. Egyptian Pediatric Association Gazette 66 (2018) 9-14.
Elsevier. Elsevier
10- Impact of Body Mass Index (BMI) On ovarian Response. Emad
ElTemamy. Manal M. Ali, Sondos Salem and Aya Khalil. Redproductive
Health and Popluation Science and Journal of the international Islamic
Center for Population Studies and Research, Al Azhar University. Has
been accepted for puplication in the issue (43) January, 2018.
11- Emad ElTemamy, Manal M. Ali, Sondos Salem. Role of Maternal Body
Mass Index on NeonatalFat Mass and Birth weight. Reproductive Health
and Popluation Science Journal of the international Islamic Center for
Population Studies and Research, Al Azhar University. Has been accepted
for publication, 2018.
12- Sahar A. El Masry, Hosneya A. Mohamed, Ashraf M. Enaite, Manal M
Ali, Ibrahim A. Ibrahim. Carotid Intimae-Medial Thickness Assessment in
Obese Patients with Chronic Renal Failure. Journal of the Arab Society for
Medical Research, Accepted for publication, 2018.
13- Association between dietary sodium, calcium, saturated fat and blood
pressure in obese Egyptian adolescents Nayera E. Hassana1 , Salwa M. El
Shebinib2 , Sahar A. El-Masrya1*, Nihad H. Ahmedb2 , Manal M Ali, Gamila
S. M. El-Saeedc3 and Dalia El-Lebedyd4
14- Research Article Association Between Visceral Adipose Tissue and
Estradiol with Bone Health among Obese Women with Metabolic Syndrome
1 Nayera E. Hassan, 1 Sahar A. El-Masry, 2 Gamila S.M. El-Saeed, 1
Muhammad Al-Tohamy, 3 Eman H. Thabet, 1 Manal M. Aly, 1 Mai Mohsen
and 1 Aya Khalil
15- Association of some dietary ingredients, vitamin D, estrogen, and
obesity polymorphic receptor genes with bone mineral density in a sample
of obese Egyptian women
Nayera E. Hassan1 , Salwa M. El Shebini2 , Sahar A. El-Masry1* , Nihad H.
Ahmed2 , Ghada Nour Eldeen3 , Enas A. Rasheed4 , Manal M. Aly ,
Khhadija M. Alian1 , Mahmoud A S. Afify1 and Aya Khalil
16- Association of osteoporosis with different risk factors in a sample of
Egyptian women Nayera E. Hassana , Saneya A. Wahbab , Mones M.
Abushadyb , Samia A.W. Boseilab , Sahar A. El-Raufe El-Masrya , Enas R.
Abdelhamidb , Salwa R. El-Batrawya , Manal M. Ali , Aya Khalila , Inas R. ElAlameeyb,c, Tarek S. Ibrahim
17- Maternal BMI, 25-Hydroxyvitamin D serum level and Cervical Length
Measurements: Markers for Preterm Delivery Emad Eltemamy 1 MD,
Manal M Ali , PhD, Mazen Abdel-Rasheed 3 PhD. and Sondos M Salem 3,*
18- Narrative role of vitamin D receptor with osteoporosis and obesity in a
sample of Egyptian females: a pilot study Nayera E. Hassan1 , Sahar A. ElMasry1* , Waheba Ahmed Zarouk2 , Ghada Nour Eldeen2 , Rehab M.
Mosaad2 , Mahmoud A. S. Afify1 , Manal M. Aly and Aya Khalil1
19- Nayera E. Hassan, Sahar A. El-Masry, Walaa Saad Mahmoud,
Muhammad Al-Tohamy , Aya Khalil, Mahmoud A.S. Afify , Manal Mouhamed
Aly, Enas Abdel Rasheed, Gamila SM El-Saeed, Khadija M Alian. Prevalence
of osteoporosis and Its Associated Work-Related Factors and obesity
among a sample of indoor worker and Employee Egyptian women. Journal
of the Arab Society for Medical Research JASMR, 2021, 16 (2): ------
accepted 30 September 2021 (Medknow).
20- Vaginal Microbiota and Bacterial Vaginosis in Relation to BMI Among a
Sample of Egyptian Women: Nayera E Hassan, MD; Manal M Ali, PhD; Adel
Hashish, PhD; Sondos M Salem, PhD. Date 24 JULY 2021 ( Based Women’s
Health Society Journal)
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchPediatrician: Special Pediatric Clinic Since 2006 till now, 6 October City, Giza.
Workshop and Conference Attended
25th January 2020 Intercontinental City Stars Hotel Cairo Egypt Mechanical Ventilation Workshop.Affiliations
National Research Centre.Presentation given
How to protect yourself from cancer BreastHow to protect yourself from cancer BreastNational Research Centre, Cairo. Egypt.Event: How to protect yourself from cancer Breast