Member Profile

Nazma Sultana
Country of origin: Bangladesh Currently in: Bangladesh, Dhaka General field of specialization: Computing and Information Technology-
2025 Engineering sciences -
Current Research Activities
Computing and Information Technology
Social Impact of IT and its Potential Use in Power Sector of Bangladesh: Abstract: With more than 35 per cent internet penetration now, Bangladesh has moved into meeting the challenges of sustainable development goals (SDG) related to information technology (IT) proving its worth in achieving the milestones of millennium development goals (MDG) ahead of target time. While the deep internet access of the common people of the country has brought about significant changes in their socio-economic aspects, this may even be utilized for improving discipline in the power (energy) sector of Bangladesh. A good number of 4800 plus e-service centres have developed all over the country, specially at the union level or grass-root level. Each of these centres consists of one male and one female entrepreneurs of the locality. While these centres have established about 10,000 young entrepreneurs for Bangladesh, these have been giving e-services to about one and a half crore of people in accessing to information of their requirements. A remote village farmer can now dream of getting his son or daughter admitted in the apex public universities without having to spend for collecting and submitting admission forms. Transparency and painless service are also being offered by the passport offices, road transport authorities, banks and other service industries. It is appreciated that IT may well be used for bringing discipline in the power sector. Introduction to digital meter cards and connecting the meters to the internet highway would enable the customers to receive update of their power consumption continuously. Similarly, IT can be used to detect the unauthorized connections from the grid. All these would help reducing system loss and contribute to the transparency of service to the customers.Current profession
Workshop and Conference Attended
2016 Dhaka, Bangladesh-Physics Auditorium, "Energy, Environment and WomenAffiliations
Third World Organization For Women in Science, Italy.Presentation given
2016Social Impact of IT and its potential use in power sector of Bangladesh:Event: Energy, Environment and Women