Member Profile

Membership type: full
Gladys Sunzuma
Country of origin: Zimbabwe Currently in: Zimbabwe, Bindura General field of specialization: Social and Economic Sciences-
2019 Doctorate Social and Economic Sciences2010 Master Social and Economic Sciences2002 Undergraduate Mathematical sciences -
Current Research Activities
Mathematical sciences
Publications resulting from Research:
Published Books
1. Sunzuma, G., Zezekwa, N and Zinyeka, G. (2019). Learner-centered instruction in mathematics: Teachers' perspectives and interventions. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.
Peer-reviewed Published Research Papers
2. Zezekwa, N., Munakandafa, W., & Sunzuma, G. (2021). Variations in science mentors’ assessment of student teachers during teaching practice. International Education and Culture studies, 1(2), 1-10
3. Sunzuma, G and Maharaj. A. (2021) Zimbabwean in-service teachers' views of geometry: an ethnomathematics perspective. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. DOI: 10.1080/0020739X.2021.1919770
4. Sunzuma, G., Zezekwa, N., Gwizangwe, I., & Zinyeka, G. (2021). A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Ethnomathematics and Traditional Lecture Approaches in Teaching Consumer Arithmetic: Learners’ Achievement and Teachers’ Views. Pedagogical Research, 6(4), em0103.
5. Sunzuma, G and Maharaj. A. (2020). Exploring Zimbabwean Mathematics teachers’ Integration of Ethnomathematics Approaches into the Teaching and Learning of Geometry. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 45(7), 77-93.
6. Sunzuma, G and Maharaj. A. (2020).In-service Zimbabwean teachers’ obstacles in integrating ethnomathematics approaches into the teaching and learning of geometry, Journal of Curriculum Studies, 1-21. DOI: 10.1080/00220272.2020.1825820
7. Sunzuma, G and Maharaj. A. (2020). Teachers’ views on learner-related variables impeding the integration of ethnomathematics approaches into the teaching and learning of geometry, International Journal of Inclusive Education, 1-19. OI:10.1080/13603116.2020.1808717
8. Sunzuma, G and Maharaj. A. (2020). In-service secondary teachers’ teaching approaches and views towards integrating ethnomathematics approaches into geometry teaching. Bolema, Rio Claro (SP), 34(66), 22-39.
9. Sunzuma, G and Maharaj. A. (2020). In-service mathematics teachers’ knowledge and awareness of ethnomathematics approaches. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 1-16. DOI: 10.1080/0020739X.2020.1736351
10. Sunzuma, G., Chando, C., Gwizangwe, I., Zezekwa, N and Zinyeka, G. (2020). In-service Zimbabwean teachers’ views on the utility value of diagrams in the teaching and learning of geometry. LUMAT: International Journal on Math, Science and Technology Education, 8(1), 1–18.
11. . Sunzuma, G and Maharaj. A. (2019). Teacher-related Challenges Affecting the Integration of Ethnomathematics Approaches into the Teaching of Geometry. EURASIA: Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 2019, 15(9), 1-15.
12. Sunzuma, G and Maharaj. A. (2019). In-service Teachers’ Geometry Content Knowledge: Implications for how Geometry is Taught in Teacher Training Institutions. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 14 (1), 1-14.
13. Sunzuma, G and Zezekwa, N (2016). An exploration of integrating Information and communication technology into mathematics teacher education programme. Asian Research Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 5(1), 1-10.
14. Sunzuma, G and Zezekwa, N (2016). Montessori Method of teaching: The key to learning and teaching of Mensuration of solid shapes: A case of a private school in Zimbabwe. Archives of Current Research International. 6(1), 1-5.
15. Zengeya-Makuku V, Sunzuma G., Zengeya A., Bhukuvhani C.E. (2013). The Quality of teaching practice supervision and assessment of science student teachers at Bindura University of Science education (BUSE). Journal of Educational Research 3(1):48-53
16. Sunzuma, G., Masocha, M and Zezekwa, N (2013).Secondary school students’ attitudes towards their learning of Geometry: A Survey of Bindura Urban Secondary schools. Greener Journal of Educational Research, 3(8), 402-410
17. Zezekwa, N and Sunzuma, G. (2013).Tell me a story: Relevance, Science Pedagogy and the teaching profession. International Journal of Development Research, 3(9), 9-12.
18. Sunzuma, G., Zivanai, J; Zezekwa, N; Bhukuvhani, C and Chinyoka, M (2013).The relationship between undergraduate science education students’ achievement in statistics and their prior secondary school mathematics achievement. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 2(8), 316-319.
19. Sunzuma, G., Zezekwa, N; Zinyeka, G and Chinyoka, M (2013).Incorporating Religious Mathematics in the teaching and learning of Formal Geometry: A case study of the apostolic church sector in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR). 9(1), 18-23
20. Bhukuvhani, C., Tigere, A., Mhishi, M., Sunzuma, G. and Mupa, M. (2013) Science and Technology Education Curriculum reforms for the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NST) Revolution. BioInfo Publications- Journal of Education, 3 (1), 44-47.
21. Bhukuvhani, C, Nyoni, N, Mupa, M, Mhishi, M, Sunzuma, G., Zezekwa, N and Gwizangwe, I. (2013). Science and Technology Educators and Students’ conceptions of nanoscience and nanotechnology: A case study of three universities in Zimbabwe. Crown Research in Education, 3(1), 22-26.
22. Sunzuma, G., Ndemo, Z., Zinyeka, G and Zezekwa, N. (2012). The challenges of implementing student centered instruction in the teaching and learning of secondary school mathematics in a selected district in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Current Research, 4(5), 145-155.
23. Sunzuma, G. Zezekwa, N and Bhukuvhani.C. (2012). An insight into the pedagogical approaches for Virtual Open Distance Learning (VODL) Programme at a selected university in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Social Science Tomorrow, 1(4), 1-10.
24. Sunzuma, G. Zezekwa, N and Bhukuvhani.C. (2012). Undergraduate Students’ views on their learning of Research Methods and Statistics (RMS) course: Challenges and Alternative Strategies. International Journal of Social Science Tomorrow, 1(3), 1-9.
25. Bhukuvhani C.E., Zezekwa, N., and Sunzuma, G. (2011). Students’ preparedness to integrate Information and Communication Technology tools and resources for the learning of Organic Chemistry concepts in the District of Masvingo, Zimbabwe. International Journal of Education and Development using ICT, 7(2), 27-37.
26. Bhukuvhani, C.E., Zezekwa, N and Sunzuma G. (2011). Primary School Pre-service teachers’ perceptions of the effectiveness of mentor supervision. The Dyke. Journal of The Midlands State University. 5(2), 124-144.
Conference papers
27. Zengeya-Makuku, V. and Sunzuma, G. (2012). An insight into quality of supervision and assessment of science student-teachers throughout teaching practice (TP) at Bindura University of Science Education (BUSE): A concern for quality assurance. International conference for teaching practice in education, UNISA Pretoria, South Africa. pp 184-201.35.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Teaching
Workshop and Conference Attended
2012 South AFRica International conference for teaching practice in education, UNISA Pretoria, South Africa