Member Profile
Membership type: full
Noemi Sandra Tirado Bustillos
Country of origin: Bolivia Currently in: Bolivia, La Paz General field of specialization: Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences-
2011 Master Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences2002 Master Other1996 Undergraduate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences
The genotoxic effects and impact of the environmental substances (fisical, biological and chemical) in the human health. Biomarkers of exposure, effect and genetic susceptibility to assess risk of populations exposed to environmental contaminants
Publications resulting from Research:
- Tapia, J., Murray, J., Ormachea, M., Tirado, N., Nordstrom, DK. Origin, distribution, and geochemistry of arsenic in the Altiplano-Puna plateau of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Perú: Implications of elevated concentrations in water and related human health impacts. Sciences of the Total Environment, 678 C 309-325 , 2019.
- Jessika Barrón Cuenca, Noemi Tirado, Max Vikström, Christian H. Lindh, Ulla Steinus, Karin Leander, Marika Berglund, Kristian Dreij. Pesticide exposure among Bolivian farmers: a cross sectional study of protection and exposure biomarkers, Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, 1-13, 2019.
- Jessica De Loma, Noemi Tirado, Franz Ascui, Michael Levi , Marie Vahter , Karin Broberg , Jacques Gardon. Elevated arsenic exposure and efficient arsenicmetabolismin indigenous women around Lake Poopó, Bolivia. Science of the Total Environment 657, 179–186, 2019.
- Jessika Barrón Cuenca, Noemí Tirado,Josue Barral, ImranAli , Michael Levi, Ulla Stenius , Marika Berglund, KristianDreij, Increased levels of genotoxic damage in a Bolivian agricultural population
exposed to mixtures of pesticides, Science of the Total Environment, 695, 1-12-2019
- Martin Rune Hansen, Erik Jors, Fleming Lander, Guido Condarco,Noemi Tirado, Fróᾁi Debes, Vivi Schlünssen. Neurological déficits after Long –term Pyrethroid exposure. Environmental Helath Insights, Vol 11: 1-11, 2017.
- Mamani Josue, Tirado Noemí, Barrón Jessika, Paz Rolando, Cuti Marina. Evaluation of genotoxic risk due to shoe polish exposure in shoeshine boys of La Paz city, Cuadernos Hospital de Clínicas, ISSN 1234-4321, Vol. 38, 2016.
- Noemi Tirado Bustillos, Maria Eugenia Ascarrunz G., Ximena Aguilar M., Ana RadaGenetic
polymorphisms of GSTM1 and GSTT1 as mutagenic risk modifiers in farmers exposed to pesticides, Biofarbo Vol. XX. 1. 2012.
- Larrea M., Tirado N., Ascarrunz G. Evaluacion del daño genotóxico por exposición aplaguicidas en agricultores del municipio de Luribay, Biofarbo 18 (2), 2010.
- L. Riccardi, G. Melean, A. Rada, N. Tirado, M. Genuardi, U. Ricci Genetic profiling of Bolivian population using 15 STR markers of forensic importance, Legal Medicine. Volume 11, Issue 3, Pages 149- 151. , 2009.
- Ayarde B., Cuti M, Ascarrunz M.E., Tirado N., genotoxic effect of consumption of snuff in students from the School of Medicine UMSA living in the height. Biofarbo, Vol.16, 2008.
- Ascarrunz M.E., Tirado N, Determination of genotoxic damage in children in relation to women of reproductive age by exposure to lead and arsenic in Alto Lima – La Paz. Biofarbo Vol. 15 (15), 2007.
- Erik Jørs, Ana Rosa Gonzáles, Maria Eugenia Ascarrunz, Noemi Tirado, CatharinaTakahashi, Erika Lafuente, Raquel A Dos Santos, Natalia Bailon, Rafael Cervantes, Huici O, JesperBælum, Flemming Lander.Genetic Alterations in Pesticide Exposed Bolivia farmers an evaluation by analysis of chromosomal aberrations and the comet assay. Biomarker Insights 2007:2 439–445.
- Tirado N., Ascarrunz M.E. Cuti M. Genotoxic damage detection in children exposed to heavy
metals in Alto Lima La Paz, BIOFARBO, vol 13 (13), 2007
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchEnvironmental Toxicology : - Human exposure to pesticides , health effects and risk assessment . - Arsenic exposure in women exposed to contaminated drinking water in the Bolivian Altiplano. health effect assessment exposure biomarkers, genotoxicity and susceptibility biomarkers.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2019 Kolkata - India 19th All India Congress of Genetics and Genomics (AICGG) and a Special International Symposium on “Impact of Air Pollution on Human Genome” w2019 Asunción - Paraguay XI Congreso Latinoamericano de Mutagénesis, Carcinogénesis y Teratogénesis Ambiental2019 La Paz - Bolivia International Workshop: Environmental Toxicology2019 Velore-India 43rd Anual Conference of Environmental Mutagen Society of India (EMSI) and International Symposium on “Impact of Environmental Mutagenesis in the Human Genome”Affiliations
Latin American Association of Mutagenesis, Carcinogenesis and Environmental Teratogenesis (ALAMCTA)Sociedad Boliviana de Mutagenesis, Carcinogenesis y Teratogenesis Ambiental (SBOMCTA)Organización Boliviana de Mujeres en Ciencia (OBMC)Presentation given
2019Genotoxic risk of bolivian farmers exposed to pesticide: associations between exposure biomarkers, genotoxicity and genetic susceptibilityCSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata-700032, IndiaEvent: 19th All India Congress of Genetics and Genomics (AICGG) and a Special International Symposium on “Impact of Air Pollution on Human Genome” w2019ARSENIC METABOLISM AND DNA DAMAGE: ELIMINATION, GENOTOXICITY AND GENETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY IN BOLIVIAN INDIGENOUS WOMEN EXPOSED TO HIGH ARSENIC CONCENTRATIONS IN DRINKING WATERAsunción, ParaguayEvent: XI Congreso Latinoamericano de Mutagénesis, Carcinogénesis y Teratogénesis Ambiental2019Pesticide exposure and health effectsLa Paz - BoliviaEvent: International Workshop: Environmental Toxicology2019Metabolism of arsenic elimination, genotoxicity and genetic susceptibility in bolivian women exposed to contaminated water consumptionVelore-IndiaEvent: 43rd Anual Conference of Environmental Mutagen Society of India (EMSI) and International Symposium on “Impact of Environmental Mutagenesis in the Human Genome”2018Genotoxic risk of treatment and genetic factors of susceptibility to thyroid cáncerChicago, USAEvent: 17th International conference on Environmental Toxicology and Ecological Risck Assessment2018Arsenic exposure gentoxicityStockholm-SwedenEvent: Toxbol research Meeting2017Genotoxic, Chronic effects and Glutation S transafersase (GSTM1, GSTT1) in vector Control Workers of BoliviaAtlanta-USAEvent: 12th International conference on Environmental and ecological risck asessment2016Montevideo - UruguayEvent: X ALAMCTA Congress -
Other Awards
Feb 2018Outstanding Intellectuals of 21st century. EnglandContribution in the field of Genetics and Environmental ToxicologyNov 2008Distinction in the Health area at the Third National Scientific Congress of the Organization Bolivian Women in ScienceThis award recognizes the research work impact, presentation and scientific design in the health areaOct 2006Third place in the Health area in the First Latin American Congress of Women of Science and Second National Congress of the OBMCThis award is given to the best researchs in the scientific work contest presented during the congressAug 2006First place in the XII International Congress of Toxicology and Chemical Safety and XII Congress of the Latin American Association of Toxicology ALATOX-Santiago de ChilePrize awarded in the congress to the best research work presented at the International Congress of ToxicologyNov 2005Best Presentation in the Poster category at the VI Latin American Congress on Mutagenesis, Carcinogenesis and Environmental Teratogenesis and the XIV Argentine Congress of Toxicology - Mendoza ArgentinaPrize awarded in the congress to the best research work presented in poster at the Latin american CongressDec 2003Scholarship for Academic Excellence for the master's degree in Biological and Biomedical Sciences awarded by the IRDOct 2021Second place in the VII Expo UMSA. Second virtual fair of research, innovation and social interactionParticipation in the contest with the Project: Generation of value-added products, biochar and activated carbon from household biosafety waste and municipal pruning waste in the category: Scientific Research (Basic and Applied)Oct 2021Third place in the VII Expo UMSA. Second virtual fair of research, innovation and social interactionParticipation in the award with the Project: Pesticide exposure in bolivian farmers: assosiation between habits, personal protection and exposure biomarkers. Univesity Mayor de San AndresDec 2021First Place in the 8th version of the Plurinational prize of Science and technologyParticipation in the Plurinational Award for Science and Technology contest 8th version organized by the Vice Ministry of Science and Technology -Ministry of Education of the Plurinational State of Science and Technology. Poyect: Generation of biocar from household biosafety waste and pruning waste.