Member Profile

Membership type: full
Isel Pascual Alonso
Country of origin: Cuba Currently in: Cuba, Havana General field of specialization: Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology-
2005 Doctorate Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology -
Current Research Activities
Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology
Research interests focused on peptidases upregulated in human diseases like cancer, hypertension and diabetes mellitus and the development of new inhibitors as potential therapeutic agent for treatment
Publications resulting from Research:
1. García, F. A., Fuentes, T. F., Pascual Alonso, I. , Bosch, R. A., Brunetti, A. E., & Lopes, N. P. (2024). A Comprehensive Review of Patented Antimicrobial Peptides from Amphibian Anurans. Journal of Natural Products.
2. Pascual Alonso, I*., Méndez, L. R., García, F. A., Valdés-Tresanco, M. E., Bosch, R. A., Perera, W. H., ... & Charli, J. L. (2023). Bufadienolides preferentially inhibit aminopeptidase N among mammalian metallo-aminopeptidases; relationship with effects on human melanoma MeWo cells. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 229, 825-837.
3. Pascual Alonso, I.*; AlmeidaGarcía, F.; Valdés Tresanco, M.E.;Arrebola Sánchez, Y.; Ojeda del Sol,D.; Sánchez Ramírez, B.; Florent, I.;Schmitt, M.; Avilés, F.X. (2023) MarineInvertebrates: A Promissory StillUnexplored Source of Inhibitors of Biomedically Relevant Metallo Aminopeptidases Belonging to the M1 and M17 Families. Mar. Drugs 2023, 21, 279.
4. Isel Pascual Alonso*, Yarini Arrebola Sánchez, Fabiola Almeida García, Mario Ernesto Valdés Tresanco, Sandra del Valle Peláiz, Daniel Ojeda del Sol, Talía Frómeta Fuentes, Thalía Acén Ravelo and Belinda Sánchez Ramírez (2023) Mammalian aminopeptidase A: biochemical characteristics, physiological roles and physiopathological implications. Pure and applied Chemistry.
5. Fabiola Almeida García, Laura Rivera Méndez, Talía Frómeta Fuentes, Thalía Acén Ravelo,Roberto Alonso Bosch, Wilmer H. Perera, Yarini Arrebola Sánchez, Gretchen Bergado, Belinda Sánchez Ramírez, Jean-Louis Charli and Isel Pascual Alonso* (2023) Bufotalin inhibits porcine kidney cortex aminopeptidase N and is cytotoxic to APN+ tumor cells. Pure and applied chemistry.
6. Yarini Arrebola Sánchez, Fabiola Almeida García, Daniel Ojeda del Sol,Mario E. Valdés-Tresanco, Carlos David Ortiz, Belinda Sánchez Ramírez, and Isel Pascual Alonso* (2023) Dipeptidyl peptidase IV: a multifunctional enzyme with implications in several pathologies including cancer. Physical Medicine Reviews. 1-56.
7. PascualAlonso I*, Valiente PA, Valdés-Tresanco ME, Arrebola Y, García FA, Díaz L, García G, Guirola O, Pastor D, Bergado G, Sánchez B, Charli J.L. Discovery of tight-binding competitive inhibitors of dipeptidyl peptidase IV. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2022 Jan 31;196:120-30.
8. Pascual Alonso I*, García G, Díaz L, Arrebola Y, Méndez LR, García FA, Pacheco MC, Sánchez B, Charli JL. Effect of non-competitive inhibitors of aminopeptidase N on viability of human and murine tumor cells. Pure and Applied Chemistry. 2021 Oct 1;93(10):1161-70. .
9. Méndez LR, Arrebola Y, Valdés-Tresanco ME, Díaz-Guevara L, Bergado G, Sánchez B, Charli JL, Pascual Alonso I*. Bestatin and bacitracin inhibit porcine kidney cortex dipeptidyl peptidase IV activity and reduce human melanoma MeWo cell viability. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2020 Dec 1;164:2944-52.
10.Pascual Alonso I*, Valiente PA, García G, Valdés-Tresanco ME, Arrebola Y, Díaz L, Bounaadja L, Uribe RM, Pacheco MC, Florent I, Charli JL. Discovery of novel non-competitive inhibitors of mammalian neutral M1 aminopeptidase (APN). Biochimie. 2017 Nov 1;142:216-25.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:TeachingFull time Professor at Faculty of Biology, University of Havana, Cuba with teaching activities for under and postgraduate students in the field of Enzymology and Biotechnology. Also lead a project of the National Program of Basic and Natural Sciences from CITMA, Cuba and joint projects with the Biotechnological Enterprise BIOCUBAFARMA for the development of new natural compounds as peptidases inhibitors with anticancer activities
Other Awards
Jan 2011National Prize of Cuban Society of Chemistry to Young Scientist in the International Year of Chemistry, 2010.The Cuban Society of Chemistry award every year scientist in the field of chemistry with relevant scientific resultsJan 2011Prize to Best Research Article in Natural Sciences of Havana University, 2011Prize to Best Research Article in Natural Sciences of Havana University, 2011 to: Isel Pascual, Hansel Gómez, Tirso Pons, Mae Chappé, Miguel Angel Vargas, Gilberto Valdés, Alí Lopéz, Angélika Saroyán, Jean-Louis Charli, María de los Angeles Chávez. Effect of divalent cations on the porcine kidney cortex membrane-bound form of dipeptidyl peptidase IV. (2011). International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology. 43, 363–371 (IF:4.95, Elsevier Journal)Oct 2012Ciudad Capital: Heberto CastilloInternational Award “Ciudad Capital: Heberto Castillo”, México DF and ICyT 2012 to the Best Young Latino American Researcher under 45 years old, Mexico, 2012.Jan 2020Research Prize of Havana University in Natural Sciences 2019Research Prize of Havana University in Natural Sciences 2019: Nuevos Inhibidores de Aminopeptidasa N y Aminopeptidasa A con potenciales aplicaciones biomédicas en cáncer. Autores Principales: Isel Pascual Alonso, Yarini Arrebola, Laura Rivera, Mario Ernesto Valdés, Lisset Díaz, Jean Louis Charli, Belinda Sánchez, Gabriela García, Aida Hernández Zanuy, Pedro A. Valiente.Jul 2022Cuban Academy of Sciences 2021Cuban Academy of Sciences 2021 Award: Nuevos Inhibidores de aminopeptidasa N, aminopeptidasa A y dipeptidil peptidasa IV con potenciales aplicaciones biomédicas en cáncer. Isel Pascual Alonso, Yarini Arrebola Sánchez, Jean Louis Charli, Belinda Sánchez, Lisset Díaz, Mario Ernesto Valdés Tresanco, Pedro A. Valiente, Laura Rivera Méndez, Gabriela García, Fabiola Almeida García, Gretchen Bergado, María de los Ángeles Chávez, Mae Chappé, Alejandro PedrosoJan 2022Special Distinction of the Ministry of Higher Education of Cuba in Sciences Technology and Innovation 2020.Special Distinction of the Ministry of Higher Education of Cuba in Sciences Technology and Innovation 2020.Feb 2023Research prize of the Havana University 2022 To the Result of Higher Impact In basic and Natural SciencesResearch prize of the Havana University 2022 To the Result of Higher Impact In basic and Natural Sciences to: Nuevos Inhibidores de aminopeptidasa N, aminopeptidasa A y dipeptidil peptidasa IV con potenciales aplicaciones biomédicas en cáncer. Isel Pascual Alonso, Yarini Arrebola Sánchez, Jean Louis Charli, Belinda Sánchez, Lisset Díaz, Mario Ernesto Valdés Tresanco, Pedro A. Valiente, Laura Rivera Méndez, Gabriela García, Fabiola Almeida García, Gretchen Bergado, María de los Ángeles Chávez, Mae Chappé, Alejandro Pedroso.Oct 2023Special Distinction of the Ministry of Higher Education of Cuba 2022 To the Result of Higher Impact In basic and Natural SciencesSpecial Distinction of the Ministry of Higher Education of Cuba 2022 To the Result of Higher Impact In basic and Natural Sciences to: Nuevos Inhibidores de aminopeptidasa N, aminopeptidasa A y dipeptidil peptidasa IV con potenciales aplicaciones biomédicas en cáncer. Isel Pascual Alonso, Yarini Arrebola Sánchez, Jean Louis Charli, Belinda Sánchez, Lisset Díaz, Mario Ernesto Valdés Tresanco, Pedro A. Valiente, Laura Rivera Méndez, Gabriela García, Fabiola Almeida García, Gretchen Bergado, María de los Ángeles Chávez, Mae Chappé, Alejandro Pedroso.Feb 2024Research prize of the Havana University 2023 to Distinguished Research Article in Natural SciencesResearch prize of the Havana University 2023 to Distinguished Research Article in Natural Sciences: Pascual Alonso, I*., Méndez, L. R., García, F. A., Valdés-Tresanco, M. E., Bosch, R. A., Perera, W. H., ... & Charli, J. L. (2023). Bufadienolides preferentially inhibit aminopeptidase N among mammalian metallo-aminopeptidases; relationship with effects on human melanoma MeWo cells. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 229, 825-837. 2024Research Prize Research prize of the Havana University 2023 to Distinguished ResearcherResearch Prize Research prize of the Havana University 2023 to Distinguished Researcher