Member Profile

Membership type: full
Henrietta Ayodele Oboh
Country of origin: Nigeria Currently in: Nigeria, Benin City, Nigeria General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
2014 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
The utilisation of underutilised vegetables in the prevention of hidden hunger and the importance of Functional foods in maintaining a healthy and prevention of diseases in Nigeria.
Publications resulting from Research:
1. OBOH, H.A., Muzquiz, M. Burbano, C., Cuadrado C., Pedrosa, MM. Ayet, G and Osagie., A.U (1998).Anti-nutritional constituent of six underutilized legumes grown in Nigeria J. of Chromatography A 307 – 312.
2. OBOH, H.A, Muzquiz, M. Burbano, C., Cuadrado, Cuadrado, C., Pedrosa, M.M, Ayet, G and Osagie A.U. (2002). Effect of soaking, and germination on the Oligosaccharide content of some Nigerian Legume seeds. Plant foods for Human Nutrition 55:97 – 110.
3. OBOH, H.A, Muzquiz, M. Burbano, C., Cuadrado, C., Pedrosa, M.M, Ayet, G and Osagie A.U. (2002). Effect of local food processing on the inositol phosphate contents in lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus. L). Pigeon peas (Cajanus cajan). African yam beans (Sphenostylis sternocarpa) and Jackbean (Canavalia ensiformis). Ecology of food and Nutrition 41 (3) 229 – 242.
4. OBOH, H.A and Osagie, A.U. (2002) Effects of cooking and germination on haemagglutinating activity in three legumes. Annals of Biomedical Sciences Vol. 1,Number 1 50– 56.
5. OBOH, H.A and Osagie, A.U. (2003) The saponin content and sapogenol composition in raw processed and germinated lima beans (Phaseolus lunatus) and jackbeans (Canavalia ensiformis). Nigerian journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Vol. 18 (1) 1-6.
6. OBOH, H.A, Omofoma, C.O, Olumese, F.E and Eiya,B.(2007). Effects of high carbohydrate low fat Nigerian-like diet on Biochemical indices in Rabbits. Pakistan journal of Nutrition 6(4) 399-403.
7. Iyawe, V.I, Ejindu, C.N, Ebomwonyi, M.I and OBOH, H.A (2007).The effects of a single cigarette puff on air flow in the lungs. Journal of Medicine and Biomedical. Journal of Medicine and Biomedical research 6(1,2)4-12.
8. OBOH, H.A, and Omofoma, C.O.(2008). The effects of heat treated lima beans (Phaseolus lunatus) on plasma lipids in hypercholesterolemic rats. Pakistan journal of Nutrition 7(5), 636-639.
9. OBOH, H.A, and Olumese, F.E.(2008).Effects of high-protein, low-carbohydrate and fat Nigerian-like diet on Biochemical indices in Rabbits.
Pakistan journal of Nutrition 7(5) 640-644.
10. OBOH, H.A, and Ezeamaka, C.O (2009).The influence of daily consumption of yoghurt on the serum lipids,CD4,total / differential white blood cells in healthy subjects.
Journal of Medical and Biomedical Research. 8(2) 77-85.
11. OBOH, H. A and Agu, K.O (2010).The effects of various traditional processing methods on the Glycemic index and Glycemic load of Cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata).Journal of food Biochemistry. 34 (6),1332-1342.
12. OBOH, H.A, Olumese, F.E. (2010). Effects of low carbohydrate high fat Nigerian-like Diet on Biochemical indices in rabbits.
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 9(3) 245-249.
13. OBOH. H.A Erema, V.G. (2010) Glycemic response to processed unripe plantain (Musa paradisiaca) meals.
African Journal of Food Science 4(8)514-521.
14. OBOH, H.A, Osagie, A.U and Omotosho, A.O.(2010).Glycemic response of some boiled legumes commonly eaten in Nigeria. Diabetologia croatica. 39(4) 113-138.
15. OBOH, H. A and Ogbebor, V. O. (2010). The Effect of Processing on the Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load of Maize (Zea Mays). Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 25(2)46-52.
16. OBOH. H.A, Olumese, F.E and Agu, K.C. (2011) Teaching medical Biochemistry to medical students: student’s perception at the end of the course and the relevance of the curriculum.
Journal of Medical and Biomedical Research. 9(2),104-114.
17. OBOH, H.A and Adedeji, A.A (2011) Correlation of waist-hip-ratio and waist-height-ratio to cardiovascular risks factors in a Nigerian population. Nig. Quart. J. Hosp. Med. 21(1),16-24.
18. OBOH, H.A, Obahiagbon, F.I, Osagie, A.U, Omotosho, A.A. (2011).Glycemic response of some local Nigerian drinks in healthy subjects. Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Sciences. 32 (1),79-84.
19. OBOH, H.A and Omoregie, I.P. (2011).Total phenolics and antioxidant capacity of some Nigerian beverages.
Nigerian journal of Basic and applied sciences. 19(1). 68-75.
20. OBOH, H.A and Umoru, A. I. (2011). Total phenolics, Vitamin C and free radical scavenging capacities of some Nigerian Fruits
Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 26( 1) 67-75.
21. Obahiagbon, F.I, OBOH, H.A, Uwumarogie-Ilori and Agho, I. (2011). Selenium contents of some commonly consumed Nigerian vegetables and ph ysiological implications.
Journal of the chemical society of Nigeria. 36 (2), 31-33.
22. OBOH, H.A and Idogun, S.I. (2011).The Assessment of Ascorbic acid, alpha Tocopherol and albumin creatinine ratio in patients with chronic renal failure. Nig. Quart. J. Hosp. Med. 21,(4) 294-298.
23. OBOH, H.A, Osagie, A.U, Esewe, R.E (2012). Evaluation of antioxidant and free radical scavenging abilities of some Nigerian packaged fruit juice.
Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Sciences. 33(1), 31-36.
24. OBOH, H. A. and Okhai, E.O.(2012). Antioxidant and free radical scavenging abilities of some local indigenous Nigerian drinks.
Nigerian journal of basic and Applied science. 20(1), 21-26.
25 . OBOH, H. A, and Abhuegbeude, V.O. (2013). Antioxidant and free radical scavenging abilities and invitro enzyme inhibition of key enzymes linked with Type II Diabetes of some commercially available wines in Nigeria. Nigerian journal of Nutritional science. 34(2), 85-90.
26 . OBOH, H. A, Olumese F. E. Aguebor-Ogie,N.B and Nuagbe, O.E. (2013). Effect of Hoslundia opposita leafy vegetable on some the antioxidant enzyme activities in some organs of wistar rats.
Nigeria Journal Life science journal.3(1):89-100.
27. OBOH, H. A, Idogun, E.I Ukwuowo, A.C. (2013). Associations of C- reactive protein and total antioxidant capacity in Diabetic, hypertensive and renal failure patients attending the University of Benin Teaching Hospital. Journal of medicine and biomedical research. 12(2), 105-114.
28. OBOH, H. A. Oruade, O.P and Odenora, F.O.(2014). Phytochemical screening and proximate analysis of the raw and heat treated Hoslunda opposite leaves. Nigerian Journal of Applied Science 32,137-143.
29 . OBOH, H. A, and Itua, .O. S. (2014).Fluctuations of Total Antioxidant capacity in some freshly squeezed and refrigerated fruit juices. Nigeria journal of Basic and Applied Science. 4(1),92-97.
30. OBOH, H. A, Obahiagbon, F.I (2014) Glycemic index and glycemic load of
five popular ‘mixed’ Nigerian legume diet consumed by healthy Nigerian subject. Nigerian quarterly journal of Hospital Medicine. 23 (3)227-232.
31. Olumese F.E and OBOH.H.A (2016a). Mineral content of raw and processed Beetroot (Beta vulgaris) grown in Nigeria.
Nigerian Journal Of Applied Science 34;208-216
32. Olumese F.E and OBOH, H.A (2016b)Antioxidant and Antioxidant capacity of raw and processed Nigerian Beetroot (Beta vulgaris). Nigerian journal of Basic and Applied Science 24(1,2) 25-40.
33. Olumese F.E and OBOH.H.A ( 2016c). Effects of daily Intake of Beetroot Juice on blood glucose and hormones in young healthy subjects.
Nig. Qt J. Hosp. Med. Vol. 26(2) 456-462.
34. Ogedegbe.O.O and OBOH, HA (2017). Glycemic Response Of Four Bread Types Consumed By Healthy Subjects In Benin Metropolis.
Nigerian journal of life Sciences. 6(1)50-57.
35. Olumese F.E OBOH.H.A (2018) Hepatoprotective effect of beetroot juice on liver injury in male sprague Dawley Rats. Annals of Tropical Pathology. 9; 83-8
36. Ogedengbe, O. O, Odigili, A. C, Sado, K. G and OBOH, H.A. (2018) In Vitro Acid- Base Buffering Capacity Of Some Nigerian Green Leafy Vegetables and Fruit Juices. Nigerian journal of Nutritional Sciences. 39(1) 34-41
37. OBOH, H.A. Obayiuwana, Anne O; Aihie, Eghe. O, Iyayi, joy, Uddoh,. Jimmy. (2019). Beetroot (Beta vulgaris) juice inhibits key carbohydrate metabolizing enzymes associated with Type II Diabetes.
Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Science. 25(2) :xx-xx.
38. Ogedengbe,O. O. Aihie, E.O, Okhaeifo, M; Mmaduka, C and OBOH, H.A. (2018). Invitro Buffering capacity of some Nigerian cereals, legumes and starchy staples. Nigerian Society of Experimental Biology. 17(3):119-124.
39. Olumese F.E and OBOH. H.A (2017). Toxicity Study of Beetroot (Beta vulgaris) Extract in Normal Sprague Dawley Rats. NISEB Journal. 17(3);125-133.
40. Olumese F.E, Aihie.E.O and OBOH. H.A (2018). Modulation of Antioxidant Enzymes by Beetroot juice in Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Liver Toxicity of Rats. Nigerian journal of life Sciences. 8(1).37-45
1. *OBOH, H.A, Brenes, A; Burbano, C., Cuadrado, C., Centeno, C., Muzquiz, M., Ayet, G, Pedrosa, M.M and Osagie A.U. (1998). Effect of germination of the inositol phosphate content and phytase activity in underutilized legume seeds grown in Nigeria. In Recent advances of research in anti-nutritional factors in legume seeds and rapeseed. Proceedings of the third international workshop on “Anti-nutritional factors in legume seeds and rapeseeds”. Wageningen, The Netherlands, 8-10 July 1998. EAAP Publication NO.93. P 413 – 416.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:AdministrationI have progressed gradually in my profession over the years to be a Professor of Medical Biochemistry and Dean of the School of Basic Medical Sciences. My work schedule includes overseeing, managing and directing the affairs of the six departments under my watch. As an administrator,(Dean, School of Basic Medical Sciences); I have demonstrated a strong commitment to public service by seeking innovative ways to secure staff/student engagement and cooperation to achieve the goals of the school. This has been achieved regardless of the provision of financial support for the good of the community. This zeal to serve arises from a strong conviction that nothing is impossible when our minds and hearts are committed to service. Despite the apathy to work displayed by most public service offices in Nigeria, I have always encouraged my staff to put their best foot forward always. Teamwork is my office KEY. There are regular meetings with all the Heads of Departments in my faculty to brainstorm on issues affecting the departments. I am actively involved in seminars concerning relevant health and social issues especially when they hurt the wellbeing of staff and students. I created staff-student relations and counselling unit to give an enabling platform for students to express their challenges and seek help. ‘Make Our Environment Clean campaign is an initiative I adopted to create awareness for the importance of cleanliness in the university. The initiative was warmly received and students created a group to consciously keep the environment clean. Also, I procured waste bins and signs to serves as reminders to desist from littering and demonstrate the harmful effects of littering. As a member of the Nigeria League of Women Voters, I was one of the volunteers that monitored the 2015 gubernatorial elections My professional goal for the next five years is to be a better version of myself, be a role model for young women and work assiduously to promote gender equality in the workplace.