Member Profile

Membership type: full
Khitam Shraim
Country of origin: Palestine Currently in: Palestine, Qalqilia General field of specialization: Social and Economic Sciences-
2009 Doctorate Social and Economic Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Social and Economic Sciences
My research interests revolve around promoting creative learning and innovative teaching, particularly in the areas of mobile learning, e-Learning, STEAM , the use of emerging technologies in education and training, and the use of ICT for Education for All.
Publications resulting from Research:
Shraim, K. ( In Review ) Quality Standards in online Education: The ISO/IEC 40180 / 21001 Framework. The Online Journal of Quality in Higher Education.
Shraim, K. ( In Review ) The role of Technology, Pedagogy, Content Knowledge (TPACK) Framework in Preparing Pre-service Teachers for integration Mobile Technologies into STEM Teaching Practices. Journal of Science Education and Technology.
Shraim, K. (2019) Online Examinations Practices In Higher Education Institutions: Learners' Perspectives. The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 20(4),185-196.
Shraim, K. (2018) Palestine (West Bank and Gaza Strip). In: Weber A., Hamlaoui S. (eds) E-Learning in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region. Springer, Cham, 309-332.
Crompton, H., Grant, M. and Shraim, K. (2018) Technologies to Enhance and Extend Children Understanding of Geometry: A Configurative Thematic Synthesis of the Literature. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 21(1), 59-69.
Shraim, K. and Crompton, H. (2015) Perceptions of Using Smart Mobile Devices in Higher Education Teaching: Case Study from Palestine. Contemporary Educational Technology, 6(4), 301-318.
Shraim, K. (2014) A Case Study of Mobile Technology-enabled English Language Learning: the Amazon Kindle e-Reader Initiative in Palestine. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 8(3), 25-31.
Shraim, K. (2014) Pedagogical innovation within Facebook: A case study in tertiary education in Palestine.
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning ( iJET), 9(8), 25-31.
Shraim, K. (2012) Moving Towards e-Learning Paradigm: Readiness of Higher Education Institutions in
Palestine. International Journal on E-Learning (IJEL), 11 (4), 441-463.
Shraim, K. and Khlaif, Z. (2010) An E-Learning Approach to Secondary Education in Palestine: Opportunitiesand Challenges. Information Technology for Development, 16(3), 159-173.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Teaching
Other Awards
May 2014Fulbright: Visiting Senior Scholar Award-USAMar 2010HBMeU- Dubai: Best Paper Award