Member Profile

Membership type: full
Jessica Trespalacios
Country of origin: Colombia Currently in: Chile, santiago General field of specialization: Mathematical sciences-
2024 Master Mathematical sciences2024 Doctorate Mathematical sciences -
Current Research Activities
Mathematical sciences
I am interested in Nonlinear Analysis, Partial Differential Equations and its relation to Mathematical General Relativity , in specific, mathematical study of Einstein field equations in vacuum, its solutions, their stability, conservations laws, global existence solution, cosmological-type solution, as well as Virial method for the study of asymptotic behavior of the gravitational wave type solitonic solutions.
Publications resulting from Research:
Nonlinear Stability of nonsingular Solitons of the Principal Chiral Field equation. M. Alejo, C. Muñoz, J. Trespalacios. Submitted.
Global existence of suitable small solutions in the Belinksi-Zakharov spacetimes, and applications. C. Muñoz and J. Trespalacios. arXiv preprint Submitted.
Global existence and long time behavior in the 1+1 dimensional Principal Chiral Model with applications to solitons. J. Trespalacios. Annales Henri Poincaré - A Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol 24 Issue 12.
Riccati-Ermakov systems and explicit solutions for variable coefficient reaction-diffusion equations. E. Pereira, E. Suazo, J. Trespalacios. Applied Mathematics and Computation (AMC). 329(2018), 278 − 296,
ISSN0096 − 3003.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Higher Education StudyPhD in Mathematical Modeling at the University of Chile