Member Profile

Membership type: full
Rabetokotany Rarivoson Nantenaina Volamahefa
Country of origin: Madagascar Currently in: Madagascar, Antananarivo General field of specialization: Engineering sciences-
2013 Doctorate Engineering sciences2023 Doctorate Engineering sciences -
Current Research Activities
Engineering sciences
I am working on organic waste characterization by using near infrared spectroscopy or modelling with their chemical characteristics. I am doing some researches about transforming waste-to-energy. I am working on soil organic carbon stocks in order to mitigate climate change.
Publications resulting from Research:
International Peer Reviewed Publications
1-A. Andriamananjara, J. Hewson, H. Razakamanarivo, R. H. Andrisoa, N. Ranaivoson, N. Ramboatiana, M. Razafindrakoto, N. Ramifehiarivo, M-P. Razafimanantsoa, L. Rabeharisoa, T. Ramananantoandro, A. Rasolohery, N. Rabetokotany, T. Razafimbelo (2016) "Land cover impacts on above ground and soil carbon stocks in Malagasy rainforest" in Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment ISSN 0167-8809, Volume 233, 2016, pp.1-15
2- A. Andriamananjara, N. Ranaivoson, T. Razafimbelo, J. Hewson, N. Ramifehiarivo, A. Rasolohery, R.H. Andrisoa, M. A. Razafindrakoto, M-P. Razafimanantsoa, N. Rabetokotany, R. H. Razakamanarivo (2017) « Towards a better understanding of soil organic carbon variation in Madagascar » in European Journal of Science, ISSN 1365-2389, doi: 10.1111/ejss.12473
National Peer Reviewed Publication
1- J. Rajomalahy, L. Andrianaivo, M. V. Andriamifidisoa, H. Ramamonjisoa, & N. V. Rarivoson (2017) "Modélisation de flux de chaleur pour l’utilisation géothermique" in Mada-Hary, ISSN 2410-0315, Volume 6, 2017, pp.1-11.
Book Chapter
1-S. Joncoux, L. Thuriès, S. Tounkara, N. Rabetokotany (2016) « Réglementation et politiques publiques-Le point de vue du législateur et du politique » in Le recyclage des résidus organiques-Regards sur une pratique agro-écologique, Editions QUAE, Versailles, France, ISSN 2115-1229, Novembre 2016, pp.31-48.
International Conference Proceedings-Oral Communications
1-L. Thuriès, A. Prada-Navarro, N. Rabetokotany-Rarivoson (2010) “Urban and livestock waste in tropics: characterization and modeling of their transformation in soil to better choose their potential utilization”, FAO International Symposium, Dakar, Sénégal, 6-9 December 2010
2-N.Rabetokotany-Rarivoson, L. Thuriès, D.Masse, M. Pansu, F. Rakotoarivelo, M. Rabibisoa, T. Razafimbelo (2011) « Matières Organiques Exogènes en milieu tropical: quels potentiels agronomiques? », Corus Aires-Sud Agronomie et Ecosystème, Antananarivo, Madagascar, 21-25 March 2011.
3-N. Rabetokotany-Rarivoson, L. Thuriès (2012) “Caractériser les matières organiques exogènes pour choisir leurs voies de valorisation”, Biomasse et Energie, Tampon, La Réunion, 30 May – 1st June 2012
4-N.Rabetokotany-Rarivoson, L. Thuriès, D. Masse, M. Pansu, T. Razafimbelo (2012) “Malagasy urban and livestock waste: characterization and modeling of their transformation in soil”, Orbit 2012, Rennes, France, 12 – 15 June 2012
5-Rabetokotany-Rarivoson N., Razafimbelo T., Masse D., Thuriès L. (2013) “Agricultural and urban waste in tropical area: The help of Near Infrared Spectroscopy for better orientate their valorization between soil fertilization or energy production”, 15th RAMIRAN international conference, Versailles, France, 3-5 June 2013
6-Hutte M., Rabetokotany-Rarivoson N., Moussard G., Thuriès L., Bravin M. (2013) “Putative role of trace elements and soil chemical properties in the induction or mitigation of rhizotoxicity in tropical soils amended with organic wastes” 15th RAMIRAN international conference, Versailles, France, 3-5 June 2013.
7-Rabetokotany-Rarivoson N., Bastianelli D., Bonnal L., Thuriès L. (2013) “Estimation of energy potential of green waste from chemical composition or from direct near infrared spectroscopy measurement”, ICNIRS 2013, La Grande Motte, France, 3-7 June 2013
8-Ramboatiana N., Andriamananjara A., Andrisoa Riana Hary, Saneho T., Razafimbelo T., Razafimanantsoa M. P., Rasolohery A., Hewson J., Ramifehiarivo N., Rabetokotany-Rarivoson N., Ramananantoandro T., Razafimahatratra A.R., Rajoelison G., Rabeharisoa L., Miasa E., Razakamanarivo H. (2015) “Assessing aboveground and soil carbon storage under preserved forested area in Madagascar to address climate change: case of Ankeniheny-Zahamena Corridor (CAZ)”, XIVth World Forestry Congress, Durban, South Africa, 7-11 September 2015
9-Rabetokotany-Rarivoson N., Andriamananjara A., Razafimbelo T., Ramifehiarivo N., Ramboatiana N., Razafimanantsoa M. P., Razafimahatratra H., Rabeharisoa L., Bernoux M., Brossard M., Albrecht A., Winowiecki L., Vagen T., Grinand C., Vaudry R., Rakotoarijaona J-R., Rahagalala P., Rasolohery A., Parany L., Bürren C., Saneho T., Miasa E., Razakamanarivo H. (2015) “Changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks after forest conversion in humid ecoregion of Madagascar”, XIVth World Forestry Congress, Durban, South Africa, 7-11 September 2015
10-Nantenaina Volamahefa Rabetokotany-Rarivoson, Laurent Thuriès (2019) « Estimation of moisture, total nitrogen and total organic carbon in tropical livestock manures: Application of near infrared spectroscopy on wet and dry samples», 3rd International Conference on Energy, Environment and Climate Change, Mauritius, 2-4 juillet 2019
International Conference Proceedings-Posters
1-N. Rabetokotany-Rarivoson, L. Thuriès, D. Masse, M. Pansu, T. Razafimbelo (2012) “Urban and livestock waste from Reunion Island: characterization and modeling of their transformation in soil”, Eurosoil 2012, Bari, Italy, 2- 6 July 2012
2-N. Rabetokotany-Rarivoson, T. Razafimbelo, D. Masse, L. Thuriès (2013) “Rapid Analysis of Animal Manure using Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy: Application in Tropical Environment”, International Conference on Solid Waste 2013: Innovation in technology and management, Hong Kong, 5-8 May 2013
3-N. Rabetokotany-Rarivoson, L. Thuriès, D. Masse, M. Pansu, T. Razafimbelo (2013) “Exogenous organic matter from agricultural and urban origins in temperate and tropical areas: usefulness of TAO to model the transformations in soil”, 15th RAMIRAN international conference, Versailles, France, 3-5 June 2013.
4-N. Rabetokotany-Rarivoson, L. Thuriès, L. Chapuis-Lardy, M. Rabenarivo, L. Rajhonson, T. Razafimbelo (2013) “Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions of soils amended with exogenous organic matter (EOM) from agricultural and urban activities in tropical areas”, 15th RAMIRAN international conference, Versailles, France, 3-5 June 2013
Current profession
Current professional activities type:TeachingI am the Head of Petroleum Engineering Department at the Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique d'Antananarivo, Université d'Antananarivo. I am doing research about waste characterization for waste-to-energy production.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2019 Mauritius 3rd International Conference on Energy, Environment and Climate Change2019 Antananarivo, Madagascar Journées des IST2019 Antananarivo, Madagascar Qualité et Valorisation des Produits Agricoles2018 Antsiranana, Madagascar Forum National sur les Energies renouvelables et l'Environnement2018 Antananarivo, Madagascar Recherche collaborative et multidisciplinaire, Sciences Appliquées et Fondamentales, Académie Malagasy2016 Antananarivo, Madagascar 3ème Salon de la Recherche au service de l'Economie et de l'Emploi2016 Antsiranana, Antananarivo 3ème Congrès International Plasma-Energie2015 Durban, South Africa XIVth World Forestry Congress2013 La Grande Motte, France International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy2013 Versailles, France RAMIRAN International Conference2012 Rennes, France Orbit2012 Tampon, La Réunion Biomasse et Energie2011 Antananarivo, Madagascar Agronomie et Ecosystème2012 Bari, Italy Eurosoil 20122013 Hong Kong International Conference on Solid Waste 2013: Innovation in technology and managementPresentation given
2019«Etude comparative de la production de biodiesel à partir des huiles végétales de Madagascar »Antananarivo, MadagascarEvent: Colloque Qualité et Valorisation des Produits Agricoles2019« Quelles caractéristiques chimiques pour la prédiction du pouvoir calorifique supérieur (PCS) de résidus organiques en milieu tropical?»Antananarivo, MadagascarEvent: Journées des IST2019« Estimation of moisture, total nitrogen and total organic carbon in tropical livestock manures: Application of near infrared spectroscopy on wet and dry samples»MauritiusEvent: 3rd International Conference on Energy, Environment and Climate Change2018« Prédictions de carbone et d’azote dans les effluents d’élevage de Madagascar : Performances des spectroscopies proche infrarouge versus moyen infrarouge »Antananarivo, MadagascarEvent: Recherche collaborative et multidisciplinaire, Sciences Appliquées et Fondamentales, Académie Malagasy2015Tentative de classification des MOEx en milieu tropical par la méthode multicritère SIRIS en vue d'orienter leur usage agronomique et/ou énergetiqueAntananarivo, MadagascarEvent: Journées des Jeunes Chercheurs2015“Changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks after forest conversion in humid ecoregion of Madagascar”Durban, South AfricaEvent: XIVth World Forestry Congress2013“Estimation of energy potential of green waste from chemical composition or from direct near infrared spectroscopy measurementLa Grande Motte, FranceEvent: ICNIRS2013“Putative role of trace elements and soil chemical properties in the induction or mitigation of rhizotoxicity in tropical soils amended with organic wastes"Versailles, FranceEvent: RAMIRAN2013“Agricultural and urban waste in tropical area: The help of Near Infrared Spectroscopy for better orientate their valorization between soil fertilization or energy production”Versailles, FranceEvent: RAMIRAN2012“Malagasy urban and livestock waste: characterization and modeling of their transformation in soil”Rennes, FranceEvent: ORBIT2012“Caractériser les matières organiques exogènes pour choisir leurs voies de valorisation”Tampon, La RéunionEvent: Biomasse et bioénergie2011« Matières Organiques Exogènes en milieu tropical: quels potentiels agronomiques? »Antananarivo, MadagascarEvent: Corus Aires-Sud Agronomie et Ecosystème