Member Profile
Membership type: full
Razan Mohammed
Country of origin: Sudan Currently in: Sudan, Wad Medani General field of specialization: Computing and Information Technology-
2016 Master Computing and Information Technology2007 Undergraduate Computing and Information Technology -
Current Research Activities
Computing and Information Technology
Reducing redundancy in wireless sensor network node
Publications resulting from Research:
1- Razan S.M.Saadaldeen, Abdalla A. Osman, Yousif E.E.Ahmed. “ Clustering for Energy Efficient and Redundancy Optimization in WSN using Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Methodologies a Review.“ In Computer, Control, Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICCCCEE), 2018 International Conference on IEEE.
2- Fares M. A. Taha, Abdalla A. Osman, Sally Dfaallah Awadalkareem, Mysoon S.A. Omer, Razan S.M. Saadaldeen, “Design of a Remote Greenhouse Monitoring and Controlling System Based on Internet of Things” , In Computer, Control, Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICCCCEE), 2018 International Conference on IEEE.
3- Tsabih A. O. Hassan , Abdalla A. osman , Sally Awadalkareem, Razan S.M.Saadaldeen,” A design of Packages Tracking System Based on Radio Frequency Identification”, In Computer, Control, Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICCCCEE), 2018 International Conference on IEEE.
4- Razan SaadAldeen, and Abdalla A. Osman. "Design of a positioning and tracking system for paratroops team." Communication, Control, Computing and Electronics Engineering (ICCCCEE), 2017 International Conference on. IEEE, 2017.
5- Yousif Ahmed, Zeinab Abd Alrahman, Razan Saad Aldeen, Elham Altyeib, and Khansaa Taha. "Designing of an embedded software system for patient's tele-monitoring using sms." In 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computational Systems (ICICS. 2013).
*** Conferences Participation
1- International Conference on control, Computing, electrical & Electronic Engineering (ICCCEEE). – 2018. (AUTHOR)
2- International Conference on Communication, control, Computing and Electronic Engineering (ICCCCEE). – 2017. (AUTHOR)
3- speaker in women in technology event, with topic “my journey to learn Android”, 2/11/2019
4- instructor in workshop in the IEEE student branch, Sudan subsection with lecture “Introduction to Android”, 9/11/2019
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingam a teacher at Ahlia university also am researcher
Workshop and Conference Attended
2017 Khartoum, Sudan 2017 International Conference on Communication, Control, Computing and Electronics Engineering (ICCCCEE), Khartoum, Sudan2013 Hong Kong (China) 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computational Systems (ICICS'2013) January 26-27, 2013 Hong Kong (China)Presentation given
2013Designing of an Embedded Software System for Patient’s tele-Monitoring using SMSHong Kong (China)Event: conference2017Design of a Positioning and Tracking System for Paratroops TeamsudanEvent: 2017 International Conference on Communication, Control, Computing and Electronics Engineering (ICCCCEE), Khartoum, Sudan