Member Profile

Membership type: full
Liseth Pérez
Country of origin: Guatemala Currently in: Germany, Braunschweig General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
2010 Doctorate Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences2004 Undergraduate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
Neo and paleolimnology (evolution of aquatic ecosystems) in the Neotropics, environment and climate change, freshwater bioindicators, paleoecology, ecological calibration datasets. Research regions: Selva Lacandona (Mexico), Yucatán Peninsula (Mexiko, Guatemala). International Continental Drilling Projects (Lake Petén Itzá-Guatemala, Lake Chalco-México, Lake Nicaragua, Lake Izabal-Guatemala, Lake Junín-Perú)
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Cohuo, S., L. Macario-González, L. Pérez, F. Sylvestre, C. Paillés, J. Curtis, S. Kutterolf, M. Wojewódka, E. Zawisza, K. Szeroczynska, A. Schwalb. 2018. Ultrastructure and aquatic community response to Heinrich Stadials (HS5a-HS1) in the continental northern Neotropics. Quaternary Science Reviews 197: 75-91.
2. Macario-González, L. S. Cohuo, M. Elías-Gutiérrez, M. Vences, L. Pérez, A. Schwalb. 2018. Integrative taxonomy of freshwater ostracodes (Crustacea: Ostracoda) of the Yucatán Peninsula, implications for paleoenvironmental reconstructions in the northern Neotropical region. Zoologischer Anzeiger 275: 20-36,
3. Díaz, K.A., L. Pérez, A. Correa-Metrio, J.F. Franco-Gaviria, P. Echeverría Galindo, J. Curtis, M. Brenner. 2017. Holocene environmental history of tropical, mid-altitude Lake Ocotalito, Mexico, inferred from ostracodes, geochemistry and stable isotopes. The Holocene: DOI:
4. Cohuo, S., L. Macario-Gonzalez, L. Pérez, A. Schwalb. 2017. Overview of Neotropical-Caribbean freshwater ostracode fauna (Crustacea, Ostracoda), identifying areas of endemism and assessing biogeographical affinities. Hydrobiologia (special issue: Remembering Rick Forester) 786 (1): 5-21.
5. Pérez, L., S. Lozano-García, M. Caballero.2015. Non-marine ostracodes from highland lakes in east-central Mexico. Revista Biología Tropical, 63 (2): 401-425
6. Pérez, L., J. Lorenschat, J. Massaferro, C. Pailles, F. Sylvestre, W. Hollwedel, G.-O. Brandorff, M. Brenner, G. Islebe, M.S. Lozano, B. Scharf, A. Schwalb. 2013. Bioindicators of climate and trophic state in lowland and highland aquatic ecosystems of the northern Neotropics. Revista de Biología Tropical, 61 (2): 603-644.
7. Pérez, L., J. Curtis, M. Brenner, D. Hodell, J. Escobar, S. Lozano, A. Schwalb. 2013.Stable isotope values (d18O &d13C) of multiple ostracode species in a large Neotropical lake as indicators of past changes in hydrology. Quaternary Science Reviews 66: 96-111.
8. Pérez, L., P. Frenzel, P. Hoelzmann, J. Escobar, M. Brenner, B. Scharf, A. Schwalb. 2011. Late Quaternary (24-10 ka BP) environmental history of the Neotropical lowlands inferred from ostracodes in sediments of Lago Petén Itzá, Guatemala. Journal of Paleolimnology, 46: 59-74.
9. Pérez, L., R. Bugja, J. Lorenschat, M. Brenner, J. Curtis, P. Hoelzmann, G. Islebe, B. Scharf, A. Schwalb. 2011.Aquatic ecosystems of the Yucatán Peninsula (Mexico), Belize and Guatemala. Hydrobiologia 661: 407-433.
10. Pérez, L., J. Lorenschat, R. Bugja, M. Brenner, B. Scharf, A. Schwalb. 2010. Distribution, diversity and ecology of modern freshwater ostracodes (Crustacea), and hydrochemical characteristics of Lago Petén Itzá, Guatemala. Journal of Limnology, 69 (1): 146-159.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Research