Member Profile

Membership type: full
Meherun Nesa
Country of origin: Bangladesh Currently in: Bangladesh, Dhaka General field of specialization: Physics-
2016 Master Physics -
Current Research Activities
Material Science, Thin Film Semiconductor Technology Nano Science
Publications resulting from Research:
RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS__________________________________________________________________________________________
1. “Molecular dynamics, transport property, and surface stoichiometry of plasma polymerized cyclohexane thin films”, Md Abdul Momin, Meherun Nesa, Monir Uzzaman, Abhijit Majumdar, A.H. Bhuiyan. AIP Advances, American Institute of Physics, Volume 12, 30 September 2022, Pages 095027 (1-9), [Link][Published]
2. “Effect of M (Ni, Cu, Zn) doping on the structural, electronic, optical, and thermal properties of CdI2: DFT based theoretical studies”, Md. Abdul Momin, Md. Aminul Islam, Meherun Nesa, Mehnaz Sharmin, Mohammad Jellur Rahman, and A. H. Bhuiyan. AIP Advances, American Institute of Physics, Volume 11, 03 May 2021, Pages 055203 (1-10), doi: 10.1063/5.0050145. [Link][Published]
3. “Role of Zn dopants on the surface morphology, chemical structure and DC electrical transport properties of nanostructured p-type CuO thin films”, Meherun Nesa, Mehnaz Sharmin, A.H. Bhuiyan. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Elsevier, Volume 122, 1 February 2021, Pages 105479 (1-7), [Link][Published]
4. “Structural, optical and electronic properties of CuO and Zn doped CuO: DFT based First-principles calculations”, Meherun Nesa, Md. Abdul Momin, Mehnaz Sharmin, A.H. Bhuiyan. Chemical Physics, Elsevier, Volume 528, 1 January 2020, Pages 110536 (1-5), [Link][Published]
5. “Effect of Fe doping on the structural, optical and electronic properties of BaTiO3: DFT based calculation”, Md. Aminul Islam, Md. Abdul Momina, Meherun Nesa. Chinese Journal of Physics, Elsevier, Volume 60, 05 July 2019, Pages 731-738, [Link][Published]
6. “Structural, morphological, optical and electrical properties of spray deposited zinc doped copper oxide thin films”, Meherun Nesa, Mehnaz Sharmin, Khandker S Hossain, AH Bhuiyan. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Springer US, Volume 28, 10 May 2017, Pages 12523-12534, DOI 10.1007/s10854-017-7075-3. [Link][Published]
CONFERENCES (National and International conferences)____________________________________________________
1. M.A.Momin, M.Nesa, K.S. Hossain and A.H.Bhuiyan, “Quantitative Surface Analysis and Alternating Current Electrical Properties of Cyclohexane Thin Films Deposited by Capacitively Coupled Plasma Reactor”, National Conference on Physics-2019, 07-09 February, 2019, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh. [Link][Abstract]
2. M. Nesa, M. Sharmin, K. S. Hossain and A. H. Bhuiyan, Characterization of Spray Pyrolized CuO Thin Films Depostied at Various Substrate Temperatures, National Conference on Physics-2017, 5-7 January, 2017, Atomic energy Center, Dhaka, Bangladesh. [Link][Abstract]
3. M. Nesa, M. Sharmin, K. S. Hossain and A. H. Bhuiyan, Structural and Surface Morphological Properties of Spray Deposited CuO and Zinc Doped CuO Thin Films, 3rd Conference of Bangladesh Crystallographic Association-2016, 1-2 December 2016, Atomic energy Center, Dhaka, Bangladesh. [Link][Abstract]
4. M. Nesa, M. Sharmin and A. H. Bhuiyan, Effect of Zinc Doping on Structure and Properties of CuO Thin Films Synthesized by Spray Pyrolysis Technique, International Conference on Physics-2016, 10 - 12 March, 2016, Atomic energy Center, Dhaka, Bangladesh. [Link][Abstract]
Current profession
Current professional activities type:TeachingAssistant Professor of Physics, Green University of Bangladesh Activities description: Teaching physics (theory and laboratory) courses at the undergraduate level (B.Sc. Eng. in EEE, CSE, SWE, and TE). Responsibilities include preparing question papers, conducting exams, grading answer scripts, and evaluating final grades. Additionally, I am involved in various non-teaching activities aimed at contributing to the development of the department and the university.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2024 Green University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh Workshop on Enhancing Academic Documentation for Effective CQI ImplementationAffiliations
Bangladesh Physical SocietyPresentation given
2019Quantitative Surface Analysis and Alternating Current Electrical Properties of Cyclohexane Thin Films Deposited by Capacitively Coupled Plasma ReactorUniversity of Dhaka, Dhaka, BangladeshEvent: National Conference on Physics