Member Profile

Membership type: full
Bolanle Otegbayo
Country of origin: Nigeria Currently in: Nigeria, Iwo General field of specialization: Engineering sciences-
2004 Doctorate Engineering sciences -
Current Research Activities
Engineering sciences
Food Chemistry. 1) Characterization of Nigerian yam land races in terms of their food quality and end use suitability2) Developing indicators for phenotyping food quality traits in yam [Dioscorea.spp]3) Breeding RTB (Root, Tubers and Banana) for end users's preferences
Publications resulting from Research:
Selected Journal Article Publications
1) Otegbayo, B.O., Aina, J.O., Bokanga, M. and Asiedu, R. (2005). Microstructure of boiled tubers and its implication in the assessment of Textural quality in boiled yam. Journal of Texture Studies. Vol 36. No 3, 324-322.
2) Otegbayo, B.O., Aina, J.O., Sakyi-Dawson, E.O., Bokanga, M. and Asiedu, R. (2005). Sensory texture Profiling and development of standard rating scales for pounded yam. Journal of Texture Studies. Vol 36.No 5-6, 478-488.
3) Otegbayo, B.O., Aina, J.O., Asiedu, R and Bokanga, M. (2006). Pasting characteristics of fresh yam (Dioscorea spp.) as indicator of Food textural quality in a major yam food product - Pounded yam. Food Chemistry. Vol 99. No 4, 663-669.
4) Otegbayo, B.O., Aina, J.O., Lawrence, A., Sakyi-Dawson, E.O., Bokanga, M. and Asiedu, R. (2007). Texture profile analysis applied to pounded yam. Journal of Texture Studies. Vol 38 No 3, 355-372.
5) Otegbayo, B.O., Bokanga, M. and Asiedu, R (2011). Physico-chemical composition of yam starch: Effect on textural quality of yam food product (Pounded yam). Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. Vol 9 (1): 1 4 5 - 1 5 0
6) Otegbayo, B.O., Asiedu, R and Bokanga, M. (2012). Effect of storage on chemical composition and food quality of yam. Journal of Food Processing and preservation Vol 36, 438-445.
7) Otegbayo, B.O., Ogunniyan, D. and Akinwumi, B. (2014). Physicochemical and functional characterization of yam starch for potential industrial applications. Starch/Starke, Vol. 66, 235-250.
8) Otegbayo, B.O. (2014). Effect of storage on pasting characteristics of yam tubers. Nigerian Food Journal, Vol 32 (2), 113-119
9) Oroniran, O. O., Otegbayo B. O., Samuel F. O., and Aremu O. O. (2016). Nutrient Composition, Functional and Sensory Properties of Gruel made from Local Rice. Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Sciences. Vol. 37, No 1: 94-102.
10) Otegbayo B.O., Owolabi D., Oroniran, O.O, Oludemi, F.O. (2016). Nutritional composition and acceptability of Maize –‘Ogi’ supplemented with Watermelon (Citrulluslanatus) seed. West Africa Food and Nutrition Journal. Vol. 14, No 1: 40-46
11) Otegbayo B.O., Owolabi D., Oroniran, O.O, Oludemi, F.O. (2016). Physicochemical properties of maize–‘ogi’ supplemented with watermelon (citrullus lanatus) seed. Bowen Journal of Agriculture. Vol. 6, No 1: 32-40.
12) Oroniran, O. O., Otegbayo, B. O., James, M. (2017). Chemical Composition and Functional Properties of Complementary Diet Developed from Millet (Pennisetum americanum) and Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) American Journal of Food Science & Nutrition. Vol. 4, No 5: 66-73.
13) Otegbayo, B.O., Oguniyan, D.J., Olunlade, B.A., Oroniran O.O and Atobatele O.E (2017). Characterizing genotypic variation in biochemical composition, anti-nutritional and mineral bioavailability of some Nigerian yam (Dioscorea spp.) land races. Journal of Food Science &Technology. Vol. 55, No 5: 205-216.
14) Afolabi, M. O. Otegbayo, B. O. and Abe O. O. (2017) Chemical Compositions, Functional and Sensory Properties of Instant Pounded Yam Simulate from Yam (Dioscorea rotundata) Flour Blends. FUTA Journal of Research in Sciences Vol. 13, No 3: 396-402.
15) Otegbayo, B.O., Adebiyi, O.M., Bolaji and O.A., Olunlade, B.A., (2018). Effect of Soy-enrichment on bread quality. International Food Research. Vol 25, (3): 1120-1125.
16) Ogunyemi, M.O., Otegbayo, B.O. and Fagbenro, J.O. (2018) Effects of NPK and biochar fertilized soil on the proximate composition and mineral evaluation of maize flour. Food Science & Nutrition. Vol 6, (8): 2308-2313.
Current profession
Fellow Nigeria Institute of Food Science & Technology
Nigeria Institute of Food Science and TechnologyInternational Society of Root and Tuber Crops (ISTRC),Food Science and Nutrition Network in AfricaInstitute of Food Science and Technology (IFT)Internation Union of Food Science and Technologists (IUFoST)West African association of Food Science and TechnologistsInternational Preofessional Managers associationPresentation given