Member Profile

Membership type: full
Parul Sahu
Country of origin: India Currently in: India, Bhavnagar General field of specialization: Engineering sciences-
2020 Doctorate Engineering sciences -
Current Research Activities
Engineering sciences
• Crystallization: Thermodynamic & kinetics studies, Modelling and simulation • Desalination: Ice-based desalination • Salt and Marine Chemicals • Process synthesis, modelling, optimization & techno-economic evaluation
Publications resulting from Research:
1) Sameer Bhatti, Parul Sahu*, Antisolvent crystallization (ASC) in aqueous system: Fundamentals, sustainability aspects, and applications, Journal of Chemical Engineering Research Updates, 11 (2024), 29-52,
2) Sameer Bhatti, Parul Sahu*, Hemali R. Masani, Anugraha K Dinesh, Sumesh C. Upadhyay, Bipin G. Vyas, Arvind Kumar, Process integration and techno-economic assessment of crystallization techniques for Na2SO4 and NaCl recovery from saline effluents, Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 203, (2024) 109879,
3) Arvind Kumar, Sumesh C. Upadhyay, Alok R Paital, Sumit B Kamble, Parul Sahu, Rahul J Sanghavi, Technological Advancements in Integrated Recovery of Marine Chemicals from Brines and Desalination Plant Rejects: A Sustainable Approach, Chemical Industry Digest, April Issue (2024), 22-27
4) Parul Sahu*, Sumesh C. Upadhyay, Karan Liya, Dhruvatiba Gohil, S.V. Srinivasan, Arvind Kumar, Waste management and salt recovery from solid residue of tannery common effluent treatment plant, Indian Chemical Engineer, (2024), 1-13,
5) Parul Sahu*, Barnabas Gao, Sameer Bhatti, Gerard Capellades, Kirti M. Yenkie “Process design framework for inorganic salt recovery using antisolvent crystallization (ASC)”, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 12:1 (2024), 154-165,
6) Srinivas Krishnaswamy, Parul Sahu*, Krishnaswamy Ponnani, “Calorimetry based temperature and specific enthalpy measurements associated with ice-water phase change in saline systems for freeze desalination”, International Journal of Thermofluids, 15 (2022), 100175.
7) Parul Sahu*, “Process design and economic evaluation for cyclopentane (CP)-based hydrate desalination”, Desalination and Water Treatment, 250 (2022),51-64.
8) Parul Sahu*, Sumesh C. Upadhyay, Sameer Bhatti, Jasbir Kaur Mahey, Rahul J. Sanghavi, Arvind Kumar, “Sodium-sulphate production from sulphate-rich bittern: A parametric study and economic evaluation”, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9 (2021), 105632.
9) Parul Sahu*, “Clathrate hydrate technology for water reclamation: Present status and future prospects’, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 41 (2021), 102058.
10) Parul Sahu*, “A comprehensive review of saline effluent disposal and treatment: conventional methods, emerging technologies and future potentials’, Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination, 11:1 (2021), 33–65.
11) Parul Sahu, Srinivas Krishnaswamy*, Nawal Kishore Pande, “Process Intensification using a novel continuous U-shaped crystallizer for Freeze Desalination”, Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 153, (2020) 107970.
12) Parul Sahu, Srinivas Krishnaswamy*, Krishnaswamy Ponnani, Nawal Kishore Pande, “A thermodynamic approach to selection of suitable hydrate formers for seawater desalination”, Desalination 436 (2018) 144–151.
1) Parul Sahu, Arvind Kumar, Sumesh Chandra Upadhyay, Sameer Jayendrabhai Bhatti, Dhruvatiba Rajendrasinh Gohil, Hemali Masani, “A process for selective crystallization of sulphate salts from mixed salt solutions using antisolvent addition”, Indian Patent Application No 202411036878, Filing Date: May 9, 2024.
2) Arvind Kumar, Sumesh Chandra Upadhyay, Jifu Zhao, Alok Ranjan Paital, Sumit Balkrishna Kamble, Parul Sahu, Rahul Jasvantrai Sanghavi, Shibaji Ghosh, Jasbir Kaur Mahey, Dipak Uka Nandaniya, Dhruvatiba Rajendrasinh Gohil, “An integrated process for preparation of pure brine for industrial use by recovery of marine salts and bromine”, Indian Patent Application No 202411018403, Filing Date: March 12, 2024.
3) Srinivas Krishnaswamy, Parul Sahu, Krishnaswamy Ponnani, Parivesh Chugh, Nawal Kishore Pande, “A process and an apparatus for continuous freeze crystallization”, Indian Patent No. 461479 (Application No. 201921016099) Date of Grant: October 23, 2023.
4) Srinivas Krishnaswamy, Parul Sahu, Krishnaswamy Ponnani, Parivesh Chugh, Nawal Kishore Pande, “Process and system for routing LNG cold energy for desalinating sea water and power generation”, Indian Patent No. 419254 (Application No. 201811014242) Date of Grant: January 25, 2023.
Conference / Proceedings
1) Hemali R. Masani, Parul Sahu, “Solid-liquid phase equilibria of NaCl – Na2SO4 – H2O ternary system and its application for selective Na2SO4 separation from brines”, International Conference on Advances in Salt and Marine Chemicals: Brine Mining, Purification and Resource Recovery (ICASMC) 2024, Bhavnagar, India 22 – 23 February, 2024
2) Kirti Yenkie, Barnabas Gao, Parul Sahu, “Scalability studies for inorganic salt recovery via antisolvent crystallization: Techno-economics and Life Cycle Assessment”, International Conference on Advances in Salt and Marine Chemicals: Brine Mining, Purification and Resource Recovery (ICASMC) 2024, Bhavnagar, India 22 – 23 February, 2024
3) Barnabas Gao, Parul Sahu, Kirti Yenkie, Gerard Capellades “Techno-economic analysis of antisolvent crystallization for inorganic salt recovery”, AIChE Annual Meeting 2023, Orlando, Florida USA 5 – 10 November, 2023
4) Parul Sahu “A holistic approach for inorganic salt recovery from wastes generated from common salt harvesting activities”, AIChE Annual Meeting 2022, Phoenix, Arizona USA 13 – 18 November, 2022
5) Parul Sahu “Recovery of sodium chloride and sodium sulphate from salt refinery waste by crystallization techniques”, International Conference on Chemical Engineering: Enabling Transition Towards Sustainable Future CHEMTSF 2022, IIT Roorkee, India 8 – 10 September, 2022
6) Parul Sahu, Srinivas K., “Calorimetric measurements associated with ice-water phase change in saline systems for freeze desalination”, 13th International Conference on Thermal Engineering: Theory and Applications ICTEA 2022, Baku, Azerbaijan 22 – 24 May, 2022
7) Karan Liya, Parul Sahu “Integrated solar salt production from evaporated residue (ER) of reverse osmosis reject generated from tanneries”, 74th Annual session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineering Congress, CHEMCON 2021, Bhubaneswar, India 27 – 30 December, 2021
8) Parul Sahu “Case studies on mineral salts recovery from saline–effluents”, International Virtual Conference on Frontiers in Chemical Sciences,’ IVCFCS 2021, MS University Udaipur, India 25 June, 2021
9) Parul Sahu and Bhavdip Patel “Extraction of K2SO4 from an aqueous NaCl+K2SO4 solution by organic solvent PEG 200”, National Conference on ‘New Frontiers in Energy and Environmental Sustainability,’ NFEES 2021, PDEU Gandhinagar, India 27 – 28 February, 2021
10) Parul Sahu “Utilization of liquefied natural gas (LNG) refrigeration for cold chain application: A case study of Kochi LNG regasification terminal”, National Conference on ‘Recent Trends in Chemical Engineering & Environment Protection,’ RTCEEP 2019, B.I.E.T. Jhansi (U.P.), India 29 – 30 March, 2019
11) Parul Sahu, Srinivas K., Nawal Kishore Pande “Heat transfer with phase change in U-shaped crystallizer for freeze desalination”, 12th International Conference on Thermal Engineering Theory and Applications, ICTEA 2019, PDPU Gandhinagar, India 23 – 26 February, 2019
12) Parul Sahu and Srinivas K. “Study of batch crystallizer for freeze desalination”, International Conference on Desalination, InDACON 2018, NIT Trichy, India 20 – 21 April, 2018
13) Parul Sahu, Srinivas Krishnaswamy, K. N. Ponnani, “Study of U-tube scraped crystallizer for desalination”, 69th Annual session of Indian Chemical Engineering Congress, CHEMCON 2016, Chennai, India 27 – 30 December, 2016
14) Parul Sahu, Srinivas K., K.N. Ponnani, “A theoretical approach to selection of suitable hydrate former for seawater desalination”, Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Gas Hydrates, ICGH 2014, Beijing, China, 28 July – 1 August, 2014
15) Parul Sahu, J. Adhikari, ‘Prediction of Vapor-liquid equilibria of polymerization system, viz. low-density polyethylene (LDPE) using molecular simulation’, ChEmference 2011, IISc Bangalore, India 23 – 24 September, 2011
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeaching