Member Profile
Membership type: full
Yinka Doris Oluwafemi
Country of origin: Nigeria Currently in: Nigeria, Ondo, Ondo State, Nigeria General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
Assessing the nutraceutical properties, enzyme production and molecular characterization of some wild mushroom.
Publications resulting from Research:
a. Journal Papers Published
i. Fagbohungbe, Y.D and Oyetayo, V.O (2015). Phytochemical and Antioxidant Properties of Trametes species Collected From Three Districts of Ondo State Nigeria. Research and Review in Bioscience (RRBS) Volume 9, (10), 2014 (345-350).
ii. Oluwafemi, Y. D., Oyetayo, V.O., Ojokoh, A. O and Bamidele, O. S (2015). Bioconversion of Some Agricultural Wastes and Associated Enzymes by Trametes species: A Wild Mushroom. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR). Volume 19, No 2, pp 295-305
iii Fagbohungbe, Y.D (2015). Evaluation of pharmacological potentials of a Mushroom (Trametes
species) collected from Ondo, Ondo State, Nigeria. 2nd International Conference and Exhibition:
Woman in Science for World Security, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State.
iv Olaniyi, O.O, Ekundayo, T.C, Igbe, O.F and Fagbohungbe Y.D. (2015). Influence of cultural
and nutritional factors on beta-mannanase production by Penicillium italicum under submerge state
fermentation. British Microbiology Research Journal. Volume 5 (6): 481-489
v Akinyele, B. J, Arotupin, J and Fagbohungbe, Y. D (2010). Production of Amylase, cellulase
and Protease by Oyster Mushroom on Some Agricultural wastes Pleurotus ostreatus. An
International Journal of Applied Tropical Agr. 15: 22-29.
b. Journal Papers Submitted for Publication
i. Fagbohungbe, Y.D (2015). Comparative Phytochemical Screening of Trametes Species: A Wild
Mushroom Collected From Ondo State, Nigeria. International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences. Accepted
ii Oluwafemi, Y.D (2015). Assessment of pharmacological potentials of a Mushroom (Trametes species) collected from Ore, Ondo State, Nigeria. 26th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and infectious Diseases. Accepted
iii Fagbohungbe, Y. D, Akinyele, B.J and Arotunpin D.J. (2015). Production of Cellulase
and Protease by Oyster Mushroom on Some Agricultural wastes. Nigerian Journal of
Microbiology. In press
iv Fagbohungbe, Y. D. (2015). Effect of some Preservatives on the Growth and Aflatoxin
production of Aspergillus flavus. Nigerian Journal of Microbiology. In press
vi Fagbohungbe, Y. D and Akinyele, B.J (2015). Effect of Extracts of Anarcadium occidentales (Cashew) on the Growth of Some Bacteria. Nigerian Journal of Microbiology. In press
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingLecturing/Academic Staff at Department of Biological Sciences, University of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, P M. B 536, Laje Road Ondo, Ondo State Nigeria
Workshop and Conference Attended
2015 Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State Nigeria 2nd International Conference and Exhibition: Woman in Science for World Security.Affiliations
American Society of Microbiology (ASM), European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), Nigerian Women in Agricultural Research for Development (NiWARD), Nigerian Society of Microbiology (NSM), Associat Member NISLTPresentation given
2015Evaluation of pharmacological potentials of a Mushroom (Trametes species) collected from Ondo, Ondo State, NigeriaFederal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State NigeriaEvent: Woman in Science for World Security