Member Profile
Membership type: full
Estefania Quenta
Country of origin: Bolivia Currently in: Bolivia, La Paz General field of specialization: Other-
2018 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms2014 Master Biological Systems and Organisms2010 Undergraduate Engineering sciences -
Current Research Activities
Schlumberger Foundation FFTF postdoctoral fellow, Imperial College London & Active OWSD-Bolivia Member
Publications resulting from Research:
To see the complete list of Estefania's publications, conferences, research, and teaching activities visit her personal website or researchgate profile:
Selected Publications
• Quenta-Herrera E., Crespo-Pérez V, Mark B, Gonzales A, Kulonen, A. 2022. Mountain freshwater ecosystems and protected areas in the tropical Andes: insights and gaps for climate change adaptation. Environmental Conservation, 49:17-26.
• Quenta-Herrera E., Daza, A., Lazzaro, X, Jacobsen, D. Dangles, O., Cauvy-Fraunié, S. 2021. Aquatic biota responses to temperature in a high Andean geothermal stream. Frehwater Biology 66, 1889-1900.
• Quenta E., Molina-Rodriguez J., Gonzales K., Rebaudo F., Casas J., Jacobsen D., Dangles, O. (2016) Direct and indirect effects of glaciers on aquatic biodiversity in high Andean peatlands. Global Change Biology 22, 3196–3205.
• Quenta Herrera E., Jacobsen D., Casas J., Dangles, O. (2018). Environmental and spatial filters of zooplankton metacommunities in shallow pools in high-elevation peatlands in the tropical Andes. Freshwater Biology. 63, 432-442.
• Tiegs, S. D., Costello, D. M., Isken, M. W., Woodward, G., McIntyre, P. B., Gessner, M. O,…........Zwart, J. A. (2019). Global patterns and drivers of ecosystem functioning in rivers and riparian zones. Science Advances, 5(1).
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Research
Other Awards
Apr 2024FFTF Award recipient: Postdoctoral Fellow, Imperial College London (Starting soon).Estefania Quenta was selected from 466 applicants at the international level. Schlumberger Foundation. Program: FFTF Postdoctoral Fellow. Location: Imperial College London, UK.Sep 2014ERASMUS MUNDUS SUD-UE grant European Commission.Mobility type: PhD. Course/Program: Natural Sciences. Location: Université de Tours, France.Jan 2011Master GrantMaster Grant: 84 % of funding provided by the “Fondo de contravalor II, por canje de Deuda entre Bolivia y Alemania” managed by “Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Ecología (FUND-ECO)”. Location: Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, UMSA.