Member Profile

Kausila Timsina
Country of origin: Bhutan Currently in: Bhutan, Thimphu General field of specialization: Astronomy, Space and Earth SciencesPhD Fellowship Alumna
2014 Master Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences2021 Doctorate Other -
Current Research Activities
Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences
Ph.D ongoing in Department of Geography 2015 onwards (Central University of Sikkim, India). Assessment of the Catchment Flow Variability of Teesta River Basin in Sikkim. Hydrologic studies and its linkages to the socio economic and environmental bearings have been scarce in the Himalayan state of Sikkim. The present study assesses the changes in hydrologic regime of the 4657 Sqkm Teesta-Dikchu watershed ( name given for the present study) located 88°13’E, 28°12N’ to 88°51’ E to 27°20’N, by the construction of the Teesta V hydroelectric power project. The study uses the SWAT hydrological model to generate a 30 years of continues time series flow data (calibrated and validated) and the Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA) as an analysis tool to understand the changes. Thus the highest hydrologic alteration factors of Teesta V dam construction pre and post construction are seen as the median of monthly flow indicating a decreasing trend compared to the pre dam construction period.
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Assessment of Changes in Hydrologic Regime of the Teesta River by Teesta –V Hydroelectric Power Project in Sikkim India. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol. 18 (3&4): 122-134. 2020
2. Analysis of Trend of Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Temperature: A Case Study of Teesta Dikchu Watershed, Sikkim Thematics Journal of Geography, Vol 8, Issue 10 October, 2019
3. Spatial Planning of Water Resource Development In Bhutan in the book South Asia Intra-regional Conflict and Corporation, G.B Book publishers, New Delhi India, 1 December, 2017 ISBN 978-93-83930-43-2.
4. Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity of Rural Household to Changing Climate In Sikkim Himalaya Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities Vol. 4, No. 2, February 2014. ISSN 2249-7315PP.257-271
5. Prospects of Conflict and Cooperation in Energy Trade: A Reflection on India-Bhutan Cooperation in Hydropower Development, SAARC Journal of Human Resource Development volume 10 number 1 December 2014. ISSN 1816-4366 PP 73-81
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchCO-CHAIR: Mountains and Plains Group - INTERNATIONAL WATER RESOURCE ASSOCIATION (IWRA) - 2021 Scientific paper writing and knowledge dissemination through webinar, conferences and workshops.
Workshop and Conference Attended
27 May - 7 June 2019, International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy. The Fifth Workshop on Water Resources in Developing Countries: Hydroclimate Modeling and Analysis Tools -
Fellowship with OWSD
Fellowship with OWSD
Fellowship awarded 2015
PHD Graduation 2021