Member Profile

Membership type: full
Elizabeth Kairuz Hernández-Díaz
Country of origin: Cuba Currently in: Cuba, Santa Clara General field of specialization: Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology-
2021 Doctorate Other -
Current Research Activities
Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology
Professor at Department of Biology. Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas (UCLV)
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Kairuz E., Rivero-Aragón A., Angenon G. (2024). The Power of Citrus: Antiallergic Activity and In Vitro Propagation Techniques, in: Gantait, S., Majumder J., Sharangi, A.B. (eds) Biotechnology of Medicinal Plants with Antiallergy Properties: Research Trends and Prospects. Springer, Singapore. 10.1007/978-981-97-1467-4
2. Kairuz E., Rivero-Aragón A., Angenon G. (2021). In vitro Propagation and Biotechnological Improvement Strategies of Plants with High-Intensity Sweetener and Anti-Diabetic Activities, in: Gantait, S., Verma, S.K., Sharangi, A.B. (eds) Biotechnology of Anti-diabetic Medicinal Plants. Springer, Singapore.
3. Kairuz E., Pérez-Alonso N., Angenon G., Jiménez E., Chong-Pérez B. (2020). Shoot Organogenesis, Genetic Stability and Secondary Metabolite Production of Micropropagated Digitalis purpurea, in: Ramawat, K., Ekiert, H., Goyal S. (eds.) Plant Cell and Tissue Differentiation and Secondary Metabolites. Reference Series in Phytochemistry. Springer, Cham.
4. Kairuz E., Pérez-Alonso N., Capote-Pérez A., Pérez-Pérez A., Espinosa-Antón A.A., Angenon G., Jiménez E., Chong-Pérez B. (2020). Enhancement of cardenolide production in transgenic Digitalis purpurea L. by expressing a progesterone-5β-reductase from Arabidopsis thaliana L. Industrial Crops and Products 146: 112166.
5. González-Hernández D., Kairuz E., Capote A., Pérez A., Rivero L., Chong-Pérez B., Pérez-Alonso N. (2019). Micropropagación de plantas de Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni a partir de explantes ex vitro. Biotecnología Vegetal 19 (1), 53–63.
6. González-Hernández D., Kairuz E., Capote-Pérez A., Pérez-Pérez A., Rivero L., Chong-Pérez B., Pérez-Alonso N. (2019). Obtención de perfiles genéticos de plantas de Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni propagadas mediante cultivo in vitro y corte de esquejes. Biotecnología Vegetal 19 (4), 249–257.
7. Pérez-Alonso N.L., Martín R., Capote A., Jiménez E., Pérez A., Kairuz E., Rojas L., Jiménez E., Quiala E., Angenon G., Garcia-Gonzales R., Chong-Pérez B. (2018) Efficient direct shoot organogenesis, genetic stability and secondary metabolite production of micropropagated Digitalis purpurea L. Industrial Crops and Products 116: 259-266.
8. Kairuz E, Pérez-Alonso N.L, Chong-Pérez B. (2018) Estrategias para la selección in vitro de plantas transgénicas de Digitalis L. Biotecnología Vegetal 18(2): 1-19
9. Pérez-Alonso N.L., Jiménez E., Chong-Pérez B., Capote A., Pérez A., Kairuz E. (2015) Alternativas para la producción de cardenólidos mediante técnicas biotecnológicas en Digitalis spp. Anales de la Academia de Ciencias de Cuba 5 (3): 1-28
10. Kairúz E., Pérez-Alonso N., Capote A., Pérez A., Jiménez E., Chong-Pérez B. (2013) Concentración mínima letal de higromicina B en la formación de callos y multiplicación de brotes de Digitalis purpurea L. Biotecnología Vegetal 13(1): 23-31
11. Banguela A., Rodríguez R., Sunchiz M., Menéndez C., Kairuz E., Arrieta JG., Hernandez L. (2011) Levansucrase activity but not fructan accumulation in transgenic lsdA-expressing sugarcane recovered by optimized microprojectile bombardment of embryogenic calli. Biotecnología Aplicada 28 (4): 216-220. ISBN: 978-959-16-0979-3
Current profession
Current professional activities type:TeachingProfessor and researcher at the Department of Biology, Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas
Academia de Ciencias de CubaPresentation given