Member Profile

Membership type: full
Pamela Pennington
Country of origin: Guatemala Currently in: Guatemala, Guatemala General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
1998 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
Developing new strategies for the control of vector-borne diseases, including community-based social innovations, and the development of novel technologies.
Publications resulting from Research:
Taracena ML, Hunt CM, Benedict MQ, Pennington PM, Dotson EM (2019) Downregulation of female doublesex expression by oral-mediated RNA interference reduces number and fitness of Anopheles gambiae adult females. Parasites and Vectors 12:170
Juarez JG, Pennington PM, Bryan JP, Klein RE, Beard CB, Berganza E, et al. (2018) A decade of vector control activities: Progress and limitations of Chagas disease prevention in a region of Guatemala with persistent Triatoma dimidiata infestation. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 12(11): e0006896.
Pennington PM, Juárez JG, Arrivillaga MR, De Urioste-Stone SM, Doktor K, Bryan JP, et al. (2017) Towards Chagas disease elimination: Neonatal screening for congenital transmission in rural communities. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 11(9): e0005783.
V Monteon1, E Quen-Rámirez, V Macedo-Reyes, R Lopez, K Acosta-Viana, P Pennigton, A Ramos-Ligonio (2016) Pre-exposure to faeces or saliva of Triatoma dimidiata decreases parasitemia in mice challenged with Trypanosoma cruzi: a description of the inflammatory reaction at the inoculation site. Annals of Parasitology 62: 209–219.
PM Pennington, LA Messenger, J Reina, JG Juárez, GG Lawrence, EM Dotson, MS Llewellyn, C Cordón-Rosales (2015) The Chagas disease domestic transmission cycle in Guatemala: Parasite-vector switches and lack of mitochondrial co-diversification between Triatoma dimidiata and Trypanosoma cruzi subpopulations suggest non-vectorial parasite dispersal across the Motagua valley. ActaTropica 151:80-87
SM De Urioste-Stone, PM Pennington, E Pellecer, T Aguilar, G Samayoa (2015) Development of a community-based intervention for the control of Chagas disease based on peridomestic animal management: An Eco-bio-social perspective.Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 109, 159-167
Taracena ML, Oliveira PL, Almendares O, Umaña C, Lowenberger C, et al. (2015) Genetically Modifying the Insect Gut Microbiota to Control Chagas Disease Vectors through Systemic RNAi. PLoSNeglTropDis 9(2):e0003358.doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0003358
Karla Acosta & Ruth Lopez, VictorMonteón, Omar Triana- Chávez, Ana Mejía-Jaramillo, Pamela Pennington, Ángel Ramos-Ligonio (2014) J Parasit Dis DOI 10.1007/s12639-014-0499-2
Bustamante DM, De Urioste-Stone SM, Juárez JG, Pennington PM. (2014) Ecological, social and biological risk factors for continued Trypanosoma cruzi transmission by Triatoma dimidiata in Guatemala.PLoS ONE DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0104599
Lol JC, ME Castellanos, KA Liebman, A Lenhart, PM Pennington, NR Padilla (2013) Molecular evidence for historical presence ofknock-down resistance in Anopheles albimanus, a key malaria vector in Latin America. Parasites & Vectors 6:268
Monteiro FA, T Peretolchina, C Lazoski, K Harris, EM Dotson, et al. (2013) Phylogeographic pattern and extensive mitochondrial DNA divergence disclose a species complex within the Chagas disease vector Triatoma dimidiata. PLoS ONE 8(8): e70974. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0070974
Zumaya-EstradaFA, LAMessenger,TLopez-Ordonez, MD Lewis,CA Flores-Lopez, AJ Martínez-Ibarra, PM Pennington, C Cordon-Rosales, HV Carrasco, MSegovia, MA Miles,MS Llewellyn(2012) North American import? Charting the origins of an enigmatic Trypanosoma cruzi domestic genotype. Parasites & Vectors 5:226 doi:10.1186/1756-3305-5-226
Pennington PM, C Paiz, LM Grajeda and C Cordón-Rosales (2009) Concurrent detection of Trypanosoma cruzi lineages I and II in domestic Triatoma dimidiata from Guatemala. Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.80: 239–241
Cordón-Rosales, C, P Pennington (2007) Eco-epidemiología de la transmisión vectorial de la enfermedad de Chagas en Guatemala. Revista de la Universidad del Valle, Universidad del Valle de Guatemala. p63-84.
Pennington P, CB Beard and J Anderson (2004) Care, maintenance and handling of infected triatomines. In, B.J. Beaty and W.C. Marquardt (eds.) Biology of disease vectors. 2nd ed. University Press of Colorado. p717-725
Beard,CB, EM Dotson, PM Pennington, S Eichler, C Cordon-Rosales, RVDurvasula (2001). Bacterial symbiosis and paratransgenic control of vector-borne Chagas disease. International Journal of Parasitology 31:621-7.
Pennington, PM, D Cadavid, J Bunikis, SJ Norris, AG Barbour (1999) Extensive interplasmidic duplications change the virulence phenotype of the relapsing fever agent Borrelia turicatae. Molecular Microbiology 34:1120-1132.
Pennington, PM, D Cadavid, AG Barbour (1999). Characterization of VspB of Borrelia turicatae, a major outer membrane protein expressed in blood and tissues of mice. Infection and Immunity 67: 4637-45.
Cadavid, D, PM Pennington, TA Kerentseva, S Bergstrom, AG Barbour (1997). Immunologic and genetic analyses of VmpA of a neurotropic strain of Borrelia turicatae. Infection and Immunity. 65:3352-3360.
Pennington, PM, CD Allred, CS West, R Alvarez, AG Barbour (1997). Arthritis severity and spirochete burden are determined by serotype in the Borrelia turicatae-mouse model of Lyme disease. Infection and Immunity. 65:285-292.
Stone, WH,DG Saphire, SM Hackleman, AM Braun, P Pennington, J Scheffler, JC Wigle, AB Cox (1994). Effect of radiation and age on immunoglobulin levels in Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Radiation Research. 138: 401-408.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:AdministrationChair, Department of Biochemistry, Director, Center for Biotechnology Studies
National Academy of Medical, Physical and Natural Sciences of Guatemala -
Other Awards
Nov 2019Honorary guest in civic act of Banco IndustrialAward to outstanding citizens, recognizing the personal merits of individuals who work for the development of Guatemala. Nominated by the National Academy of Medical, Physical and Natural Sciences.Oct 2018Social Innovation in Health Initiative recognitionThe Social Innovation in Health Initiative of the World Health Organization recognizes health initiatives across the world that provide innovations to improve access to health care in developing countries. The Panamerican Health Organization recognized our trajectory in the development of community-based research projects to reduce the risk of Chagas disease transmission in Guatemala.