Member Profile

Membership type: full
Laura Jaqueline Santander Hernandez
Country of origin: Mexico Currently in: Mexico, Apodaca General field of specialization: Engineering sciences-
2021 Doctorate Engineering sciences2016 Master Engineering sciences -
Current Research Activities
Engineering sciences
Transmission Lines Design; Wire & Cable testing; Smart Grids.
Publications resulting from Research:
Real-Time Analysis of the Impedance–Temperature Relationship in Electric Distribution Lines Using PMUs. Energies 2021, 14, 1661.
In this paper, an efficient method to compute the phase impedance of a power distribution line is presented. This paper’s main interest is to collect and analyze the impedance–temperature profiles in distribution lines by employing real-time phasor measurement units (PMUs) voltage and current measurements. The monitoring system has been developed for microgrids integrating ocean energies within the scope of the Mexican Ocean Energy Innovation Centre (CEMIE-Océano), contributing to marine energy tools’ innovation and development. The development tool can easily be applied to other distribution network components or to monitor microgrids with renewable-energy generation.
Implementation of distributed compensation in the transmission lines design (D-FACTS)
The design and construction of transmissions lines has been a well-established practice since the beginning of power systems. However, nowadays it is more difficult to build new ones, due to environmental and economic concerns, even technical issues like variable power supplies, affects the new designs of transmission lines. One way to avoid or delay the building of new lines, is to upgrade the old ones, not only by conventional methods but including new technologies, like including power electronics. The design of the transmission lines is a multidisciplinary work, which requires a detailed analysis of each of its basic parameters. On the other hand, the Flexible AC-Transmission Systems (FACTS), have proved to be a valuable tool in optimizing transmission systems. A variant of this technology is the application of power electronics devices embedded along the transmission lines, instead of large-scale …
Current profession
Current professional activities type:IndustrySenior Research
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)Mujeres I+D+i (Parque de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica)