Member Profile

Membership type: full
Jessie Idongesit Ndem
Country of origin: Nigeria Currently in: Nigeria, Uyo General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
2011 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
Herbal remedies has been used since time immemorial for the treatment of ailments such as malaria, diabetes, HIV, etc and for ameliorating endocrinological toxicity and heavy metal (e.g. lead, chromium, CCl4 etc) induced toxicity. The effects of herbal remedies and orthodox antiplasmodial drugs as well as the mitigating roles of herbs on induced heavy metals and endocrinological toxicity in biochemical systems are being researched on.
Publications resulting from Research:
(1) E. J. Uwanta, J. I Ndem and N. W. Akpanudo (2006). Effects of Local Additives on the Cholesterol, Vitamin A and Vitamin Content of Elaesis guineusis. Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference of Chemical Society of Nigeria, Lagos. Pp. 359 -361. (Nigeria)
(2) J. I. Ndem, M. I. Akpanabiatu and E. U Essien (2008). Effect of Seafoods (Periwinkle, Bonkafish and Crayfish) and Vegetable Oils Enriched Meal on Cardiovascular Disease. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 7(4): 603 - 606. (Pakistan)
(3) F. E. Uboh, M. I. Akpanabiatu, Y. Alozie, E.E Edet, J. I. Ndem and P. E. Ebong (2009). Comparative Effect of Vitamin A and E on Gasoline Vapours- induced Haematoxicity and Weight–Loss in Male Rats. International Journal of Pharmacology, 5(3): 215 - 221. (Pakistan)
(4) M. I. Akpanabiatu, I. B. Umoh, E. E Edet, E Ukaffia, and J. I. Ndem (2009). Effects of Interaction of Vitamin A and Rauwolfia vomitoria Root Bark Extract on Marker Enzymes of Cardiac Diseases. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 24(3): 241-244. (India)
(5) F. E. Uboh, M. I. Akpanabiatu, J. I. Ndem, Y. Alozie and P. E. Ebong (2009). Comparative Nephrotoxic Effect Associated with Exposure to Diesel and Gasoline Vapours in Rats. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences, 1(4): 068-074. (United States of America)
(6) O. Otitoju, I. N. E. Onwurah, G. T. O. Otitoju, J. I. Ndem and A. F. Uwah (2011). Effect of Bonny Light Crude Oil Contaminated Diet on Serum Cholesterol and Testosterone Concentrations in Wistar Albino Rats. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(53): 10986-10990. (Nigeria)
(7) U. A. Okon, N. E. Udokang, M. O. Adiendo, J. I. Ndem and I. A. Ibanga (2011). The Relationship between Maternal Age, Blood Pressure, Parity and Incidence of Glycosuria in Pregnant Women. African Journal of Medical Sciences, 4(1): 79-86. (Nigeria)
(8) M. I. Akpanabiatu, O.Otitoju, E. E. Edet, J. I. Ndem, A. F. Uwah and U. F. Ufot (2012). Vitamin E Supplementation with Rauwolfia vomitoria Root Bark Extract Improves Haematological Indices. North American Journal of Medical Sciences, 4(2): 186-89. (United States of America)
(9) O. Otitoju, M. I. Akpanabiatu, G. T. O Otitoju, J. I Ndem, A. F. Uwah, E. O. Akpanyung and J. T. Ekanem (2012). Heavy Metal Contamination of Green and Leafy Vegetable Gardens in Itam Road Construction Site in Uyo, Nigeria. Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences, 4(4): 371-375. (United Kingdom)
(10) A. F. Uwah, O. Otitoju, J. I. Ndem, M. I. Akpanabiatu and E. O. Akpanyung (2012). Effect of Malaria Infection on Serum Copper, Iron, Beta-Carotene Levels of Nigerian Children. European Journal of Scientific Research, 86(4): 573- 579. (United Kingdom)
(11) A. F. Uwah, O. Otitoju, J I. Ndem and A. I. Peter (2013). Chemical Composition and Microbial Activities of Adventitious Root Sap of Musanga cecroioides. Der Pharmacia Lettre, 5(2): 13-16. (United States of America)
(12) J. I. Ndem, O. Otitoju, M. I. Akpanabiatu, F. E. Uboh, A. F. Uwah and O. A. Edet (2013). Haematoprotective Property of Eremomastax Speciosa (Hochst.) on Experimentally Induced Anaemic Rats. Annals of Biological Research, 4(6): 356-360. (China)
(13) J. I. Ndem, M. U. Eteng, M. I. Akpanabiatu, A. F. Uwah, O. Otitoju and E. O. Akpanyung (2013). Effect of Hippocratea africana Root Bark Extract on Some Biochemical Indices of Male and Female Wistar Rats. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherpy, 5(4): 72-76. (Kenya)
(14) E. O. Akpanyung, S. O. Ita, K. A. Opara, J. I. Ndem and A. F. Uwah (2013). Phytochemical Screening and Effect of Ethanol Extract of Microdesmis puberla on Some Haematological and Biochemical Parameters in Normal Male Albino Wistar Rats. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 7(21): 2338-2342. (Nigeria)
(15) J. I. Ndem, A. F. Uwah, M. I. Akpanabiatu and C. O.Edet-Umoh (2014). Efficacy of Hippocratea africana Root Bark Extract on Some Haematological Parameters of Female and Male Albino Wistar Rats. Sci- Afric Journal of Scientific Issues, Research and Essays, 2(7): 314-319. (United Kingdom)
(16) J. I. Ndem, M. U. Eteng and A. F. Uwah (2014). Effect of Hippocratea africana Root Bark Extract on Lipid Profile of Female and Male Albino Wistar Rats. Journal of Scientific Research & Reports, 3(19): 2574-2583. (United States of America)
(17) A. F. Uwah, J. I. Ndem and A. I. Peter (2014). Artesunate- Amodiaquine and Ciprofloxacin Combination improves Biochemical and Histological Markers of Renal Function of Malaria Infected Mice. Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 4(6); 3204-3212. (India)
(18) A. F. Uwah, J. I. Ndem and E. J. Akpan (2014). Combining Artesunate-Amodiaquine and Ciprofloxacin Combination Improves Lipid Profile of Mice Exposed to Plasmodium berghei berghei. International Journal of Biomedical Research, 5(8): 487-489. (India)
(19) A. I. Peter, A. F. Uwah, J. I. Ndem, B. E. Udoh and D. K. Udo (2015). Effects of Chronic Administration of Lamivudine on the Histochemistry of the Liver in Wistar Rats. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 3(10): 1970-1974. (India)
(20) A. F. Uwah, J. I. Ndem and A. I. Peter (2015). Splenic Size and Haematological Indices of Plasmodium Berghei Berghei Infected Mice Treated with Artesunate-Amodiaquine and Ciprofloxacin Combination. Academia Journal of Scientific Research, 3(1): 015-025. (United Kingdom)
(21) A. F. Uwah, J. I. Ndem and E. Uka (2015). Prevalence of Hypertension among Adults Attending Faith-Based Centres in Abak Township, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Merit Research Journals of Medicine and Medical Sciences, 3(1): 245-248. (Nigeria)
(22) A. F. Uwah, E. G. Ewere and J. I. Ndem. (2015). Hypoglycaemic and Haematologic Effects of Crude Stem Juice of Costus afer on Alloxan Induced Diabetic Wistar Rats. American Journal of Ethnomedicine, 4(2): 233-237. (United States of America)
(23) J. I. Ndem, E, Uka, A. F. Uwah and A. I. Peter (2016). Renal Status of Female and Male Albino Wistar Rats Exposed to Hippocratea africana Root Bark Extract. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, 3(3):82-88. (India)
(24) J. I. Ndem and E. G. Ewere (2016). Comparative Hepatic Effects of Hippocratea africana Root Bark Extract on Female and Male Albino Wistar Rats. British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 9(3):1-11. (United Kingdom)
(25) O. E. Etim, J. I. Ndem and U. E. Bassey (2016). Effect of Ethanol Leaves Extract of Justcia schimperi on the Liver Enzymes, Serum Proteins and Bilirubin. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 4(17): 2503-2597. (India)
(26) J. I. Ndem and V. E. Johnson (2017). Testosterone Concentration and Histomorphology of Rats Exposed to Hippocratea africana Root Bark Extract. Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences, 12(2):13-17. (India)
(27) J. I. Ndem and I. K. David (2017). Biochemical Indices of Cardaic Function of Albino Wistar Rats Exposed to Hippocratea africana Root Bark Extract. Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 3(1):101-106. (India)
(28) J. I. Ndem and U. I. Ukpanah (2017). Seminal Fluid Analyses of Wistar Rats Exposed to Hippocretea africana Root Bark Extract. International Journal of Science and Research, 16(2):453-456. (India)
(29) I. A. Edagha and J. I. Ndem (2017). Nauclea Latifolia Ethanolic Leaves Extract Moderately Hepatoprotects, but Decreases Periodic Acid-Schiff and Up-Regulates Cytokeratin-7 Expression in Prohylaxis Malaria. International Journal of Sciences, 6(5):66-71. (United Kingdom)
(30) J. I. Ndem, U. E. Bassey and O. E. Etim (2017). Hypolipidemic Potential of Raw Seeds of Dacryodes edulis on Wistar Rats. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 4(6):111-115. (India)
(31) J. I. Ndem and E. I. Bassey (2017). Effect of Hippocratea africana Root Bark Extract on the Pituatary - Gonadal Hormones of Female Wistar Rats. International Journal of Medical Science, 4(6):1-7. (India)
(32) J. I. Ndem and U. E. Bassey (2017). Parasitaemia Reduction and Moderately Improved Haematological Indices Potentials of Hippocratea africana Root Bark Extract in Plasmodium berghei-berghei Infected Mice. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 6(7):63-74. (India)
(33) Etim, O. E, Ndem, J. I, Ewere, E.G and U. E. Bassey (2018). Toxicological Evaluation of Five Brands of Artemether-Lumenfantrine Drugs in Male Albino Wistar Rats. Issues in Biological Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 6(1):1-7. (Nigeria)
(34) J. I. Ndem, Bassey, E. O, Effiong, B. O, Bassey, U. E and S. D. Ini (2019). Haematopoietic Potential of Jatropha tanjorensis Leaf Extract in Plasmodium berghi-berghi Infected Mice Treated with Hippocratea africana Root Bark Extract. Journal of Diseases and Medicinal Plants, 5(4):69-73. (United States of America)
(35) J. I. Ndem, A. F, Uwah, B.O. Effiong, B.M. Umanah and C. P. Chukwudike (2020). Ethanol Leaf Extract of Jatropha tanjorensis Ameliorates Hepatorenal Toxicity of Plasmodium Berghi-berghi Infected Mice Treated with Hippocratea africana Root Bark Extract. Journal of Phytopharmacology (Pharmacognosy and Phytomedicine Research), 9(5):374-377. (India)
(36) E. Uka, J. I. Ndem, P. A Iberi, and E. S. Aluko (2020). In- vivo Analgesic Activity of Ethanol Leaf Extract of Sphenocentrum jollyanum in Albino Mice. Journal of Research Publications, 64(1):1-16. (United Kingdom)
(37) E. O. Akpanyung, U.E. Bassey J. I. Ndem and D. E. Ekpo (2020). Ethanol Leaf Extract of Ptercarpus milbreadii Ameliorates Aluminum Chloride Induced Alterations of Renal and Haematological Indices in Male Rats. Biokemistri, 34(4):243-252. (Nigeria)
(38) A. F. Uwah, J. I. Ndem and J. A. Udobang (2021). Co-Administration of Crude Leaf of Eremomastax speciosa and Artemether- Lumenfantriene Restores Haematological Parameters in Plasmodium berghei Infected Mice. Academic Journal of Medicinal Plants, 9(1): 012-018. (United Kingdom)
(39) A. F. Uwah, J I. Ndem and N. E. Udokang and G. S. Etiekak (2021). Assessment of Arterial Blood Pressure and Some Biochemical Markers of Renal Functions of Apparently Healthy Young Adults in Southern Nigeria. Ibom Medical Journal, 14(1): 26-33. (Nigeria)
(40) A. F. Uwah, J I. Ndem and N. E. Udokang and B. O. Effiong (2021). Serum Lipid Profile of Normotensives and Hypertensives in Abak. Southern Nigeria. Himalayan Journal of Applied Medical Sciences and Research, 12(1): 24-30. (India)
(41) E. G. Ewere, N. P. Okolie, J I. Ndem and S. A. Oyebadejo (2021). Immunological and Haematological Effects of Irvingia gabonesis Stem Bark in Sodium Arsenite- Exposed Rats. GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 15(01): 027-037. (United States of America)
(42) E. I. Bassey, J. I. Ndem, K. I. Okon and G. D. Edem (2021). Evaluating The Assault Caused by Nauclea latifolia on Biochemical Parameters of Wistar Rats Following Testicular Tissue Damage. Asian Journal Biotectecnology and Genetic Engineering, 4(3): 10-16. (India)
(43) J. I. Ndem, Bassey, P. U. Sylvanus, U. E. Bassey and E. G. Ewere O (2021). Assessing the Effect of Concomitant Admistration of Artemether- Lumenfantrine and Ciprofloxacin on Some Cardiac Parameters in Wistar Rats: ‘The Remedial Role of Vitamin E’. GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Science, 17(01):094-104. (India)
(44) Ekpo, O. J, Etim, O. E, Ndem, J. I, and U. I. Anwana. (2021). Effect of Four Different Classes of Artemisnin-ased Combination Therapies on Lipid Peroxidation and Lipid Profile on Malaria- Infected Mice .World Journal of Applied and Technology, 13(2):156-163. (Nigeria)
(45) Ewere, E. G, Okolie, N. P, Ndem, J I and Oyebadejo, S. A (2022). Irvingia gabonesis Leaf Extract Scavenges Nitric Oxide and Hydrogen Peroxide in vitro Stem and Modulates Bark In Arsenic-induced Hepatic Oxiadative Stress in Wistar Rats. Clinical Phytoscience, 8:15. (United Kingdom)
(46) Ebe, N.U., Effiong, G.S., Etim, O.E., Luke, U.O., Odeghe, B.O. and Ndem, J.I. (2022). Biochemical Determination of Reduced Glutathione Concentration in Pig Liver and in the Kidney in the Presence of Chlorinated Aquatic Humic Materials. GSC Advanced Research and Review, 10(03): s111-121. (India)
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchAdministrationTeachingHerbal remedies has been used since time immemorial for the treatment of ailments such as malaria, diabetes, HIV, etc and for ameliorating endocrinological toxicity and heavy metal (e.g. lead, chromium, CCl4 etc) induced toxicity. The effects of herbal remedies and orthodox antiplasmodial drugs as well as the mitigating roles of herbs on induced heavy metals and endocrinological toxicity in biochemical systems are being researched on.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2021 University of Uyo, Uyo. 1st Annual Scientific Conference and General Meeting of Society of Basic and Clinical Toxicology (SBCTN).Affiliations
Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NSBMB)