Member Profile

Membership type: full
Alanna Jane Rebelo
Country of origin: South Africa Currently in: South Africa, Johannesburg General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
2017 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
The socio-economic benefits of investing in ecological infrastructure for water security (SEBEI) 2018-2010 (DANIDA Funded)
Publications resulting from Research:
Rebelo, A.J., Morris, C., Meire P. and Esler, K.J. (2018). Ecosystem services provided by South African palmiet wetlands: can we justify the true cost of development? Ecological Indicators. In press.
Rebelo, A.J., Emsens, W., Esler K.J., and Meire P. (2018). Quantification of water purification in South African Palmiet Wetlands. Water Science & Technology. In press.
Rebelo, A.J., Somers, B., Esler K.J., and Meire P. (2018). Can wetland plant functional groups be spectrally discriminated? Remote Sensing of Environment. 210: 25-34.
Rebelo, A.J., Rebelo A.G., Rebelo A.D. & Bronner G.N. (2018). Clear-felling of pine plantations in threatened fynbos habitats does not restore successional small mammal communities. African Ecology. In press.
Rebelo, A.J., Scheunders P., Esler K.J., and Meire P. (2017). Detecting, mapping and classifying wetland fragments at a landscape scale. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment. 8: 212-223.
Rebelo, A.J., and Job, N. (2017). South African palmiet wetlands –unique and highly threatened. IUCN Book Chapter. In press.
Boerema* A., Rebelo*, A.J., Bodi M.B., Esler K.J, and Meire P. (2017). Is the reality of ecosystem services adequately quantified? Journal of Applied Ecology. 54: 358–370. *EQUAL LEAD AUTHORS
Rebelo A.J., Le Maitre D., Esler K.J., & Cowling R.M. (2015). Hydrological responses of a valley-bottom wetland to land-use/land-cover change in a South African catchment: making a case for wetland restoration. Restoration Ecology. Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 829–841
Esler, K and A.J. Rebelo. (2014). Book Review: Quantifying Functional Biodiversity. African Journal of Range & Forage Science. 1-2.
D.J. Crookes, J.N. Blignaut, M.P. de Wit, K.J. Esler, D.C. Le Maitre, S.J. Milton, S.A. Mitchell, J. Cloete, P. de Abreu, H. Fourie (nee Vlok), K. Gull, D. Marx, W. Mugido, T. Ndhlovu, M. Nowell, M. Pauw, and A. Rebelo. (2013). System dynamic modelling to assess economic viability and risk trade-offs for ecological restoration in South Africa. Journal of Environmental Management. 120:138-147.
Rebelo A.J., Le Maitre D., Esler K.J., and Cowling R.M. (2012). Are We Destroying Our Insurance Policy? The Effects of Alien Invasion and Subsequent Restoration. A case study of the Kromme River System, South Africa. Chapter 16 in Landscape Ecology Book. Springer. Eds: B. Fu and K.B. Jones. Pp 335-364.
Bird, M., J. Day, and A.J. Rebelo. (2012). Physico-chemical impacts of terrestrial alien vegetation on temporary wetlands in a sclerophyllous Sand fynbos ecosystem. Hydrobiologia. 711 (1), 115-128.
Rebelo, A.J., and K. Gull. 2011. Urban Water Use. TIPS Policy Brief. March 2012. Available:
Rebelo, A.J., and J. Blignaut. 2012. Stakeholder Engagement. Policy Paper
Mitchell, S., A.J. Rebelo, and J. Blignaut. (2012). Restoration: An investment in natural capital and an insurance premium against risk. Policy Paper
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Research