Member Profile
Membership type: full
Nancy Githaiga
Country of origin: Kenya Currently in: Ethiopia, Addis Ababa General field of specialization: Social and Economic Sciences-
2020 Doctorate Social and Economic Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Social and Economic Sciences
Publications resulting from Research:
Githaiga, N. M., Burimaso, A., Wang, B., & Ahmed, S. M. (2019). The belt and road initiative: Opportunities and risks for Africa’s connectivity. China Quarterly of International Strategic Studies, 5(01), 117-141.
Githaiga, N. M., & Bing, W. (2019). Belt and road initiative in Africa: the impact of standard gauge railway in Kenya. China Report, 55(3), 219-240.
Githaiga, N. M. (2021). The Successes and Challenges of Kenya’s Mombasa-Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway Transport Operations: A Special Reference to the Users. Research in World Economy.
Githaiga, N. (2021) Kenya-China Trade in Manufactured Goods: A Competitive or Complementary Relationship?. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 9, 96-117. doi: 10.4236/jss.2021.93007.
Shifare, H., Abreha, F., & Githaiga, N. (2021). The impact of authentic leadership on employees' organizational citizenship behavior in Ethiopia public service. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147-4478), 10(6), 121-131.
Githaiga, N., & Shifare, H. (2023). OS IMPACTOS ECONÔMICOS LOCAIS DAS VIAS FÉRREAS: A FERROVIA DE BITOLA PADRÃO (SGR1) NO QUÊNIA. Revista Brasileira de Estudos Africanos| Porto Alegre| v, 8(15), 121-149.
Githaiga, N., & Shifare, H. (2023). THE LOCAL ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF RAILWAYS: KENYA'S STANDARD GAUGE RAILWAY (SGR). Revista Brasileira de Estudos Africanos, 8(15).
Kepha, M., Otieno, R. J., Oteki, E. B., & Githaiga, N. M. (2022). Panacea or Pacifier. Faith-Based Perspective on the Management of Cattle Rustling among Pastoral Communities in Kenya.International Journal of Novel Research in Humanity and Social Sciences Vol. 9, Issue 5, pp: (17-25)
Kibugi, J.N., Muthoni.N.,Omariba.A. (2023). Impact of Ethical Practices on the Performance of Murang’a County Government in Kenya. European Modern Studies Journal. Vol. 7 No. 4 (2023)
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingFellow, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Lecturer, Murang'a University of Technology Research Consultant
Workshop and Conference Attended
2021 Kenya Murang’a University of Technology Conference2023 Office of the Special Adviser for Africa ACADEMIC CONFERENCE ON AFRICA “Redefining African Futures: The State, Resilience and Pathways to Progress2023 Addis Ababa African Union Conference on Land Policy in Africa (CLPA 2023) : Promo2023 Addis Ababa Africa Economic Conference-Imperatives for sustainable Industrial Development in Africa2023 Addis Ababa The fifth session of the Committee on Social Policy, Poverty and Gender on “Building new social contracts in Africa: choices to fulfil development aspirations".2023 Addis Ababa (Hybrid) Africa Union-United Nations High Level Strategic Dialogue2023 Addis Ababa Expert Group Meeting on Jobs in Africa or Jobs for Africans? Integrating skills migration in national youth employment strategies2023 Addis Ababa UNECA Expert Group Conference on the State of Urbanization in Africa2023 Tanzania High-Level Policy Seminar on: Towards an ‘Integrated Africa’: Achieving SDGs and Agenda 2063 for the Continent that We Want2023 Addis Ababa Digital Technology Skills Training2023 Online-Google Foundations of Project Management by Google2023 Online-Addis Ababa Regional workshop on issues of tax expenditure governance in Africa2023 Addis Ababa Accountability and Programme Performance Review (APPR) Seminar- Reflecting on 2023 achievements and lessons learned and planning for impactful delivery of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Agenda 2063: the Africa We Want, in 2024.2022 China South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) and Chinese Embassy Joint Seminar on Future-Proofing Africa – China Infrastructure Cooperation2022 Sweden Global Conflicts, Global Collaboration: China in a Changing World Order,” Göttingen University2021 Kenya Academic Staff Capacity Building On Pedagogy WorkshopAffiliations
Chinese in Africa-Africans in China Research NetworkWomen Educational Researchers of KenyaPresentation given
2021Nudge during COVID 19- A review of LiteratureWuhan, ChinaEvent: The 2nd International Conference on Behavioural Public Administration, Huazhong University of Science & Technology2021The Opportunities and Challenges of Social Media Use by Government in Covid-19 Management: A Case of Ministry of Health and Twitter Usage In KenyaKenyaEvent: International Conference on Technology & Innovation for Sustainable Development.2023The Management of Local Governments in Kenya: Progress and Future Directions.The University of Alicante, SpainEvent: -
Other Awards
Jul 2023Young African Professional Research FellowThis is a very competitive fellowship for young African professional researchers by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.May 2023SubSaharan African Women Research FellowshipThis is a Programme promoted by the Office of the Vice President for International Relations and Development Cooperation of the University of Alicante, in collaboration with the Ministry of Participation, Transparency, Cooperation and Democratic Quality, of the Valencian Government. The competitive grant is aimed at qualified women researchers in the predoctoral or postdoctoral stage from SubSaharan Africa.Jul 2020Excellent Ph.D. Student-Huazhong University of Science and TechnologyDec 2019Outstanding International Ph.D. student-China Scholarship CouncilMay 2017Academic Achievement Award-Central China Normal University