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Claudia Beatriz Prezzi

Country of origin: Argentina Currently in: Argentina, C.A.B.A. General field of specialization: Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences
Academic Background


1999 Doctorate Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences
Research and Profession

Current Research Activities

Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences

Geophysical methods applied to the resolution of geological, environmental, archaelogical and engineering problems

Publications resulting from Research: 

Peer Reviewed Journals

Ballivián Justiniano, C., Oriolo, S., Basei, M., Lanfranchini, M., Christiansen, R., Uriz, N., Vázquez Lucero, S., Del Bono, D., Forster, M., Etcheverry, R., Tassinari, C., Comerio, M., Prezzi, C., 2023. The Gondwanide deformation along the southwestern border of the Río de la Plata Craton: Geochemical and geochronological constraints on ductile shear zones from the Ventania System basement, Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences.
Benítez, M. E., Prezzi, C., Ballivián Justiniano, C., Verdecchia, S., De Martino, F., Carlini, M., Lanfranchini, M., 2023. Ground magnetic survey and 3D geophysical model of ultrabasic rocks from the Martín García Complex (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 121: 104117.
Núnez Demarco, P., Bonilla, A., Sánchez Bettucci, L., Prezzi, C., 2022. Potential-field filters for gravity and magnetic interpretation: a review. Surveys in Geophysics.
Vázquez, S., Ibarra, F., Gómez Dacal, M. L., Prezzi, C., Bott, J., Scheck-Wenderoth, M., Vizán, H., 2022. 3D thermal and rheological models of the southern Río de la Plata Craton (Argentina): Implications for the initial stage of the Colorado rifting and the evolution of Sierras Australes. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 111: 1519-1538.
Rodriguez Piceda C., Scheck-Wenderoth, M., Bott, J., Gómez Dacal, M., Cacace, M., Pons, M., Prezzi, C., Strecker, M., 2022. Controls of the lithospheric thermal field of an ocean-continent subduction zone: the southern Central Andes. Lithosphere, 2022: 2237272.
Morales Volosín, M. S., Prezzi, C., Risso, C., 2022. Relationships between Payenia volcanism and deep-seated structural controls: insights from geophysical methods at Nevado Volcanic Field, Mendoza, Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 116: 103779.
Prezzi, C., Ibarra, F, 2022. Contribuciones composicionales, térmicas y tectónicas a la elevación actual de los Andes Centrales y sus zonas de antearco y antepaís. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, 79(1): 72-89.
Onorato, M. R., Perucca, L., Coronato, A., Prezzi, C., Blanc, P., López, R., Magneres, I., 2021. Morphotectonic characterization along the eastern portion of the main trace of Magallanes-Fagnano Fault System in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 112: 103550.
Ibarra, F., Prezzi, C., Bott, J., Scheck-Wenderoth, M., Strecker, M., 2021. Distribution of temperature and strength in the Central Andean lithosphere and its relationship to seismicity and active deformation. Journal of Geophysical Research (Solid Earth).
Rodriguez Piceda, C., Scheck-Wenderoth, M., Gómez Dacal, M., Bott, J., Prezzi, C., Strecker, M., 2021. Lithospheric density structure of the Southern Central Andes constrained by 3D data-integrative gravity modeling. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 110: 2333-2359.
Renda, E., González, P., Vizán, H., Oriolo, S., Prezzi, C., Ruiz González, V., Schulz, B., Krause, J., Basei, M., 2021. Igneous-metamorphic basement of Taquetrén Range, Patagonia, Argentina: A key locality for the reconstruction of the Paleozoic evolution of Patagonia. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 106: 103045.
Vázquez, S., Prezzi, C., Scheck-Wenderoth, M., Bott, J., Gómez Dacal, M., Balestrini, F., Vizán, H., 2021. 3D gravity modelling of Colorado and Claromecó basins: new evidences for the evolution of the southwestern margin of Gondwana. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 110: 2295-2313.
Núñez Demarco, P., Prezzi, C., Sanchez Bettucci, L., 2021. Review of Curie point depth determination through different spectral methods applied to magnetic data. Geophysical Journal International, 224(1): 17-39.
Núñez Demarco, P., Masquelin, H., Prezzi, C., Aifa, T., Muzio, R., Loureiro, J., Peel, E., Campal, N., Sánchez Bettucci, L., 2020. Aeromagnetic patterns in Southern Uruguay: Precambrian-Mesozoic dyke swarms and Mesozoic rifting structural and tectonic evolution. Tectonophysics, 789: 228373, 1-17.
Ibarra, F., Prezzi, C., 2019. The thermo-mechanical state of the Andes in the Altiplano-Puna region: insights from Curie isotherm and effective elastic thickness calculations. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, 76(4): 352-362.
Renda, E., Álvarez, D., Prezzi, C., Oriolo, S., Vizán, H., 2019. Inherited basement structures and their influence in foreland evolution: A case study in Central Patagonia, Argentina. Tectonophysics, 772: 228232.
Núñez Demarco, P., Masquelin, H., Loureiro, J., Prezzi, C., Sánchez Bettucci, L., 2019. Historia de la Geología Precámbrica de Uruguay: Unidades del Cinturón Dom Feliciano y su basamento. Revista Investigaciones (MIEM – DINAMIGE, Uruguay), 2(1): 36-57.
Prezzi, C., Orgeira, M. J., Coronato, M. A. J., Quiroga, D., Ponce, J. F., Núñez Demarco, P. A., Palermo, P., 2019. Geophysical Methods Applied to Quaternary Studies in Glacial Environments: Río Valdez Outcrop, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Quaternary International, 525: 114-125.
Ibarra, F., Liu, S., Meeßen, C., Prezzi, C., Bott, J., Scheck-Wenderoth, M., Sobolev, S., Strecker, M., 2019. 3D data-derived lithospheric structure of the Central Andes and its implications for deformation: insights from gravity and geodynamic modeling. Tectonophysics, 766: 453-468.
Onorato, M. R., Prezzi, C., Orgeira, M. J., Perucca, L. P., Coronato, A., López, R., Magneres, I., 2019. Geophysical characterization of Udaeta Lake as a pull-apart basin associated to Quaternary tectonic activity along Magallanes-Fagnano Fault System. Quaternary International, 523: 67-79.
Prezzi, C., Vizán, H., Vázquez, S., Renda, E., Oriolo, S., Japas, M. S., 2018. Evolution of the Paleozoic Claromecó Basin (Argentina) and geodynamic implications for the southwestern margin of Gondwana: insights from isostatic, gravimetric and magnetometric models. Tectonophysics, 742-743: 120-136.
Navarro, E., Prezzi, C., Orgeira, M. J., Cano, M., Astini, R., 2017. Craters in the Telsen area, Chubut Province, Argentina: Satellite imagery digital processing techniques applied to surficial geology mapping. SCG – Serie Correlación Geológica, Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica (INSUGEO-CONICET), 33(1-2): 41-48.
Vizán, H., Prezzi, C., Geuna, S., Japas, M. S., Renda, E., Franzese, J., Van Zele, M.A., 2017. Paleotethys slab pull, self- lubricated weak lithospheric zones, poloidal and toroidal plate motions and Gondwana tectonics. Geosphere, 13(5): 1541-1554.
Prezzi, C., Risso, C., Orgeira, M. J., Nullo, F., Sigismondi, M., Margonari, L., 2017. Subsurface architecture of Las Bombas Volcano circular structure (Southern Mendoza, Argentina) from geophysical studies. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 77: 247-260.
Orgeira, M. J., Castro, L., Goldmann, G., Prezzi, C., Franzosi, C., Acevedo, D., Martínez, O., Ponce, F., Rabassa, J., 2017. Extraterrestrial Microspherules from Bajada del Diablo, Chubut, Argentina. Geoscience Frontiers, 8(1): 137-149.
Galli, C., Coira, B., Alonso, R., Iglesia Llanos, M. P., Prezzi, C., Mahlburg Kay, S., 2016. Tectonostratigraphic History of the Neogene Maimará Basin, Northwest Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 72: 137-158. doi: 10.1016/j.jsames.2016.09.007.
Prezzi, C., Orgeira, M. J., Martínez, O., Acevedo, D., Ponce, F., Goldmann, G., Magneres, I., Rabassa, J., 2016. Circular Structures of Bajada del Diablo (Argentina): Geophysical signatures. Geophysical Journal International, 205: 876-899, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggw053.
Acevedo, D., Rabassa, J., Rocca, M., González-Guillot, M., Martínez, O., Subías, I., Corbella, H., Prezzi, C., Orgeira, M., Ponce, J., 2016. Further Comments to "Reply to Comment on impact structures in Africa: A review (Short Note)”. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 118: 315-316.
Vizán, H., Prezzi, C., Japas, S., Van Zele, A., Geuna, S. y Renda, E., 2015. La tracción de losa Neopaleozoica en el margen boreal del océano Paleotetis y la deformación del cordón plegado de Ventana. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, 72(3): 355-377.
Prezzi, C. y Silbergleit, V., 2015. Seismic Hazards along Ecuador, Perú and northern Chile (South America). Natural Hazards, 79(2): 1159-1175. doi 10.1007/s11069-015-1900-x.
Risso, C., Prezzi, C., Orgeira, M. J., Nullo, F., Margonari, L. y Németh, K., 2015. Inverse Steptoes in Las Bombas Volcano, as an Evidence of an Explosive Volcanism in a Solidified Lava Flow Field. Southern Mendoza-Argentine. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 63: 360-374
Prezzi, C., Iglesia Llanos, M.P., Götze, H.-J. y Schmidt, S., 2014. Thermal and geodynamic contributions to the elevation of the Altiplano-Puna plateau. Physics of Earth and Planetary Interiors, 237: 51-64. doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2014.10.002.
Acevedo, D., Rabassa, J., Corbella, H., Orgeira, M., Prezzi, C., Ponce, J., Martínez, O., González-Guillot, M., Rocca, M., Subías, I., 2014. Comment on “Impact Structures in Africa: A review”. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 100: 755-756. doi: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2014.07.020
Prezzi, C., Götze, H.-J., y Schmidt, S., 2014. Andean Foreland Evolution and Flexure in NW Argentina: Chaco-Paraná Basin. Tectonophysics, 628: 228-243. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2014.04.041.
Prezzi, C., Caffe, P., Iglesia Llanos, P. y Orgeira, M. J., 2014. New Paleomagnetic data from Paleogene-Lower Miocene rocks of northern Argentine Puna: the Central Andean rotation pattern. Journal of Geodynamics, 78: 42-52. doi: 10.1016/j.jog.2014.04.007.
Iglesia Llanos, M. P. y Prezzi, C., 2013. The role of true polar wander on the Jurassic paleoclimate. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 102:745–759. doi:10.1007/s00531-012-0818-8, 1-15.
González Guillot, M., Prezzi, C., Escayola, M. y Acevedo, R., 2012. A comparative study of two rear-arc plutons and implications for the Fueguian Andes tectonic evolution: Mount Kranck pluton and Jeu-Jepén monzonite, Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 38:71-88.
Thorwart, M., Dzierma, Y., Rabbel, W., Siegmund, C., Comte, D., Bataille, K., Iglesia, P., y Prezzi, C., 2012. Seismicity near the slip maximum of the 1960 Mw 9.5 Valdivia earthquake (Chile): Plate interface lock and reactivation of the subducted Valdivia fault zone. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, B06312, doi:10.1029/2011JB008914.
Acevedo, R., Rabassa, M., Ponce, J., Martínez, O., Orgeira, M., Prezzi, C., Corbella, H., González-Guillot, M., Rocca, M., Subías, I. y Vásquez, C., 2012. The Bajada del Diablo astrobleme-strewn field, Argentine Patagonia: extending the exploration to surrounding areas. Geomorphology, 169-170: 151-164. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.04.020.
Prezzi, C. y Iglesia Llanos, M. P., 2012. The southern Central Andes vertical axis tectonic rotations: relations with the deformation pattern. Andean Geology, 39(2): 279-294.
Silbergleit, V., y Prezzi, C., 2012. Statistics of major Chilean earthquakes recurrence. Natural Hazards, 62: 445-458. DOI 10.1007/s11069-012-0086-8.
Prezzi, C., Orgeira, M., Acevedo, R., Ponce, J., Martinez, O., Rabassa, J., Corbella, H., Vásquez, C., González-Guillot, M., y Subías, I., 2012. Geophysical characterization of two circular structures of Bajada del Diablo (Argentina): indication of impact origin. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 192-193: 21-34.
Prezzi, C., López, R., Vásquez, C., Marcomini, S. y Fazzito, S. 2011. Caracterización geofísica de zonas de relleno a lo largo de la costa de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires: estudio piloto en Ciudad Universitaria. Geoacta, 36: 75-93.
Prezzi, C. y Lince Klinger, F. 2010. Nuevas evidencias geofísicas de la existencia de una caldera cubierta en Laguna Pozuelos, Puna Norte. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, 66 (1-2): 282-295.
Prezzi, C. y Götze, H.-J. 2009. Estructura litosférica de los Andes Centrales a partir de un modelo gravimétrico 3D. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, 65 (1): 81-96.
Prezzi, C, Götze, H.-J. y Schmidt, S., 2009. 3D density model of the Central Andes. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 177: 217-234. doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2009.09.004.
Prezzi, C., Uba, C. y Götze, J.-H., 2009. Flexural isostasy in the Bolivian Andes: Chaco foreland basin development. Tectonophysics, 474: 526-543. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2009.04.037.
Prezzi, C. y Götze, H.-J., 2006. 3D modeling of buried intrusives in Pan de Azúcar zone (northern Puna, Argentina) from ground magnetic data. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 22: 89-97.
Prezzi, C., Somoza, R., y Mercader, R., 2005. Mineralogical changes during thermal demagnetization of natural continental sandstones. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 49(2): 213-232.
Prezzi, C., Orgeira, M.J., Ostera, H. y Vásquez, C.A., 2005. Ground magnetic survey of a municipal solid waste landfill: pilot study in Argentina. Environmental Geology, actually Environmental Earth Sciences, 47(7): 889-897. doi: 10.1007/s00254-004-1198-6.
Prezzi, C., Caffe, P. y Somoza, R., 2004. New paleomagnetic data from the northern Puna and western Cordillera Oriental, Argentina: a new insight on the timing of rotational deformation. Journal of Geodynamics, 38(2): 93-115. Seleccionado por la revista Economic Geology, 99(7): 1-24, 2004, como trabajo interesante publicado en otra revista.
Prezzi, C., 2002. Relevamiento magnetométrico terrestre de la zona de Pan de Azúcar, Puna Jujeña (22°30´S - 66°00´O). Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, 57(1): 85-91.
Prezzi, C., y Alonso, R., 2002. New Paleomagnetic data from the Northern Argentine Puna: Central Andes Rotation Pattern Reanalysed. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107 (B2): 10.1029/2001JB000225. 18 páginas. Seleccionado por la revista Economic Geology, 97: 427-432, 2002, como trabajo interesante publicado en otra revista.
Prezzi, C., 2001. Estudio paleomagnetico de rocas cenozoicas aflorantes en la Puna Austral. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, 56(3): 293-303.
Prezzi, C., 1999. Paleomagnetismo de rocas terciarias de la Puna Jujeña (23° S 66°30'O): ausencia de rotaciones según ejes verticales. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, 54: 407-419.
Prezzi, C. y Vilas, J.F.A. 1998. New Evidence of clockwise vertical axis rotations south of the Arica elbow (Argentine Puna). Tectonophysics, 292: 85-100.
Prezzi, C., Vilas, J. F. A. y Sinito, A.M. 1996. Estudio Paleomagnético de Rocas Sedimentarias Terciarias de la Puna Salteña: determinación de rotaciones horarias. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, 51(3): 261-273.

Book Chapters

Prezzi, C., Orgeira, M. J., Coronato, A., Onorato, M. R., Quiroga, D., López, R., Ponce, J., Magneres, I., Núñez Demarco, P., Perucca, L., Palermo, P., 2021. Geophysical methods applied to the study of lakes and paleolakes in Tierra del Fuego. En: Geological Resources of Tierra del Fuego (Ed. Acevedo, R.), págs.: 189-217. Springer.
Prezzi, C. e Ibarra, F., 2017. Estructura cortical del Noroeste de Argentina en base a datos gravimétricos y magnetométricos. En C. Muruaga y P. Grosse (Eds.), Ciencias de la Tierra y Recursos Naturales del NOA, Relatorio del XX Congreso Geológico Argentino, Tucumán, Argentina, 7-11 de Agosto de 2017, págs. 54-69.
Prezzi, C, Götze, H.-J. y Schmidt, S., 2011. The Central Andes lithospheric structure from 3D gravity modeling, en Salfity, J.A., and Marquillas, R.A., eds., Cenozoic geology of the Central Andes of Argentina: Salta, SCS Publisher, p. 395-410.
Prezzi, C, Götze, H.-J. y Schmidt, S., 2011. The Altiplano-Puna elevation budget, en Salfity, J.A., and Marquillas, R.A., eds., Cenozoic geology of the Central Andes of Argentina: Salta, SCS Publisher, p. 383-394.
Prezzi, C., 2011. The southern Central Andes paleomagnetic data base revisited, en Salfity, J.A., and Marquillas, R.A., eds., Cenozoic geology of the Central Andes of Argentina: Salta, SCS Publisher, p. 371-381.
Prezzi, C., Vizán, H., y Rapalini, A., 2001. Marco Paleogeográfico. En: ”El Sistema Triásico en Argentina” (Capítulo 12). Eds.: A. E. Artabe, E. M. Morel y A. B. Zamuner. Fundación Museo de La Plata “Francisco Pascasio Moreno”, La Plata, Argentina. ISBN 987-95358-1-2. Páginas: 255-267.

Current profession

Current professional activities type: 
I am the Vice-director of the Institute of Basic, Applied and Environmental Geosciences of Buenos Aires. I am associate professor at Buenos Aires University and Senior Research Fellow of the National Council of Scientific and Technological Research. Argentina

Prizes, Grants and Awards

Other Awards

Feb 2025
Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship

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