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Member Profile

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Ruth María Reátegui Rojas

Country of origin: Ecuador Currently in: Ecuador, Loja General field of specialization: Computing and Information Technology
Academic Background


2019 Doctorate Computing and Information Technology
Research and Profession

Current Research Activities

Computing and Information Technology

Publications resulting from Research: 

Reátegui, R., & Ratté, S. (2018). Comparison of MetaMap and cTAKES for entity extraction in clinical notes. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak, 18(Suppl 3), 74. doi:10.1186/s12911-018-0654-2

Reátegui, R., Ratté, S., Bautista-Valarezo, E., & Duque, V. (2019). Cluster Analysis of Obesity Disease Based on Comorbidities Extracted from Clinical Notes. Journal of Medical Systems, 43(3), 52. doi:10.1007/s10916-019-1172-1

Reátegui R., Torres-Carrión P., López V., Galárraga A., Grondona G., Nuñez C.L. (2020) Cluster Analysis Base on Psychosocial Information for Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Consumers. In: Botto-Tobar M., Zambrano Vizuete M., Torres-Carrión P., Montes León S., Pizarro Vásquez G., Durakovic B. (eds) Applied Technologies. ICAT 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1194. Springer, Cham.

Torres-Carrión P., Reátegui R., Valdiviezo P., Bustamante B., Vaca S. (2020) Application of Techniques Based on Artificial Intelligence for Predicting the Consumption of Drugs and Substances. A Systematic Mapping Review. In: Botto-Tobar M., Zambrano Vizuete M., Torres-Carrión P., Montes León S., Pizarro Vásquez G., Durakovic B. (eds) Applied Technologies. ICAT 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1194. Springer, Cham.

Torres-Carrión P., Reátegui R., Bustamante B., Gordón J., Boada M.J., Ruisoto P. (2020) Cluster Analysis for Abstemious Characterization Based on Psycho-Social Information. In: Botto-Tobar M., Zambrano Vizuete M., Torres-Carrión P., Montes León S., Pizarro Vásquez G., Durakovic B. (eds) Applied Technologies. ICAT 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1194. Springer, Cham.

Chicaiza J., Reátegui R. (2020) Using Domain Ontologies for Text Classification. A Use Case to Classify Computer Science Papers. In: Villazón-Terrazas B., Ortiz-Rodríguez F., Tiwari S.M., Shandilya S.K. (eds) Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web. KGSWC 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1232. Springer, Cham.

Current profession

Current professional activities type: 
I am professor and research at Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja. Ecuador.


Laboratoire d’ingénierie Cognitive Sémantique (LiNCS)
Research group of Applied Artificial Intelligence

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