Member Profile

Kemal Yildirim
Country of origin: Republic of Türkiye Currently in: Republic of Türkiye, Istanbul General field of specialization: Social and Economic Sciences-
2013 Doctorate Social and Economic Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Social and Economic Sciences
1- Conflict resolution in the workplace for colleges and Universities – Academic staff in Turkey and Serbia and Vatican’s view on European education 2- Topical issues in organizational behaviour: A Comprehensive book of readings Chapter Fourteen: An analysis of Organizational Psychology of Punishment in Turkish Primary Schools 3- Book review on Women Entrepreneurs: New Opportunities and Challenges 106-113 4- Development and Survival Strategies in Jordan and the Contribution Of Female-Owned Firms to Domestic Economic Growth in Turkey...88-105 – JWE- Journal of woman entrepreneurship (published) 5-Gender rights in Turkey – JWE April publication (published) 6- Review of challanges of Economic sciences in the 21st century Belgrad 2008 -ISBN 978-86-80315-71-3.p850 – printed by Economic sciences institute – Serbia (Published) 7- Honour killing – Kurdish women – St Clements university – E-Journal (published) 8- Turco-west Balkans relations- International Academic Journal of Development research (IAJDR) Cambodia (published) Baybon books Publishing 9- Understand the Turkish secular system- St Clements university – E-Journal (Published) 10-Turco-Azeri relations- St Clements university – E-Journal (To be published in next Journal) 11- Mental Health needs of women in Middle east- St Clements university – E-Journal (Published) 12- Turco- Burkina Faso diplomacy – Diplomatic challenge of Burkina Faso- St Clements university – E-Journal (Published) 13- Syrian Minority Issues and Kurds of Rojava 14“The role of female-owned firms/industries on local economic growth in Turkey and in Jordan.” Published by outskirtspress publishing house in United states of America-2009’’ St clements university – E-Journal (published) 15- West and islam & Why is there Conflict? 16- Islamic Faith and the Problem of Pluralism: Relations Among the Believers 17-Bilateral Relations between Turkey and the EU: A Turkish Perspective P. 61 by Kemal YILDIRIM- Published by Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship Mitropolita Petra 8 11000 Belgrad, Serbia 18- West and islam &; Why is there Conflict?1 19- Islamic Faith and the Problem of Pluralism: Relations Among the Believers 20-Bilateral Relations between Turkey and the EU: A Turkish Perspective P. 61 21- Massoud Barzani proposes Iraqi Kurdistan independence referandum -Kurds in Northerniraq and Referandum 22- The new vision of ISIS :Declaration of a New caliphate & world’s jihadists 23-Identity and Diaspora politics : Re- positioning dissent in Kurdish World 24-Bilateral Relations between Turkey and the EU: A Turkish Perspective.... 25- The Broken Diplomacy between Iran and Saudi Arabia 36-Kurdısh Dıplomacy in the wake of a state-buıldıng 27-Egyptian politics and American Diplomacy 1973-2016 28 Diplomacy and Nation building in arab World 29- Sudan US relations 30-Muslims and Democracy 30- The Islamic Identity of Political Islam in the Struggle for Identity and Power in the Islamic Republic of Iran 31- Immıgratıon ıssues & conflıcts faced by Latin America (A perspectıve on Colombıa, Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexıco & Argentına, Venezuela and Ecuador) 32-Human Security Theory as a New Instrument towards Muslim Diplomacy 33- Dıplomacy: Arab buılding Diplomacy 34-Syrian Minority Issues and Kurds of Rojava 35-‘The Next 20 Years’ Year 2035 (The Mesopotamia) VERITAS 36-An Approach Towards the Apartheid System in Middle East 37-Disaster Risk and Climate Change in the Middle East VERITAS 38 Tuvalu 's diplomatic relations VERITAS 2019 39- “Civil Religion and Culture in Turkey” Global processes (Miami. Fla.) ISSN 2640-8848 (print) Vol.2. March 2019. 40- “ Political Philosophy of Islamic Identity in Turkic, Persian and Arab World in Classical and Postmodern Era “Global processes (Miami. Fla.) ISSN 2640-8848 (print) Vol.2. March 2019. 41- Kiribati Island's Diplomacy and Foreign Relations VERITAS 2019 42-Diplomacy and Philosophy in Neo-Assyrian Empire (1180-609) & Acadians and Babylonians 43- The Diplomatic era in Hittites civilizatiion 44-Diplomacy in an ancient civilization of Punt 45-Cultural Dynamics in the Turkish sphere concerning Refugees WASET In Turkish 46- Kardeş Nehirler: Şingu ve Dicle nehirlerinin ortak kaderleri (Yaşasın Su ) Sister Rivers – Shınghu and Tigris – Common destiny of sister rivers Türkiye Arapları Meclisi – Turkey’s Arab assembly 47-Suriye Realitesi ve Desenfermasyonlar üzerine Paradoksal bir Bakış A Paradoxal approach on Syrian reality and disinformation 48- Mısırda ki Devrimler hedef şaşırtıyor – The revolutions that decoys targets In Spanish 49 -Necesidades de Salud Mental en Oriente Medio para mujeres y niños - Una perspectiva de árabes, turcos y persas para mujeres y niños. 50-Pitcairn Island, The Veritas 51 Tonga’s foreign relations The VERITAS
Publications resulting from Research:
Number ISBN Name of the Book projects (Published)
1-978-3-659-49266-2 - Historical Sociology of Matriarchal Societies in Ancient Mesopotamia NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
2-978-3-659-78608-2 - An old civilization waning in the darkness of treasury in Mesopotamia NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
3-978-3-659-82395-4 - Turkey’s rising route towards an engagement in Sub Saharan Africa NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
4-978-3-659-83238-3 - Demands for a Democratic autonomy in Turkey's southeast NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
5-978-3-659-63977-7 - The pearl of Mesopotamia, Yazidis, unknown and forgotten NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
6-978-3-659-86423-0 - Diplomatic Practices in the Foreign Policies of Amarna era NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
7-978-3-659-88016-2 - The Forgotten History of a Indigenous Nation The Arameans NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
8-978-3-659-88017-9 - The Zaza Civilization NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
9-978-3-659-89183-0 - Median Empire As Forefathers of the Modern Kurds NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
10-978-3-659-90785-2 - Disaster Risk, Climate Change and Management in the Middle East NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
11-978-3-659-93697-5 - Ethnic and Religious Conflicts in India between Muslims and Hindus NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
12-978-3-659-95400-9 - The Impact of Arab World’s Tribal culture NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
13-978-3-330-00713-0 - Uncovering the hidden pearl of Mesopotamia – The Chaldeans NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
14-978-3-330-01543-2 - Women and Power in Byzantium and Roman Civilization NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
15-978-3-330-02087-0 - Ancient Religions and Cultures in Mesopotamia NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
16-978-3-330-02969-9 - Religion in the Lives of the Ancient peoples NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
17-978-3-330-03353-5 - Political and Religious Power and Philosophy in Ancient Mesopotamia NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
18-978-3-330-03674-1 - The Ancient Amorites (Amurru) of Mesopotamia NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
19-978-3-330-03973-5 - Sunni–Shia Conflict NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
20-978-3-330-04277-3 - Interfaith Dialogue among World Religions NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
21-978-3-330-04798-3 - Role of Women in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
22-978-3-330-05059-4 - The Old City - Jerusalem Initiative for Peace NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
23-978-620-0-56640-9 -
The Stateless People In Arab World - The Bedoons NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
24-978-620-0-56810-6 -
Postmodernism and Fundamental Human Rights in Latin America NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
25-978-620-0-56874-8 -
Political philosophy of Islamic identity NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
26-978-620-0-56881-6 -
Challenges in Postmodernism for Human Rights and Fundamental Rights NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
27-978-620-0-56955-4 -
Dictatorship, Democracy and Political change NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
28-978-620-0-58639-1 - Democracy and Human rights in the Broader Middle East & North Africa NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
29-978-620-0-65638-4 -Buddhism Diplomacy, Politics and Religion NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
30-978-620-0-78852-8 -The Father of South Indian politics, Karunanidhi NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
31-978-620-0-85013-3 General Idi Amin Oumee - The Unforgotten King Of Uganda NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
32-978-620-2-51245-9 -Doctrinal or Political differences between Alawites and Sunnis NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
33-978-620-2-51344-9 - Political Dialogue Across the Middle East 2000 thereafter NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
34-978-620-2-51453-8 – Brahmin Hegemony in India versus the Non Brahmin NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
35-978-620-2-51490-3 -People without a Country - Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
36-978-620-2-51559-7 - Changes on Algeria's Path to Reform NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
37-978-620-2-51628-0 -Kurdistan Regional Government Foreign policy Perspectives and Diplomacy NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
38-978-620-2-51714-0 -
Post-Mubarak Egypt: Politics Collective Memory and Memorialization NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
39-978-620-2-51819-2 -
The Perverse Effect of Good Governance: Lessons from Morocco NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
40-978-620-2-52010-2 -
Lebanon’s Muslims: Relatively Secular and Pro-Christian NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
41-978-620-2-52137-6 -
Diplomacy and Foreign Policy in Pacific Island countries NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
42-978-620-2-52181-9 -
Caribbean Diplomacy NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
43-978-620-2-52225-0 -
Post Qaboos Bin Said era – The Oman NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
44-978-620-2-52335-6 -
Diplomacy and Foreign policies of ASEAN Member Nations NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
45-978-620-2-52452-0 -
Libya’s Post – Qaddafi Transition – The Nation building Challenge NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
46-978-620-2-52494-0 -
Mandaeans, The descendants of one of Mesopotamia's ancient civilization NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
47-978-620-2-52649-4 -
Problems of Democracy and Analysis of Class Structure in Arab World NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
48-978-620-2-52719-4 -
Ancient Kurds - Kingdom of Subartu and Commagene and Mittanis NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
49-978-620-2-52813-9 -
The Success and Failure of International Organizations NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
50-978-620-2-52814-6 -
The idea of Global crisis in Modern Society NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
51-978-620-2-52922-8 -
Somaliland as a de facto Country - The Horn of Africa’s Breakaway State NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
52-978-620-2-52994-5 -
CEN-SAD – The Community of Sahel Saharan States NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
53-978-620-2-53066-8 -
The Yemeni crisis - The Houthi insurgency in Yemen NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
54-978-620-2-53085-9 -
Gender Role Conflict - Egalitarianism and Cultural identity NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
55-978-620-2-53092-7 -
Diplomacy in ancient Mesopotamian Civilizations NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
56-978-620-2-55205-9 -
The Community of Portuguese Language Countries
Diplomacy and Statecraft NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
57-978-3-330-07642-6 -
Arab Maghreb Union (AMU) Diplomacy and Statecraft NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
58-978-620-2-55251-6 -
Diplomatic practices of early Islamic political realms NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
59-978-620-2-55741-2 -
Tur Abdin, The ancient people of mountain of the servants (of god) NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
60-978-620-2-56289-8 -
The spring of the Gazelle An early Neolithic society - Ain Ghazal NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
61-978-620-2-56368-0 -
Post King Hussein era of Jordan NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
62-978-620-2-56431-1 -
Minorities in the Middle East NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
63-978-620-2-56540-0 -
Postcolonial identity and Democratization process of South Asian States NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
64-978-620-2-56575-2 -
Marx's theory of history - The decline and fall of the feudal era NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
65-978-620-2-56606-3 -
Marxist Philosophy of education in class struggle NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
66-978-620-2-66637-4 -
Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
67-978-620-2-66643-5 -
Political thought of Joseph Stalin NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
68-978-620-2-66669-5 -
Vladimir Lenin and Communism Approach NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
69-978-620-2-66715-9 -
The theory of structuralism and Post-structuralism NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
70-978-620-2-66751-7 -
Determinism and Freedom in society and The theory of ethical Naturalism NO DEAL CREATE DEAL
71-978-620-2-56334-5 -
Theory of scientific realism, Constructivism and conventionalism
Philosophy and Postmodernism-
Truth and Reality - End of Postmodernism and the Rise of Realism
73-ISBN: 978-620-2-66855-2
Ancient Illyrians- A group of Indo-European tribes in antiquity
Religious and Ethno- National Heterogeneity of the Balkans
74-ISBN: 978-620-2-66941-2
Turbulent political transitions and the dynamics of the interaction between Christianity and Islam
75-ISBN: 978-620-2-66998-6
Religious and Ethno – National Heterogeneity of Indonesia
Religion, Politics and Gender Equality
76-ISBN- 978-620-2-67030-2
Changing Socio political pattern of Pakistan
A Study of Modernization, Modernity and Fundamentalism
77-ISBN: 978-620-2-67113-2
The Future of Tuvalu in Polynesia Formerly known as the Ellice Islands –
Tuvalu mo te Atua (Tuvaluan) - Tuvalu for the Almighty
78-ISBN: 978-620-2-67193-4
Afghanistan – A Political transition from Marxism to Ummah
State building, Security and Social change - Muslim Ummah
And its Link with Transnational Muslim Politics
79-ISBN: 978-620-2-67243-6
Bhutan and it’s neutrality-A notable country for pioneering the concept of
Gross National Happiness
80-ISBN: 978-620-2-67265-8
Most remote Islands in the World
Governance and Life on remote Islands
81-ISBN: 978-620-2-67275-7
Future of Antarctica – Political prospects for New dimensions in Antarctica 978-620-2-67275-7
82-ISBN: 978-620-2-67350-1
Foreign policies of the Arab states in the Gulf- Diplomatic practices in the foreign policies of
Gulf states 978-620-2-67350-1
83-ISBN: 978-620-2-67363-1
Biafra Nation in Political History 978-620-2-67363-1
84-ISBN: 978-620-2-67391-
Puntland as an emerging state in Political history
85-ISBN: 978-620-2-67412-6
Nabataeans as Nomadic Bedouin tribes in The Arabian desert-Nabateans a Nation civilization
86-ISBN: 978-620-2-66946-7
Future of the Maldives – Global warming – Cimate change severely threatens the existence of the Maldives
Religion-State relations-What does it mean to have a State religion?
88-ISBN 978-620-2-67479-9
Hinduism and Human rights
89- 978-620-2-67563-5
Soroush’s political theory in the line with the modern Tradition- Modern tradition from Locke to the framers of the American constitution
90-ISBN 978-620-2-67609-0
Canaanite City state Of Sidon
The most ancient and the most prominent of the Canaanite/ Phoenician coastal cities
91- ISBN: 978-620-2-67632-8
State making in Patagonia – Argentina and Chile – Political rights
92-ISBN: 978-620-2-67676-2
Gender and National Identity in Brazil
Brazilian National Identity at a Crossroads
93-ISBN: 978-620-2-67708-0
State and Power In Bolivarian Venez
Power after Neo Liberalism in Bolivarian Venezuela
94- ISBN 978-620-2-67726-4
Politics and Culture in the Construction of Identity in Chile
95-ISBN 978-620-2-55244-8
Organization of American States – Diplomacy and Statecraft: World’s oldest regional Organization
The Organization of American States
96- ISBN- 978-613-9-90388-7
The Middle East: Conflict in Journalism,
97-ISBN –13: 978-620-255275-2
Ethnocentrism & Impact of Religion & Religious Conflict
98- ISBN-13: 978-620-2-55419-0
Religious involvement and Belief in the Middle East & Ethnocentrism
99-ISBN 978-620-2-67666-3 Politics, Land and religion in Colombia
100-ISBN: 978-620-2-68066-0
Territorial disputes of the Comoros-The long-running dispute over the island of Mayotte
101-ISBN: 978-620-2-68035-6
Territorial dispute Of the Comoros
102-ISBN: 978-620-2-67999-2
Yarsanism-The Yarsan, Ahle Haqq or Kaka'i-Ahl-e Haqq - An oriental esoteric order
103-ISBN: 978-620-2-67931-2
Marsh Arabs-Arab al-Ahwār "Arabs of the Marshlands
104-ISBN: 978-620-2-67910-7
Citizenship law in European Union-Nationality and Citizenship Act in European Union
105 ISBN-13: 978-6202556156-Cultural Dynamics in the Turkish sphere concerning Refugees: Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Turkey
106-ISBN: 978-620-2-68191-9
Madagascar between Peace and Conflict
107- Statelessness
“A person who is not considered as a national by any State under the operation of its law”
ISBN: 978-620-2-68235-0
108- Post Saddam Iraq
New realities – The Nationalism, Islam
Governance and security issues
ISBN: 978-613-7-35104-8
109-Solving the Palestinian Problem (with the No state solution)
The Trump peace plan - Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli
ISBN: 978-613-7-35103-1
110- -Enqelāb-e Eslāmī - Islamic Revolution in Iran
Prelude To Revolution
ISBN: 978-613-7-35108-6
111-ISBN: 978-620-2-68264-0
Identity, Nationality and Nationality And Post-Colonial Unrest In Africa
112-ISBN: 978-620-2-68350-0
Banaba - A Promised Land in the Diaspora
113- ISBN: 978-620-2-68383-8
Umm Qulthum symbol of authentic Arab and Egyptian Culture
The star of the Orient - Arab music's eternal star
114-ISBN: 978-620-2-68415-6
María Eva Duarte de Perón
A legendary first lady
115-ISBN: 978-613-7-35128-4
Gang presence in San Pedro Sula - insight crime
Violence, Poverty reign in Honduran city
116-ISSBN: 978-620-2-68543-6
Neolithic era culture of Badarians (4400-4000)
117-ISBN: 978-620-2-68575-7
Shabaks – The Shabak People- An ancient Ethnic group of people in Iraq
118- ISBN: 978-620-2-68605-1
Feylis Tribe – Feyli Kurds
A Kurdish tribe in the borderlands between Iraq and Iran
119-ISBN: 978-620-2-78645-4
Romani People Indo – Aryan Ethnic group - Nomadic itinerants Gypsies - γύφτοι - gíftoi - τσιγγάνοι -tsiggánoi
120- ISBN: 978-620-2-68302-9
Jacques Rousseau’s theory of law and Civil state and Muslim Democracy
Jean – Jacques Rousseau’s theory of law and Civil state and its relevance to Muslim
121-ISBN: 978-620-2-79378-0
A Critique of David Hume’s Empiricism and A critique of Immanuel Kant
A Critique of David Hume’s Empiricism and A critique of Determinism in the light of Immanuel Kant
122-ISBN: 978-620-2-78857-1
A critical Evaluation of Rousseau’s Concept of Education and Plato - A critical Evaluation of J.J.Rousseau’s Concept of Education and Plato’s Class distinction
123-ISBN: 978-620-2-79429-9
The Civil State in John Locke’s Political Philosophy and Muslim Democracy
124- ISBN 978-620-2-79472-5- Civil state in John Locke’s Political philosophy and Khomenism
125-ISBN 978-3-659-92616-7- Ecuador as a multicultural society with minority and indigenous groups-Distinct indigenous peoples
126-ISBN: 978-3-659-60631-
Salvador Dali -The Struggle between Religion and Science and Politics
127-ISBN: 978-620-2-79668-2
Cote D’Ivoire’s Postcolonial Cultural And Political Changes
128-ISBN: 978-620-2-79684-2
Islam in the Swahili civilization – Wonders of African World
129-ISBN: 978-620-2-79839-6
Ontological Argument of St. Anselm of Canterbury & Gaunilo's Response
Arguments and critics by St Anselm of Canterbury and Gaunilo
130-ISBN: 978-620-2-79735-1
Machiavelli's Views on Religion and Politics- The Relationships between Government, Politics, Democracy and Power
131-ISBN: 978-620-2-79776-4
Critical Political Analysis of Jacobo Timerman’s “Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number”
132- ISBN: 978-620-2-79872-3
The Children of the Wars in El Salvador & Guatemala
From Cradle to Conflict: Child Soldiers’ Growing Role in Latin America’s Wars
133-ISBN: 978-620-2-79923-2
Bernard Lewis', "Crisis of Islam"
Problems associated with Islamic thought and Radicalism in Muslim world
134-ISBN: 978-620-2-80016-7
Law and Justice and its Role in the Functioning of Society
Kant and Plato in evaluating the role of Justice and Canon law and Sharia
135- ISBN: 978-620-2-80027-3
Confucius And Socrates - Rule Of Propriety -Pluralism school of philosophical thought
136-ISBN: 978-620-2-80048-8
Hobbes' Leviathan and Karl Popper's Theory and Locke's Paradox
An Evaluation of Hobbes' Leviathan and Karl Popper's Theory and An Evaluation of Locke's Paradox
137-ISBN: 978-620-2-80155-3
Indigenous Peoples of the Arctic, Subarctic, and Great Basin
The Arctic as an Indigenous Homeland
138- ISBN 978-620-2-80360-1
“Melvyn Dubofsky - Labour and Capital” Melvyn Dubofsky’s theories regarding the interrelationship between labor and capital
139-ISBN: 978-620-2-81567-3
Cross Cultural relations in Jamhuri ya Kenya - Mahusiano ya Tamaduni Msalaba katika Jamhuri ya Kenya
140-ISBN: 978-620-2-81572-7
Qatar- Public Diplomacy And The Media
141-ISBN: 978-620-2-81585-7
The Paris Peace Conference – Shaping the Future
Paris Peace Conference (1919–1920)
142-ISBN: 978-620-2-91723-0
Nuer People and Religion and its views of nature
Nuerians in Sudan and Ethiopia. The religious belief and view of nature
143-ISBN: 978-620-2-79529-6
Marx & Durkheim In Modern Society and Social Theories of the Modern Poor
144-ISBN: 978-620-2-91761-2
A World Perspective on Constitutional rights of Teachers & "Involving Teachers in Data-Driven Decision Making"
145-ISBN 978-620-2-68066-0 - Republic of Nauru Island Country and Microstate in Micronesia-Pleasant Island
146-ISBN 978-620-2-91766-7
The Montessori method in Education: Societal Needs Yesterday and Today
Education in the 20th Century and Montessori method of education
Religious education in Democracy-Religious thought in relationship to education
148-ISBN: 978-3-330-33601-8
The role of a primary school teacher in Europe and Middle East
Primary education - Organization and Teaching methods in EU and Middle East Countries
149- ISBN 978 620-291874-9
Gender equality in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Legal system and Human rights
150-ISBN: 978-620-0-47642-5
Mikhail Gorbachev's Role in the Fall of Communism
Russian and former Soviet politician Mikhail Gorbachev and his glasnost
151-ISBN: 978-3-330-33601-8
Hannah Arendt - Between Past and Future
152-ISBN: 978-620-2-92010-0
Gladstone and Chamberlain
(William Ewart Gladstone and Joseph Chamberlain)
153-ISBN: 978-620-2-92016-2
AKEL / Communist Party of Cyprus
154-ISBN: 978-620-2-92047-6
Bahrain: A Middle East Success Story
Bahrain 's success
155-ISBN: 978-620-2-92068-1
The United Arab Emirates-Heritage - Society and Population Issues
156- ISBN: 978-620-2-92079-7
Black Leadership: Garvey V DuBois And Alexander Crummell
157-ISBN: 978-620-2-92093-3
An Unbalance Balance of Power - The Failure of the League of Nations
The League of Nations, 1920
158-ISBN 978-620-2-92095-7
African Union - Can the African Union be a Success?
159-ISBN: 978-620-2-92131-2
Anwar Sadat - Anwar Sadat in the history of modern Egypt
160-ISBN: 978-620-2-92178-7
Jean–Jacques Rousseau, Hegel, and Marx- Opinions on the State of Nature
161-ISBN 978-620-2-92223-4 Defining a “Nation-State” Religion, Nation-State, Secularism and Globalization
162—ISBN 978-620-2-92223-4Democratic Peace Theory-Africa and Middle East
163- Title: Human Rights as Defined in the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights and
by Islam
163- ISBN 978-620-2-92265-4Human Rights and Islam -Human rights as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human rights and by Islam
164- ISBN 978-620-2-92272-2
How "Gabriella, Clove and Cinnamon" Demonstrates the Impact of Modernization in 20th Century Latin America
165-ISBN: 978-620-2-92261-6
Nationalism - Challenge of States And People in Arab world
166- ISBN: 978-620-2-92307-1
African Tribal Culture and African Tribal Groups- African Tribes with Traditional African cultures
167-ISBN: 978-620-2-92312-5
Samira Ghastin Karimona Samira Tewfik
The Bedouin Voice of Arab World and The Oasis of the Desert – Samira Tawfik
168-ISBN: 978-620-2-92326-2
Politics and Culture in the Solomon Islands
Solomon Islands - An archipelagic state situated in the south-west Pacific Ocean
169-ISBN: 978-620-2-92351-4
Our Post human Future (Consequences of the Biotechnology Revolution)”: A Discussion of the Concerns Expressed in the Book by Francis Fukuyama
170- ISBN: 978-620-2-92414-6
Baconian and Cartesian Philosophy -The relationship between Baconian and Cartesian philosophy with regard to the scientific revolution of the 16th and 17th centuries
171-ISBN: 978-620-3-02446-3
Gamal Abdul Nasser of Egypt - Analysis of a leader
172-ISBN: 978-620-3-02474-6
Jaafar Muhammad Nimeiri - A former pan-Arabist and socialist leader of Democratic Republic of Sudan
173-ISBN: 978-620-3-02473-9
Woman in Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism Global role of women
174-ISBN: 978-620-3-02517-0
Kahlil Gibran Bridges the East and the West - Lebanese poet and Philosopher
175-ISBN: 978-620-3-02518-7
Edward W. Said as an Arab Spokesperson
176-ISBN 978-620-3-02519-4
Augustine’s philosophy of Law & Hart's Contribution to Legal Positivism
177- ISBN: 978-620-3-02534-7
Marxist Interpretation of Hollywood - Marxist Interpretation of Hollywood and The Dominance of Hollywood After World War I
178- ISBN: 978-620-3-02555-2
“Stoicism and early Hellenistic philosophy in relation to Christian ethics”
179- ISBN: 978-620-3-02601-6
"Ferris Bueller" and Four Ethical Traditions “ Movie review in terms of philosophical traditions: Greek, Utilitarian, Deontological and Biblical.
180-ISBN -978-620-3-02630-6
Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations and Conservatism as an Ideology in the thought of Samuel Huntington
181-ISBN: 978-620-3-02705-1
Bell's the Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism and Bourdieu - Bell's Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism & Bourdieu and the Identity
182-ISBN: 978-620-3-02736-5
Ernest Gellner’s approach to Nationalism and “Conditions of Liberty” - Society and its Rivals
183- ISBN: 978-620-3-02746-4
The Amsterdam Treaty and the “Constitutionalization” of the European Union
184- ISBN: 978-620-3-02747-1
The Causes of War; Nationalism and Social Darwinism
185-ISBN: 978-620-3-02800-3
Karl Popper's Theory and Locke's Paradox and Mill's on Liberty
Evaluation of Karl Popper's Theory and Locke's Paradox and Mill's on Liberty
186-ISBN: 978-620-3-02844-7
Adam Smith's Theories and Contemporary Political Strategy
Adam Smith's Theories and Contemporary Political Strategy "Wealth of Nations" and Colonialism
187-ISBN: 978-620-3-02860-7
Human Nature and Human Society in the " Nicomachean Ethics"
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Ayn Rand’s “Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal”
189-ISBN: 978-620-3-02888-1 - Ethics in the Mengzi and the Tao Te Ching and Tao and the Doctrine of Opposites
190-ISBN 978-620-3-02892-8 - Keynesian and Marxist Economics & Kremlin Capitalism
191-ISBN: 978-620-3-02905-5
Neoliberalism Does Not Encourage Democratization - Failure of Neoliberal economies in Middle East and other regions
192-ISBN 978-620-3-04037-1
Political Overview - São Tomé and Príncipe - A lower middle income, developing small island state with a fragile economy.
193-ISBN: 978-620-3-02904-8
Noam Chomsky's "Media Control" - Analysis
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The Idea of Government: The Comparable Views of Locke and Kant
196- ISBN: 978-620-3-04035-7 - Hemmingway And "In Our Time"- Hemingway and Heroes and the Lost Generation
197- ISBN: 978-620-3-04089-0 - Religion as a Catalyst from the Renaissance to the French Revolution
198- ISBN: 978-620-3-04090-6 - The Nukuk Maktu - The tribe of the Colombian Amazon
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Jerry Rawlings Former President of Ghana & Ama Ata Aidoo Author, poet former Minister of education
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Farid al-Atrash – Syrian- Egyptian musician and Kind of the Oud
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Boutros Boutros-Ghali's 'An Agenda for Peace'- An Egyptian politician and diplomat, who was the sixth Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN)
202- ISBN: ISBN: 978-620-3-19452-4
Seychelles - International relations and Diplomacy
203- ISBN: 978-620-3-19453-1
The Amish Community and Mennonites - A group of traditionalist Christian church fellowships with Swiss German and Alsatian Anabaptist origins.
204- ISBN: 978-613-9-47330-4
Kadazandusuns and Poverty - The indigenous peoples of Sabah, Malaysia—The ethnic groups Kadazan and Dusun
205- ISBN 978-620-3-85458-9
Cuba’s foreign relations with Middle Eastern countries from the Cuban revolution to the New World order
206- ISBN 978-620-3-92414-5
Women in the Baháʼí Faith - Baháʼí Faith and gender equality “as a “Universal responsibility”
207- ISBN 978-620-3-92415-2
Kurdish literature - Wêjeya Kurdî-Kurdish poets and authors
208- ISBN Botswana's Foreign policy Modes of Diplomacy –
Books published with Co-authors
209 - ISBN Softcover 978-1-7960-4895-7 - eBook 978-1-7960-4896-4
Educational Transformation: The University as Catalyst for Human Advancement – Chapter – 15- co-author- Chapter Title: Neoliberal Transformation of Education in Turkey: Political and Ideological Analysis of Educational Reforms in the Last Decade- Xlibris publishing house USA
210 - ISBN: 978-1-4327-4755-8
Book Title: Female Entrepreneurship and Local Economic Growth - Chapter The role of female-owned firms/industries on local economic growth in Turkey and in Jordan. ‘Publisher Outskirts press – 2009 -Denver Colorado USA – Co-author Chapter Title: “The role of female-owned firms/industries on local economic growth in Turkey and “The role of female-owned firms/industries on local economic growth in Turkey and in Jordan.”
211- Book “ Social Inequality as a Global Challenge. Book Chapter Cultural Dynamics and Inequality in the Turkish Sphere Concerning Refugees
Cultural Dynamics and Inequality in the Turkish Sphere Concerning
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Higher Education StudyMesopotamian studies President, Beyt Nahrin Mesopotamian Academy of Arts and Sciences
President, Beyt Nahrin Mesopotamian Academy of Arts and Sciences