Member Profile

Membership type: affiliate
Taryn Suazo Ubieta
Country of origin: Nicaragua Currently in: Nicaragua, Managua General field of specialization: Chemical Sciences-
2020 Undergraduate Chemical Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology
Morphological and molecular characterization of promising coffee varieties
Publications resulting from Research:
"Evaluation of DNA extraction methodologies from recalcitrant plants"
Authors: Taryn Suazo Ubieta ( ORCID iD:, Samantha Miranda
Calero, Ena Rivers Carcache, Martha Lacayo Romero, Daniel Tenorio López.
Date of publication: 2020-05-07
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingLaboratory analyst; training, research, projection and extension activities; development of research according to the lines of research of the Laboratory related to the proximal analysis of the food and morphological and molecular characterizations of plants; induction of students in related careers in analytical techniques; instructor in continuing training courses.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2020 Virtual conference through the social network of the Biotechnology Laboratory: "Molecular techniques for genetic analysis"2020 Biotechnology Laboratory, UNAN-Managua Proximal food analysis coursePresentation given
2021Impact of university-state coordination on the development of agricultural research of regional relevanceVirtualEvent: IX Central American University Congress2019Morphological and molecular characterization of Catrenic and Parainema coffee varietiesUNAN-ManaguaEvent: II Student Congress of the Biotechnology Laboratory, UNAN-Managua2019Characterization of coffee varieties (Coffea arabica L.) of national interestNational Engineering University, UNIEvent: VIII National Congress of Agricultural Engineering held at the National Engineering University, UNI2017Molecular characterization of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) variety catrenic using microsatellite markers (Single Sequence Repeats, SSR), Biotechnology Laboratory, UNAN-Managua, 2017UNAN-ManaguaEvent: XXXVI University Conference on Scientific Development2016Preparation of a cream from the chili Capsaicina to treat psoriasis, by the leaching method, Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Technology. UNAN-Managua, 2016UNAN-ManaguaEvent: XXXV University Conference on Scientific Development2015Determination of activity coefficients in the multicomponent system of n-Hexane, Ethanol, Methylcyclopentane and Benzene in mixture, using the UNIFAC method with the help of CHEMCAD software 6.1.3. UNAN - Managua. August-October 2015UNAN-ManaguaEvent: XXXIV University Conference on Scientific Development2014Food security analysis of nitrates and nitrites as preservatives in the university population, UNAN - Managua, April-June 2014UNAN-ManaguaEvent: XXXIII University Conference on Scientific Development -
Other Awards
Oct 2017First place in the "XXXVI University Conference on Scientific Development" of the Department of ChemistryFirst place in the "XXXVI University Conference on Scientific Development" of the Department of Chemistry with the monograph protocol with the title of "Molecular characterization of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) Catrenic variety using microsatellite markers"