Member Profile
Dr. Ghazala Roohi
Country of origin: Pakistan Currently in: Pakistan, Islamabad General field of specialization: Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences-
2013 Doctorate Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences
Comparative Studies on Enamel Hypoplasia in the Siwalik Rhinocerotidae (Mammalia)”. The proposed study of Enamel Hypoplasia in Siwalik Rhinoceroses is being conducted for the first time and is kind of a unique study in Pakistan. The pilot studies of hypoplasia in the recent rhinocertids and their comparison with the known habitat and vegetation will provide a good basis for interpreting the past habitat and environment. The detail dental study of Siwalik Rhinoceroses from various geological ages will be useful in interpreting the biodiversity and ecological changes in the South Asian Sub Continent during the Miocene period (from 23 million years to about 5 million years ago). These studies will bring a new dimension to the researchers in the fields of paleontology.Affiliations
Zoological Society of PakistanGeological Society of Malaysia