Member Profile

Membership type: full
Gema Margarita Morales Cuadra
Country of origin: Nicaragua Currently in: Nicaragua, Managua General field of specialization: Engineering sciences-
2001 Undergraduate Engineering sciences2014 Master Engineering sciences -
Current Research Activities
Engineering sciences
Graffiti in the sustainable development of the urban image
Publications resulting from Research:
"Sustainable intervention of the urban image of Puebla through graffiti and
muralism in the last ten years" Architecture +
e-ISSN: 2518-2943
Volume 5 | Number 9 | June 2020 | pp. 12 - 18 | Articles
National University of Engineering
architecture facuilty
"Graffiti in the urban image of the area of the city of Masaya"
Humanism and Social Change Magazine. Number 12. Year 5. July-December 2018. ISSN.2309-6713
Current profession
Current professional activities type:TeachingUniversity teacher. Architecture Consulting. Amateur photography. Producer of graffiti and bodypainting projects.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2017 Managua, Nicaragua VII International Meeting of Oral History: Memory, voices and images of Latin America and the Caribbean. Training workshop "Development of a model for the integration of Oral History files".Affiliations
Nicaraguan Association of Engineers and Architects (ANIA)Presentation given
2017"Graffiti in Nicaragua" Image and urban interventionSantiago de Cuba, CubaEvent: X International Meeting Image and Memory City.2018Analysis of the urban image and the social impact of Graffiti in the city of MasayaManagua, NicaraguaEvent: Congress of Science, Technology and Innovation.2019Legislation and regulation of graffiti in the urban image.Managua, NicaraguaEvent: 4th Forum of research, development and innovation projects -
Other Awards
Nov 2020National Award for Innovation in its 12th edition. Nicaraguan Council of Science and Technology (CONYCIT).First place winner project within the Education sector. Managua Nicaragua.Dec 2020Competitive funds to the stimulation of Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. FOCEITCompetitive Fund Winner to the stimulation of Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Project "Water Graffiti in Puerto Salvador Allende".