Member Profile
Membership type: full
Fany Beatriz Ramos Quispe
Country of origin: Bolivia Currently in: Bolivia, La Paz General field of specialization: Engineering sciences-
2017 Master Social and Economic Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Social and Economic Sciences
My research focuses Envionmental Change and its relationship with social structuresCurrent profession
Current professional activities type:OtherProject Officer
Workshop and Conference Attended
2018 Quito, Ecuador FLACSO – International Studies Association Joint International Conference “Power Reconfigurations”Affiliations
Environmental Engineers Society of La PazPresentation given
2018Interinstitutional Arrangements for Dealing with Challenges and Uncertainty Towards a Territorial and Resilient Developmet in the TrifinioQuito, EcuadorEvent: FLACSO – International Studies Association Joint International Conference “Power Reconfigurations” -
Other Awards
Jun 2016Scholarship for the MScThis scholarship was awarded by the Plurinational Government of Bolivia to 100 bright and committed professionals to achieve a Postgraduate degree at the best universities of the world.Jan 2016Fellowship for the 39th UNEP/UNESCO/BMU International Postgraduate Course on Environmental Management for Developing CountriesIn support of the SDGs, the UNEP/UNESCO/BMU follows an integrated and interdisciplinary approach covering the field of environmental management for developing countries.