Member Profile

Membership type: full
Yonela Njisane
Country of origin: South Africa Currently in: South Africa, Alice General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2016 Doctorate Agricultural Sciences2013 Master Agricultural Sciences2011 Undergraduate Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
Research endeavors include animal/livestock welfare and related research as a tool to improve farm animal well-being, production and product quality; thus enhancing livelihoods through better quality animal protein sources and economic returns.
Publications resulting from Research:
Muchenje V., Mukumbo F.E. & Njisane Y.Z. 2018. Meat science in a sustainable food system. South African Journal of Animal Science. 48: 818 – 828.
Njisane Y.Z. & Muchenje V. 2017. Pre-slaughter effects on bleed-out times and some behavioural and physiological responses of Nguni and non-descript steers. South African Journal of Animal Science. 47: 79 – 90.
Njisane Y.Z. & Muchenje V. 2017. Farm to abattoir conditions, animal factors and their subsequent effects on cattle behavioural responses and beef quality: A review. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science. 30: 755 – 764.
Njisane Y.Z. & Muchenje V. 2015. Stress-related behaviour, bleed-out times and some meat quality parameters from sheep slaughtered at a commercial abattoir. Applied Animal Husbandry & Rural Development. 7:22 – 30.
Njisane Y.Z. & Muchenje V. 2014. The effect of farm and abattoir conditions on cattle behaviour, blood lactate, cortisol and glucose as stress indicators. Presented at the 60th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology held from 17th -22rd August 2014 in Punta del Este, Uruguay. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Producción Animal. 22: 419 – 422.
Njisane Y.Z. & Muchenje V. 2013. Influence of Municipal Abattoir Conditions and Animal-related Factors on Avoidance-related Behaviour, Bleeding Times at Slaughter and the Quality of Lamb Meat. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Science. 26: 1496 – 1503.
Njisane Y.Z. & Muchenje V. 2013. Quantifying avoidance-related behaviour and bleeding times of sheep of different ages, sex and breeds slaughtered at a municipal and a commercial abattoir. South African Journal of Animal Science. 43: 38 – 42.
Njisane Y.Z., Muchenje V. & Gajana C.S. 2012. Effect of consumer background on sensory scores of microwaved Angus loins. African Journal of Biotechnology. 11: 1443 – 1448.
Muchenje V. & Njisane Y.Z. Why meat is important in the global battle against food insecurity? The Conversation. Published in October 2015.
Njisane Y.Z., Mukumbo F.E. & Muchenje V. An African perspective on livestock production, welfare conditions and product quality: A Review. An invited paper presented (oral) at the 50th Congress of South African Society for Animal Science held from 18th – 21st September 2017 in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchPostdoctoral Research Fellowship - National Research Foundation Scarce-Skills Postdoctoral Fellowship
Workshop and Conference Attended
2018 South Africa South African Systems Analysis Centre: Emerging Researchers’ ProgrammeAffiliations
South African Society for Animal SciencePresentation given
2017An African perspective on livestock production, welfare conditions and product quality: A ReviewPort Elizabeth, South AfricaEvent: 50th Congress of South African Society for Animal Science2017Meat science in a sustainable food systemPort Elizabeth, South AfricaEvent: 50th Congress of South African Society for Animal Science2017Animal Welfare and Meat ScienceIndustrial Development Corporation, Sandton, South AfricaEvent: dti symposium: Industry-University Collaboration Symposium2017Non-conventional farming: Livestock & protein production for food securityAvani Victoria Falls Resort, Livingstone, ZambiaEvent: Zambia Science Conference 2017- Researchers Symposium2016On-farm successive handling effects on some behavioural and physiological responses of Nguni and Non-descript beef steers reared extensively on natural pasturesStellenbosch, South AfricaEvent: 49th Congress of South African Society for Animal Science2016Climate Change, Livestock Production and Meat Consumption in South AfricaCape Town, South AfricaEvent: World Food Day Event2015Blood glucose, cortisol and some meat quality characteristics of cows of the same age from beef and dairy production systemsClermont-Ferrand, FranceEvent: 61st International Congress of Meat Science and Technology2015On-farm handling behaviour, blood glucose, lactate and cortisol of Nguni and non-descript beef steers reared on natural pasturesClermont-Ferrand, FranceEvent: 61st International Congress of Meat Science and Technology2015The Role of Meat In Food SecurityCape Town, South AfricaEvent: World Food Day Event2014The effect of farm and abattoir conditions on cattle behaviour, blood lactate, cortisol and glucose as stress indicatorsPunta del Este, UruguayEvent: 60th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology2013Influence of breed, gender and age on avoidance-related behaviour, bleeding times and the quality of meat from sheep, slaughtered at a commercial abattoirIzmir, TurkeyEvent: 59th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology -
Other Awards
Feb 2016National Research Fund Scarce Skills Postdoctoral FellowshipThe objectives of the fellowship are to increase the number and quality of South African postdoctoral researchers in specified scarce skills areas; and to increase the race and gender representation and, in conjunction with the higher education sector and industry, to support the development of research to meet specific needs of the countryMay 2013Innovation Doctoral ScholarshipAwarded towards pursuing a doctoral degree (2013-15).Dec 2013Meat Industry Trust BursaryThe purpose of the bursary scheme is to create further scientific capacity in South Africa and to address the Red Meat Industry’s research needs. The bursary was awarded as a top up towards pursuing a doctoral degree (2014-15).Feb 2011Meat Industry Trust BursaryThe purpose of the bursary scheme is to create further scientific capacity in South Africa and to address the Red Meat Industry’s research needs. The bursary was awarded as a top up towards pursuing a Masters degree (2011-12).Mar 2015South African Young Academy of Science PhD BloggerThe blog site celebrates the process of science — from the perspective of young people in the midst of their postgraduate studies. It is one of the projects led by the South African Young Academy of Science, an organisation with the twin aims of being the voice of young scientists, and to help bridge the gaps between science and society. In early 2015, SAYAS launched a competition to find the best PhD bloggers in South Africa, which has continued in 2016 with the addition of Master’s students’ voices.