Member Profile

Membership type: full
Efaq Noman
Country of origin: Yemen Currently in: Malaysia, Johor General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
2020 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
My current work focus on the identification of fungal diversity in the clinical wastes and the inactivation of the fungal spores in the clinical wastes by using supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) as an alternative green technology for safe handling of these wastes. SC-CO2 is a non-thermal sterilization technology depend on the high pressure and mid temperature. My work also investigate the mechanism of the inactivation process of fungal spores by using SC-CO2 based on the Scanning Electron Microscope and molecular technique.
Publications resulting from Research:
Review Articles
1. Efaq A.N., Nik Norulaini Nik Ab Rahman, Nagao H., Al-Gheethi AA, Md Shahadat, and Ab. Kadir M.O. (2015) Supercritical Carbon Dioxide as Non-Thermal Alternative Technology for Safe Handling of Clinical Wastes. Journal of Environmental Processes 2:797–822 (Springer, SCOPUS).
2. AL-Gheethi, AA, Radin Maya Saphira RM, Efaq AN, Amir HK. (2015) Reduction of microbial risk associated with greywater utilized for irrigation. A review. Water and health Journal (IWA, ISI, IF 1.45). In press.
3. AL-Gheethi AA., Lalung J., Efaq A.N, Bala JD, and Norli I. (2015) Removal of heavy metals and β-lactam antibiotics from sewage treated effluent by bacteria. A review, Clean Technol. Environ Policy, 17 (8), 2101-2123. (Springer, ISI, IF: 1.93).
4. AL-Gheethi A.A. Norli I.; Efaq A.N.; Bala J.D. and Ramzy M. A. Al-Amery (2015) Solar Disinfection and lime treatment processes for reduction of pathogenic bacteria in sewage treated effluents and biosolids before reuse for agriculture in Yemen, A review. Water Reuse Des. 5(3): 419-429 (IWA publishing ISI, IF: 0.277).
Research Articles
1. Adel AS, Lalung J, Efaq AN, Ismail N (2015) Removal of cephalexin antibiotic and heavy metals from pharmaceutical effluents using Bacillus subtilis strain. Expert Opin Environ Biol 2015, 4:2.
2. Al-Gheethi, A.A.S.; Abdul-Monem, M. O.; AL-Zubeiry, A. H. S.; Ramzy M. A. Al-Amery, Efaq A. N. and Shamar A. M. (2014) Effectiveness of selected wastewater treatment plants in Yemen for reduction of faecal indicators and pathogenic bacteria in secondary effluents and sludge. Water Practice and Technology, 9 (3): 293-306. SCOPUS, IWA Publishing, UK.
3. Al-Gheethi A.A.S. and Efaq A. N. (2014) Clinical wastes generated from healthcare facilities in Yemen. Waste Management Journal, 34 (12), II, A Glance at the World (ISI, Elsevier IF 3.5)
4. Al-Gheethi A.A.S.; Norli, I.; Lalung, J.; Azieda, T.; Efaq, A. N. and Ab. Kadir, M. O. (2013) Susceptibility for antibiotics among faecal indicators and pathogenic bacteria in sewage treated effluents. Water Practice and Technology, 8 (1): 1–6. SCOPUS, IWA Publishing, UK.
Accepted Manuscripts
1. Efaq A.N., Nik Norulaini Nik Ab. Rahman, Nagao H., Al-Gheethi A.A., Ab. Kadir M.O. Inactivation of Aspergillus Spores in Clinical Wastes by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (AJSE), Springer (ISI, IF, 0.3).
2. Efaq A N, Nik N Nik Abd. Rahman, Nagao H, Alkarkhi A M, Al-Gheethi AA, Tengku N T.L, Mohd. O A.K, Significant Application of SC-CO2 for the management of hospital waste samples. CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water, Wiley Publisher, (ISI, IF 1.95).
Under Review
1. Efaq A.N., Nik Norulaini Nik Ab. Rahman, Nagao H., Al-Gheethi A.A., Ab. Kadir M.O. Morphological Characteristics of Black Aspergilli Isolated from Clinical Wastes. Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology.
2. Al-Gheethi, AA, Norli I.; Abdul-Monem, M. O., Efaq AN, and Abd. Kadir, M. O. Removal of pathogenic bacteria from sewage treated effluent and biosolids for agricultural purpose, A review. Journal of Applied Water Science (Springer).
3. Al-Gheethi AA, Efaq AN, Radin Maya SRM, Norli Ismail and M.O. Ab. Kadir. Removal of Cephalexin from Aqueous Solution using Biomass cells of Bacterial Consortium. Journal of the Association of Arab Universities for Basic and Applied Sciences
4. Al-Gheethi AA, Efaq AN, Radin Maya SRM, Norli Ismail and M.O. Ab. Kadir. Potential of Pre-treated Biomass of Bacillus subtilis for Heavy Metal Ions Removal from Aqueous Solution. CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water, Wiley Publisher, (ISI, IF 1.95).
5. Al-Gheethi AA, Mohamed RMSR, Efaq AN, Norli Ismail. Reduction of Bacteria in Storage System of Sewage Effluents. Journal of Sustainable Water Resources Management
6. Al-Gheethi AA, Mohamed RMS, Efaq AN, Norli I, Amir Hashim, MO Ab. Kadir. Bioaugmentation Process of Sewage Effluents for Reduction of Pathogens, Heavy Metals and Antibiotics. Journal of Water and Health (ISI, IF 1.45).
1. Efaq AN, Al-Gheethi AA (2015) Management of Clinical Solid Wastes Generated from Healthcare Facilities in Yemen. 3rd International Conference on
Sustainable Solid Waste Management, 2-4 July 2015, Tinos Island, Greece.
2. Al-Gheethi AA, Aisyah M, Bala JD, Efaq AN, Norli I (2015) Prevalence of Antimicrobial Resistance Bacteria in Non-Clinical Environment 4th International Conference on Environmental Research and Technology (ICERT 2015) on 27- 29 May 2015 at Parkroyal Resort, Penang, Malaysia.
3. Efaq AN, Nagao H, Nik Norulaini NA, Al-Gheethi AA, Ab. Kadir MO (2015) Survival of opportunistic fungi in clinical wastes. 4th International Conference on Environmental Research and Technology (ICERT 2015) on 27- 29 May 2015 at Parkroyal Resort, Penang, Malaysia.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Higher Education Studycurrently my activities focus on the supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) and solar disinfection (SODIS) techniques in the inactivation of pathogenic bacteria and fungi in different types of wastes