Member Profile

Membership type: full
Lobna Said
Country of origin: Egypt Currently in: Egypt, cairo General field of specialization: Engineering sciences-
2016 Doctorate Engineering sciences2011 Master Engineering sciences2007 Undergraduate Engineering sciences -
Current Research Activities
Engineering sciences
My research involves interdisciplinary concepts, including Smart agriculture, fractional-order systems, embedded systems, hardware accelerators, data encryption, security, and energy harvesting, which contribute to Egypt's sustainable development goals (SDGs). I promote diversity, inclusion in engineering and encourage scholars, particularly women, to pursue research careers.
Publications resulting from Research:
D. A. Yousri, Amr M. AbdelAty, Lobna A. Said, A. S. Elwakil, Brent Maundy, Ahmed G. Radwan, “Chaotic Flower Pollination and Grey Wolf Algorithms for parameter extraction of bio-impedance models,” Applied Soft Computing, vol.75, pp. 750-774,2019. /
Nancy S. Soliman, Mohammed F. Tolba, Lobna A. Said, Ahmed H. Madian, Ahmed G. Radwan “Fractional X-shape Controllable Multi-scroll Attractor with Parameter Effect and FPGA Automatic Design Tool software” chaos solitan and fractals,vol. 126, pp. 292–307, Sep. 2019.
Samar M. Ismail, Lobna A. Said, Ahmed G. Radwan, Ahmed H. Madian, Mohamed F. Abu-ElYazeed “A Novel Image Encryption System Merging Fractional-Order Edge Detection and Generalized Chaotic Maps” Signal processing, vol. 167, p. 107280, 2020.
A. H. Elsafty, M. F. Tolba, Lobna A. Said, A. H. Madian, and A. G. Radwan, “A study of the nonlinear dynamics of human behavior and its digital hardware implementation,” Journal of Advanced Research, vol. 25, pp. 111–123, Sep. 2020.
Mohamed S. Ghoneim, Samar I. Gadallah, Lobna A. Said, Ahmed M. Eltawil, Ahmed G. Radwan, and Ahmed H. Madian, “Plant Stem Tissue Modeling and Parameter Identification using Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms.”, Scientific Reports, vol. 12, no. 1, Mar. 2022.
Wafaa S. Sayed, Merna Roshdy, Lobna A. Said, Norbert Herencsar , and Ahmed G. Radwan, “CORDIC-Based FPGA Realization of a Spatially Rotating Translational Fractional-Order Multi-Scroll Grid Chaotic System” Fractal and Fractional, 2022
Menna Mohsen, Lobna A. Said , Ahmed S. Elwakil , Ahmed H. Madian , and Ahmed G. Radwan “Extracting Optimized Bio-Impedance Model Parameters Using Different Topologies of Oscillators” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 20 , no. 17, pp. 9947 - 9954, Sep. 2020.
Yomna Gamal; Ahmed Soltan; Lobna A. Said, Ahmed H. Madian; Ahmed G. Radwan “Smart Irrigation Systems: Overview”, IEEE Access,2023
B. K. Sharobim, M. H. Yacoub, W. S. Sayed, A. G. Radwan, and L. A. Said, “Artificial Neural Network Chaotic PRNG and simple encryption on FPGA,” Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 126, p. 106888, Nov. 2023.
A. Osama, S. I. Gadallah, M. Fouda, L. A. Said, and A. G. Radwan, “Chaotic Stochastic Neural Network Quantization and its Robustness Against Adversarial Attacks,” Knowledge-Based Systems,Vol. 286, February 2024
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Administrationthe MSD program director • Member of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Quality Board from Jan 2024-Present • Prepare comprehensive accreditation files for the MSD program, ensuring successful approval by the Supreme Universities Council. • Follow up on the course offering, advising, registration process, and other administrative tasks for the MSD program, enhancing the student experience and program efficiency. • Follow up on course file collection and exam process administration. • Build strategic collaborations with industry leaders like Valeo and Bright Skies companies through industrial experts teaching MSD courses, enriching the program's curriculum, and providing valuable networking opportunities for students. • Establish a comprehensive database for MSD alums, connecting graduates with opportunities in academia, industry, and various geographic locations. • Recruitment of high-caliber faculty for the MSD program. • Developed and implemented an innovative course, "Fundamentals of Research," utilizing real-world examples to equip Master's students with practical research methodology skills.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2010 Hong Kong, IEEE International Conference of Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits (EDSSC).2012 Tunisia, The 16th IEEE Mediterranean Electro Technical Conference.2014 Malaysia, The 2nd International Conference on Electronic Design (ICED).2017 Thessaloniki, Greece MOCAST Conference2019 Lebanon The 4th International Conference on Advances in Computational Tools for Engineering Application.2020 India Workshop on fractional Order systems (FOS''20)2022 Tunisia The awareness campaign about "Targeting Antibiotic Resistance ".2022 Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt COP27 – Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change2022 Morocco the 34th International Conference on Microelectronics (IEEE ICM 2022)2023 Saudi Arabia the Future of Semiconductors Forum at KAUST,2023 Italy (Rome) the Third International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (NODYCON 2023).2023 Zanzibar (Tanzania) Workshop on Traditional and Alternative Medicine Practices2023 South Africa Africa ASLP 9th cohort training conference2024 UAE (Ras Al Khaimah) International Workshop of “Interdisciplinary Solutions for a Sustainable Future.”Affiliations
the African Academy of Sciences (AAS).the Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA)TWASthe Egyptian Young Academy of Science (EYAS),Council for future studies and risk management,Presentation given
2016Fractional-Order circuits and systemsCairo, EgyptEvent: The 28th IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM 2016),2017Overview of bio-impedance in the food industryNile University, EgyptEvent: Workshop on “Advanced Bio-impedance Modeling Using Fractional Calculus”2019Bio-impedance from theory to application: An IntroductionNile University, EgyptEvent: Workshop on “Digital agriculture using Bio-impedance sensors.”2020An Overview of Fractional-Order Calculus Application in Electrical EngineeringIndian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (IITKGP), IndiaEvent: Workshop on “fractional Order systems (FOS''20)”2021Fractional-Order Calculus Applications in Electrical EngineeringOnline Via ZoomEvent: 1st International (ONLINE) Conference in Mathematical Sciences and Fractional Calculus2021New Trends in Fractional-Order Circuits and SystemsOnline Via ZoomEvent: The 19th International Conference on Aerospace Sciences & Aviation Technology (ASAT-19)2021New Era in Fractional-Order Circuits and SystemsOnline Via ZoomEvent: Workshop on “Women in Science and Engineering”2022From the fundamentals of fractional calculus to applications in electrical engineeringBenghazi, LibyaEvent: The 3rd International Conference of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology ICEEIT 20222022Contributing guest speaker in the talk session ‘Green Hydrogen, Energy Transition & the Future of STEM Education in the Arab Region and Germany’.Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt)Event: ‘COP27 – Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change2023Bioimpedance Measurements, Modelling, and Applications in PlantsZanzibar University, TanzaniaEvent: International Workshop of the Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA), titled “Traditional and Alternative Medicine Practices in Zanzibar.” -
Other Awards
Sep 2019Excellence Award from the Center for the Development of Higher Education and ResearchThis award was given for best Ph.D. thesis from the faculty of engineering, Cairo UniversityJul 2019Dr. Hazem Ezzat Prize for the Outstanding Researcher, NU for 2018/ 2019.This award was given by Nile University for excelling in researchJul 2020Dr. Hazem Ezzat Prize for the Outstanding Researcher, NU for 2019/ 2020.This award was given by Nile University for excelling in researchOct 2020The State Encouragement Award 2019 in the field of engineering science.This is one of the prestigious awards given by the Egyptian government to distinguished researchersMar 2022The 2022 Junior Faculty Development Program (JFDP), FulbrightThe 2022 Fulbright Junior Faculty Development Program bring young faculty members from Egypt to US institutions for faculty development, mentoring, and cultural exchange activities in Renewable Energy and Engineering and Information Technology from the end of June till mid-September 2022. During this 10-week program, faculty members are introduced to new teaching and research methods, observe classes, attend seminars, and develop linkages with American faculty through weekly mentoring sessions. In addition, ongoing community engagement with university-identified host families, volunteers, or the broader local community would facilitate the scholars’ participation in outreach activities, including visits to historical sites and cultural events.