Member Profile

Ahmed Youssef
Country of origin: Egypt Currently in: Egypt, Cairo General field of specialization: Chemical Sciences-
2007 Doctorate Chemical Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Chemical Sciences
Determination of Water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) and gases Permeability (GTR) for films and packages for packaging applications Different Plastic analysis (Physical& Chemical analysis) Different Polymerization techniques Polymer and Plastic different analysis and characterization Preparation and Characterization of Polymer nanocomposites and its Applications in Water Treatment, Anticancer and Packaging Applications. Preparation and Characterization of Conducting Polymer with Nanomaterials, nanofiber and use it for DSSCs. Preparation of novel Paper Composites for different Applications. Preparation and characterizations of nanomaterials such as (Au, Ag, Mn, FeO, ZnO and TiO2 nanoparticles), nanowires, nanofiber, nanorods and Zn/Al, Mg/Al and Mn/Al DLHs for different applications. Treatment of clays.
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Ahmed M. Youssef, M.E. Abd El-Aziz, Essam S. Abd El-Sayed, M. A. Moussa, Gamal Turky, S. Kamel. Rational design and electrical study of conducting bionanocomposites hydrogel based on chitosan and silver nanoparticles. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 123 (2019) 856–865
2. Hesham Moustafa, Ahmed M. Youssef, Nabila A. Darwish, Ahmed I. Abou-Kandil. Eco-Friendly Polymer Composites for Green Packaging: Future Vision and Challenges. Composites Part B 172 (2019) 16–25.
3. Rasha M. El-Meihy1, 2; Hamed E. Abou-Aly1; Taha A. Tewfike1; Eman A. El-Alkshar1; Ahmed M. Youssef. Characterization and identification of cadmium-tolerant bacteria isolated from contaminated regions in Egypt. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 21 (2019) 101299
4. Khaled Sayed Ahmed; Wafai Z. A. Mikhail; Hassan M. Sobhy; Eman Mohamed Mostafa Radwan; Taher Salah El Din and Ahmed M. Youssef. Effect of Lambda-Cyahalothrin as Nanopesticide on Cotton Leafworm, Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd). Egypt. J. Chem. (2019)
5. Al-Sayed A. Al-Sherbini, Hala E. A. Ghannam, Gamal M. A. El-Ghanam, A. A. El-Ella, Ahmed M. Youssef (2019). Utilization of Chitosan/Ag bionanocomposites as Eco-friendly Photocatalytic Reactor for Bactericidal effect and Heavy Metals Removal, Heliyon, 5, (6) e01980
6. Samah M. El-Sayed, Ahmed M. Youssef (2019). Potential Application of Herbs and Spices and their Effects in Functional Dairy Products. Heliyon, 5 (6) e01989
7. Osama M. Sharaf, Mamdouh S. Al-Gamal, Gamal A. Ibrahim, Nadia M. Dabiza, Salem S. Salem, and Mohamed F. El-ssayad, Ahmed M. Youssef. Evaluation and Characterization of some protective culture Metabolites in free and nano-chitosan-loaded forms against Common Contaminants of Egyptian Cheese. Carbohydrate Polymers 223 (2019) 115094
8. Hamed, E. Abou-Aly; Ahmed M. Youssef; Rasha, M. El-Meihy; Taha, A. Tawfik; Eman, A. El- Akshar, Evaluation of Heavy Metals Tolerant Bacterial Strains as Antioxidant Agents and Plant Growth Promoters. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 19 (2019) 101110
9. Rasha M. El-Meihy, Hamed E. Abou-Aly, Ahmed M. Youssef, Taha A. Tewfike, Eman A. El-Alkshar. Efficiency of heavy metals-tolerant plant growth promoting bacteria for alleviating heavy metals toxicity on sorghum. Environmental and Experimental Botany 162 (2019) 295–301
10. Ahmed. M. Youssef, M. S. Hasanin, M. E. Abd El-Aziz, O. M. Darwesh. Green, economic, and partially biodegradable wood plastic composites via enzymatic surface modification of lignocellulosic fibers. Heliyon 5 (2019) e01332.doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e01332
11. Al-Gamal, M.S. Ibrahim, G.A. Sharaf, O.M. Radwan, A.A. Dabiza, N.M. Youssef, A.M. El-ssayad, M.F. The protective potential of selected lactic acid bacteria against the most common contaminants in various types of cheese in Egypt. Heliyon, Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2019, Article number e01362
12. Ali B. Abou Hammad, Amany M. Elnahrawy, Ahmed M. Youssef, Ahmed M. Youssef. Sol gel synthesis of hybrid chitosan/calcium Aluminosilicate nanocomposite membranes and its application as support for CO2 sensor. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 125 (2019) 503–509
13. M.E. Abd El-Aziz, S. Morsi, Dina M. Salama, M.S. Abdel-Aziz, Mohamed S. Abd Elwahed, Essam A. Shaaban, A. M. Youssef. Preparation and Characterization of Chitosan/polyacrylic acid/Copper Nanocomposites and their Impact on Onion Production. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 123 (2019) 856–865
14. Ahmed Youssef; Faiza Assem; mahmoud Essam; Mostafa. Elaaser; Osama ibrahim; Mona Mahmoud; Mohamed Abd El-Salam. Development of a novel bionanocomposite material and its use in packaging of Ras cheese. Food Chemistry 270 (2019) 467–475.
15. Ahmed M.Youssef. Mehrez E.El-Naggar. Farag M. Malhat Haytham M.El Sharkawi. Efficient removal of pesticides and heavy metals from wastewater and the antimicrobial activity of f-MWCNTs/PVA nanocomposite film, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 206, 1 January 2019, Pages 315-325.
16. M. E. Abd El-Aziz, Ahmed. M. Youssef, S. Kamel, G. Turky (2019). Conducting hydrogel based on chitosan, polypyrrole and magnetite nanoparticles: a broadband dielectric spectroscopy study. Polymer Bulletin, 76:3175–3194
17. Wael M. Aboulthana, Ahmed M. Youssef, Amal M. El-Feky, Noha El-Sayed Ibrahim, Mohamed M. Seif , Amgad K. Hassan. Evaluation of Antioxidant Efficiency of Croton tiglium L. Seeds Extracts after Incorporating Silver Nanoparticles. Egypt. J. Chem. Vol. 62, No. 2 pp. - (2019)
Year 2018
18. Eman Nabil, Naglaa Mahmoud, Ahmed Youssef, Essam Saber, Samir Kamel. Evaluation of Physical, Mechanical and Chemical Properties of Cedar and Sycamore Woods after Heat Treatment, Egypt. J. Chem. Vol. 61, No.6 pp. 1131 - 1149 (2018)
19. Saada, N. S. Gomaa Abdel-Maksoud, Ahmed M.Youssef, Mohamed S.Abdel-Aziz (2018). The Hydrolytic Activities of Two Fungal Species Isolated from Historical Quranic Parchment Manuscript. JSLTC, 102(3):141-148
20. Haytham M. El Sharkawi, Seishu Tojo, Tadashi Chosa, Farag M. Malhat, Ahmed M. Youssef. Biochar-ammonium phosphate as an uncoated-slow release fertilizer in sandy soil, Biomass and Bioenergy 117 (2018) 154–160
21. H. Moustafa, N. A. Darwish, M. A. Nour, A. M. Youssef. Biodegradable date stones filler for enhancing mechanical, dynamic and flame retardant properties of polyamide-6 biocomposites. Polymer Composites, 39(2018)1978-1987(DOI: 10.1002/pc.24157).
22. A. M. Youssef, M. E. Abdel-Aziz, E.S.A. El-Sayed, Mohamed, M. S. Abdel-Aziz, A.A. Abd El-Hakim, S. Kamel, G. Turky. Morphological, electrical & antibacterial properties of trilayered Cs/PAA/ PPy bionanocomposites hydrogel based on Fe3O4-NPs. Carbohydrate Polymers 196 (2018) 483–493.
23. Ahmed M. Youssef, Samah M. El-Sayed, Hoda S. El-Sayed, Heba H. Salama, Faiza M. Assem, Mohamed H. Abd El-Salam (2018). Novel bionanocomposite materials used for packaging skimmed milk acid coagulated cheese (Karish), International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 115 (2018) 1002–1011
24. Ahmed M. Youssef, Samah M. El- Sayed, Bionanocomposites materials for food packaging applications: Concepts and future Outlook. Carbohydrate Polymers, 193 (2018) 19–27
25. Hesham Moustafa, Nabila A. Darwish, Ahmed M. Youssef, Sameh M. Reda, Abd El-Aziz A. El-Wakil. High-Performance of Nanoparticles and Their Effects on the Mechanical, Thermal Stability and UV-Shielding Properties of PMMA Nanocomposites. Egypt. J. Chem. Vol. 61, No.1, pp. 23 - 32 (2018).
26. Heba Hassan El-Maghrabi, Ahmed Barhoum, Amr Ahmed Nada, Ahmed M. Youssef, Yasser Mohamed Moustafa, Sara Mikhail Seliman, Mikhael Bechelany, Synthesis of mesoporous core-shell CdS@TiO2 (0D and 1D) photocatalysts for solar-driven hydrogen fuel production, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 351, 2018, Pages 261–270
Year 2017
27. Hesham Moustaf, Ahmed M. Youssef, Sophie Duquesne and Nabila. A. Darwish. Characterization of bio-filler derived from seashell wastes and its effect on the mechanical, thermal, and flame retardant properties of ABS composites. Polymer Composites, 2017, 38, 12, 2788–2797.
28. Ahmed M. Youssef, Hesham A. Moustafa, Ahmed Barhoum, Abou El-Fetouh A. Abdel Hakim, and Alain Dufresne. Evaluation of the Morphological, Electrical and Antibacterial Properties of Polyaniline Nanocomposite Based on Zn/Al-Layered Double Hydroxides. ChemistrySelect, 2, 8553 – 8566.
29. A. M. Rushdy, W. N. Wahba, A. M. Youssef and S. Kamel (2017). Influence of Bleaching Materials on Mechanical and Morphological Properties for Paper Conservation, Egypt. J. Chem.Vol. 60, No. 5, pp.893 - 903
30. A. M. Youssef, F. M. Assem, S. M. El-Sayed and H. Salama, M. H. Abd El-Salam. "Utilization of edible films and coatings as Packaging Materials for Preservation of Cheeses" J Package Technol Res (2017) 1:87–99 (DOI: 10.1007/s41783-017-0012-3)
31. Ahmed M. Youssef, Islam E. EL-Nagar, A. M. M. El-Torky, A. A. Abd El-Hakim, Development and characterization of CMC/PVA films loaded with ZnO-NPs for antimicrobial packaging application, Der Pharma Chemica, 2017, 9(9):157-163
32. Ahmed M. Youssef, Farag M. Malhat, Abou el Fotouh Abdel Hakim, Imre Dekany, Synthesis and utilization of poly (methylmethacrylate) nanocomposites based on modified montmorillonite. Arabian Journal of Chemistry (2017) 10, 631–642
33. Ahmed M. Youssef, Amany M. El-Nahrawy, Ali B. Abou Hammad, Sol-gel synthesis and characterizations of hybrid chitosan-PEG/calcium silicate nanocomposite modified with ZnO-NPs and (E102) for optical and antibacterial applications, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 97 (2017) 561–567.
34. A. Z. Noah, M. A. El Semary, A. M. Youssef, and M. A. El- Safty. Enhancement of Yield point at High pressure High temperature wells by using Polymer nanocomposites based on Zinc oxide& Calcium carbonate nanoparticles. Egyptian Journal of Petroleum, 26 (2017), 33-40
Year 2016
35. Mona H. Abdel Rehim, Ahmed M. Youssef, Heba Al-Said, Gamal Turky, Mohamad Aboaly, Polyaniline and titaniate/CTAB nanowires Layer-by-layer conductive plastic electrode for flexible electronic devices applications, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 94556
36. Youssef, Ahmed M., Mai Youssef, M. E. Abd El-Aziz, D. M. Ayad, and A. A. Sarhan. "Novel polystyrene nanocomposites based on Na+-montmorillonite for removing organochlorine pesticide from wastewater." KGK-KAUTSCHUK GUMMI KUNSTSTOFFE 69, no. 11-12 (2016): 43-48.
37. Amany M. El-Nahrawy, Ahmed I. Ali, Ali B. Abou Hammad, Ahmed M. Youssef, Influences of Ag-NPs doping chitosan/calcium silicate nanocomposites for optical and antibacterial activity, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 93 (2016) 267–275
38. H. Moustaf, A. M. Youssef, M. T. Nour. Investigation of morphology, mechanical, thermal and flame properties of EVA/EPDM blend by conbination of organoclay with Na+-tripolyphosphate. RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 36467–36474.
39. Ola, A. Mohamed; A. M. Youssef; Magada A. Elsamahy and Jean F. Bloch, Fire retardant cartoon by adding modified leather waste, Egypt. J. Chem, 59 (2) 553-268(2016)
40. A. M. Youssef, S. A. Mohamed, M. S. Abdel-Aziz, M. E. Abdel-Aziz. G. Turky, S. Kamel, Biological studies and electrical conductivity of paper sheet based on PANI/PS/Ag-NPs nanocomposite. Carbohydrate Polymers 147 (2016) 333–343
41. Z. Noah, M. A. El Semary, A. M. Youssef, and M. A. El- Safty. Using Nanomaterials to Optimize Mud Rheology at HPHT Wells throughout Experimental Work. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT, 5 (2016)350-355.
42. Ahmed Youssef; Samah EL-Sayed; Huda EL-Sayed; Heba Salama; Alain Dufresne. Enhancement of Egyptian soft white cheese shelf life using a novel chitosan/carboxymethyl cellulose/zinc oxide bionanocomposite film. Carbohydrate Polymers, 151 (2016) 9–19
Year (2015)
43. Ahmed M. Youssef; Samah EL-Sayed; Heba Salama; Huda EL-Sayed; Alain Dufresne, Evaluation of bionanocomposites as packaging material on properties of soft white cheese during storage period. Carbohydrate Polymers, 132 (2015) 274–285.
44. Ahmed M. Youssef, Mai Youssef, D. M. Ayad, A. A. Sarhan. A novel approach to prepare Poly (vinyl acetate)/Ag nanocomposite for effective antimicrobial coating applications. Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, Volume 54, Issue 16(2015) 1735-1742.
45. M. A. Rehim, A. M Youssef, A. Ghanem. Polystyrene/hydrophobic TiO2 nanobelts as a novel packaging material- Polymer Bulletin. Volume 72, Issue 9 (2015) 2353-2362.
46. Ahmed M. Youssef, Ahmed El-Gendy, Samir Kamel. Evaluation of corn husk fibers reinforced recycled low density polyethylene composites. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 152(2015) 26–33.
47. Ahmed. M. Youssef, Hussein Abou-Yousef, Samah M. El-Sayed, Samir Kamel. Mechanical and antibacterial properties of novel high performance chitosan/nanocomposite films. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,76 (2015) 25–32.
48. M.A. Abd El-Ghaffar, A.M. Youssef, A.A. Abd El-Hakim, Polyaniline Nanocomposites via In-situ Emulsion Polymerization based on Montmorillonite; preparation & characterization, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 8 (2015) 771–779
49. F. Malhat, H. Watanabe, A. Youssef. Degradation profile and safety evaluation of methomyl residues in tomato and soil. Hellenic Plant Protection Journal, 8 (2), 2015, 55-62
50. Ola, A. Mohamed; A. M. Youssef; Magada A. Elsamahy and Jean F. Bloch, Recycling Leather Wastes in Paper Industry Aiming to Improvement its Flame Retardant. Journal of Industrial Engineering Research, 1(2) March 2015, Pages: 1-10.
51. A.M. Youssef, I.M Hegazy, A. M. Ramadan, and A. A Abd El-Hakim, Mechanical Enhancement of Poly (Vinyl Chloride) Nanocomposites using CaCO3 Nanoparticles as Impact Modifier. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences (RJPBCS), 2015, v6 (6).
52. A. M. El Nahrawy, A. B. Abou Hammad, G. Turky, M. M. M. Elnasharty, A. M. Youssef. Synthesis and Characterization of Hybrid Chitosan/Calcium Silicate Nanocomposite Prepared using Sol-Gel Method. International Journal of Advancement in Engineering, Technology and Computer Sciences, IJAETCS (2015) Vol.2, No.1, 9-14.
53. Ahmed. M. Youssef, Ola A. Mohamed, M. El-Samahy, Amal H. Abd-El Kader and luhac Pichte, Flame retardant and mechanical properties of modified paper using inorganic salts for packaging applications, Journal of Research Updates in Polymer Science, 2015, 3, 227-236
Year (2014)
54. Ahmed M. Youssef, Farag M. Malhat, Selective Removal of Heavy Metals from Drinking Water Using Titanium Dioxide Nanowire, Macromol. Symp. 2014, 337, 96–101.
55. Ahmed M. Youssef, Mohamed S. Abdel-Aziz, Samah, M. El-Sayed. Chitosan Nanocomposite Films Based on Ag-NP and Au-NP Biosynthesis by Bacillus Subtilis as Packaging Material, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2014, 69, 185–191.
56. Ahmed M. Youssef, Morphological studies of polyaniline nanocomposite based Mesostructured TiO2 nanowires as conductive packaging materials, RSC Advances, 4 (2014) 6811–6820.
Year (2013)
57. Ahmed M Youssef, Polymer Nanocomposites as a New Trend for Packaging Applications Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, Article review 2013, 52: 635–660.
58. Ahmed. M. Youssef, S. Kamel, M.A. El-Samahy Morphological and antibacterial properties of modified paper by PS nanocomposites for packaging applications, Carbohydrate Polymers 98 (2013) 1166– 1172 .
59. Ahmed.A.Haroun, Mona A. Abo-Zeid, Ahmed M. Youssef, Amira Gamal-Eldeen, In vitro Biological Study of Gelatin/PLG Nanocomposite Using MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A, 2013:101A:1388–1396.
60. Ahmed M. Youssef, Tamás Bujdosó, Viktória Hornok, Szilvia Papp, Borbála Kiss, A. Abd El-Hakim and Imre dékány, Structural and thermal properties of polystyrene nanocomposites containing hydrophilic and hydrophobic layered double hydroxide, Applied Clay Science, 77-78 (2013) 46–51.
61. Ali. A. Hebeish, Marwa. M. Abdelhady, Ahmed. M. Youssef, TiO2 nanowires and TiO2 nanowires doped Ag- PVP nanocomposites for antimicrobial and self-cleaning cotton textile, Carbohydrate Polymers 91 549– 559, 2013.
62. Farag Malhat, Essam Kamel, Ayman Saber, Ehab Hassan, Ahmed Youssef, Monir Almaz, Ayman Hassan, Abd El-Salam Fayz, Residues and dissipation of kresoxim methyl in apple under field condition, Food Chemistry 140 (2013) 371–374.
63. Ahmed M. Youssef and Mohamed S. Abdel-Aziz, Preparation of Polystyrene Nanocomposites Based on Silver Nanoparticles Using Marine Bacterium for Packaging, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering 52: 607–613, 2013.
64. Ahmed. M. Youssef, Farag M. Malhat,A. A. Abdelhakim, Preparation and Utilization of Polystyrene Nanocomposites based on TiO2 nanowires, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 52: 228–235, 2013.
65. Ahmed .M. Youssef, Abou El Fettouh Abd El-Hakim, Farag M. Malhat, Ahmed A. Haroun, Synthesis and Characterization of Polystyrene Layered Double Hydroxide Nanocomposites via Free emulsion polymerization for Cd and Pb (II) ions Removal from Aqueous Media, nanoscience and nanotechnology, An Indian journal, NSNTAIJ, 7(3), 2013 [116-121].
66. Ahmed M. Youssef, Mai Youssef, D. M. Ayad, A. A. Sarhan, A. A. Abd El-Hakim, A novel way to synthesis Ag nanoparticles via in situ emulsion polymerization of methyl methacrylate monomer for effective antimicrobial applications, nanoscience and nanotechanology, An Indian journal, NSNTAIJ, 7(6), 2013 [217-223]
67. Year (2012)
68. Ahmed M. Youssef, Omar R. Soliman, A. M. Rabie. A. A. Abdelhakim, Influence of the addition of Zn/Al layered double hydroxide on the mechanical and thermal properties of Poly (methyl methacrylate) nanocomposites, Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 27(6) 2012.
69. Heba E. Ali, Mona H. Abdel Rehim, Ahmed M.Youssef, Gamal Turky, Mohamed A. Ali Influence of Synthetic Conditions on different properties of Polyaniline Prepared by Interfacial Polymerization, Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 27 (10) 2012, 824-839
70. Ahmed. M. Youssef, M. A. Elsamahy, M. El-Sakawy, S. Kamel" Structural and Electrical Properties of Paper-Polyaniline Composite" Carbohydrate Polymers 90, 1003– 1007 (2012)
71. Elmorsy, Khaled, Manal. S. Kamel, Hassan, N. A. Hassana, Ahmed. A. Haroun, Ahmed M. Youssef, Hassan, Y. Aboul-Enein, Novel multiwalled carbon nanotubes/β-cyclodexteren based carbonpaste elecyclotrode for flow injection potentiometric determination of piroxicam, Talanta, 97 (2012) 96–102.
72. Mona A. Nassar, Ahmed. M. Youssef, Mechanical and antibacterial properties of recycled carton paper coated by PS/Ag nanocomposites for packaging, Carbohydrate Polymers 89 (2012), pp. 269-274.
73. Ahmed M. Youssef, Magda Ali El- Samahy, Mona H. Abdel Rehim, Preparation of conductive paper composites based on natural cellulosic fibers for packaging applications. Carbohydrate polymers, 89 (2012) 1027– 1032.
74. Ahmed M Youssef, Morphological study of novel architecture titanium dioxide nanowires decorated polyaniline nanocomposites and its electrical properties, nanoscience and nanotechanology, An Indian journal, Vol. 6, Issue 1, 2012 (34-42).
Year (2011)
75. Ahmed Haroun, Ahmed M., Youssef, Electrical Conductivity Evaluation of Novel Hybrid Poly (methyl methacrylate)/Titanium Dioxide Nanowires, Synthetic Metals 161,2063-2069 (2011).
76. Ahmed M. Youssef, M. M. Ibrahim, A. E. Selim, S. M. Bayoumy, Tasneem, M. Fehead, The influence of some antimicrobial nanoparticles blends on shelf-life of minced meat, Transactions of the Egyptian Society of Chemical Engineers (TESCE), Vol 37, No, 4, 36-55 (2011).
77. Ahmed M.,Youssef, Heba Elsaid, Mona H. Abdel Rehim, Gamal Turk, Synthesis of Crystalline Polyanilne by Interfacial Polymerization, 75th Prague Meetings on Macromolecules (PMM) Conducting Polymers, 10-14.7.2011Prague-Czech Republic.
Year (2010)
78. Ahmed Youssef, Mona Abdel Rehim, Ebtesam Hassan, Nagwa Khatab, Utilization of different conductive polymer systems in nanowires dye-sensitized solar cells, 43rd IUPAC world polymer Congress (Macro2010), 11-16 July 2010 Glasgow, UK
79. Mona Abdel Rehim, Ahmed Youssef, Ebtesam Hassan, Nagwa Khatab, Gamal Turky, Morphology and electrical properties of hybrid and sulphonated oxalic acid-doped polyaniline, Synthetic Metals 160 (2010) 1774–1779.
80. Mona H. Abdel Rehim, Ahmed M. Youssef, Hisham A. Essawy, Hybridization of Kaolinite by Consecutive Intercalation: Preparation and Characterization of Hyperbranched Poly (amidoamine)-Kaolinite Nanocomposites, Materials Chemistry and Physics 119 (2010) 546–552.
Year (2009)
81. Essawy, A. A. Abd El-Hakim, A. M, Rabie, and Ahmed M. Youssef " Exfoliation of Kaolinite nanolayers Into Poly(methylmethacrylate) Using Redox Initiator System involving intercalated Component, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 48, 177–184, 2009.
82. Ahmed M. Youssef, Ryan, Z. tian, Synthesis polystyrene / TiO2 nanobelt Nanocomposites Via in Situ emulsion Polymerization for optical applications, Proceedings of the 10th Arab Intern. Conference on Polym. Sci. and Techn., December 14-17, 2009, Ain El-Sokhna, Egypt
83. Hisham Essawy, Abu El-Fetoh Abd El-Hakim, Ahmed Youssef, ' Thermal behavior of nanocomposites prepared using simultaneous suspension/emulsion polymerizations of methylmethacrylate. 10Th Arab Conference of polymer science and technology 14-17 Dec. 2009.
Year (2008)
84. Hisham A. Essawy, Ahmed S. Badran, Abu El-Fetoh A. Abd El-Hakim, and Ahmed M. Youssef" Catalytic Effect of Various Kaolinite Forms on the Emulsion Polymerization of Vinylacetate Using Acetone Sodium Bisulphite as Initiator, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 47: 1–6, 2008.
Year (2004)
85. Hisham Essawy, Ahmed Badran, Ahmed Youssef, Abu El-Fetoh Abd El-Hakim "Synthesis of poly(methylmethacrylate)/montmorillonite nanocomposites via in situ intercalative suspension and emulsion polymerization, Polymer Bulletin 53, 9–17 (2004)
86. Hisham A. Essawy, Ahmed S. Badran, Ahmed M. Youssef, Abou El-Fettouh A. Abd El-Hakim "Polystyrene/Montmorillonite Nanocomposites Prepared by In Situ Intercalative Polymerization: Influence of the Surfactant Type, Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2004, 205, 2366–2370.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchProfessor : Packaging Materials Department : National Research Centre (NRC) : Tahrir Street, Dokki 12622, Egypt