Member Profile

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OWSD Award
Nahla Ismail
Country of origin: Egypt Currently in: Egypt, Cairo General field of specialization: Chemical SciencesOWSD Award
2002 Doctorate Chemical Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Advanced materials for Energy applications
Publications resulting from Research:
• M. Madian, M. Klose, T. Jaumann, M. Uhlemann, A. Gebert, S. Oswald, N. Ismail, A. Eychmüller, J. Eckert , L. Giebele, Anodically fabricated TiO2-SnO2 nanotubes and its application in lithium ion batteries, J. Materials Chemistry A, on line.
• A. A. El-Meligi, M. Madian, N. Ismail, Fabrication and Characterization Single Crystal of FePS3 Layered Material, International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology Vol. 2, Issue 12, December 2015
• N. Ismail, M. Madian, M. Samy El-Shall, Reduced graphene oxide doped with Ni/Pd nanoparticles for hydrogen storage application, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 30 (2015) 328–335.
• L.A. Nezam El-Din, A. El-Gendi, N. Ismail, K.A. Abed, Awd I. Ahmed, Evaluation of cellulose acetate membrane with carbon nanotubes additives, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 26 (2015) 259–264
• M. Madian, L. Giebeler, M. Klose, T. Jaumann, M. Uhlemann, A. Gebert, S. Oswald, N. Ismail, A. Eychmüller, J. Eckert, Self-Organized TiO2/CoO Nanotubes as Potential Anode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2015, 3, 909−919.
• Heba Ali, N. Ismail, Mohamed Mekewi , A. C. Hengazy, Facile one-step process for synthesis of vertically aligned cobalt oxide doped TiO2 nanotube arrays for solar energy conversion, J Solid State Electrochem (2015) 19:3019–3026.
• Heba Ali, Nahla Ismail, Ayat Hegazy and Mohamed Mekewi, Electrochimi Acta (2014) "A novel photo electrode from TiO2-WO3 nanoarrays grown on FTO for solar water splitting" 150 (2014) 314–319.
• N. Ismail, Ahmed A. Aboud, A.Hamdel-Din, A.A.Farghali, M.H.Khedr, International Journal of Advanced Research (2014), " Influence of LiH and Ti metal additives on milling LiAlH4 compound " Volume 2, Issue 8, 307-316.
• A.F. Ghanem, A.A. Badawy, N. Ismail, Z. Rayn Tian, M.H. Abdel Rehim, A. Rabia,"Photocatalytic activity of hyperbranched polyester/TiO2 nanocomposite", Applied Catalysis A: General, Volume 472, 22 February 2014, Pages 191-197.
• N. Ismail, A. A. El-Meligi and M. Madian "Synthesis of NiPS3 and CoPS and its hydrogen storage capacity", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 588, 5 March 2014, Pages 573-577.
• M. Madian, N. Ismail, A. Al-Meligi “Layered Chalcogenides for hydrogen storage applications” Book, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2012.
• M. H. Abdel Rehim, N. Ismail, A. A. A. Badawy, G. Turky, “Hydrogen Storing and Electrical properties of Hyperbranched Polymers-Based Nanoporous Materials”
2011, Materials Science and Engineering B, 176, 1184.
• M. H. Abdel Rehim, N. Ismail, A. A. A. Badawy, G. Turky, “Poly phenelynediamine and its TiO2 composite as hydrogen storage material” 2011, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 128, 507–513.
• S. Zaki, Alaa M. Rashad, S. Rawash, N. Ismail, “Behavior of combined alkali activated slag/CNTs when exposed to normal temperatures” .Int. J. Nano Science & Engineering. 2010, 1(1), 20.
• N. Ismail. Hamdy Abd El-Maksod, H. Ezzat, “Synthesis and characterization of titanosilicates from white sand silica and its hydrogen uptake ” 2010, Internaltional Journal of hydrogen Energy, 35; 10359-10365.
• A.A. El-Meligi, N. Ismail, M. Madian, “Characterizing Layered Structure of MgPS3 and New Application as a Hydrogen Storage Material", 2011, International Journal of nanoparticles, 4(4), 326.
• N. Ismail, I.H. Abdel Maksoud and A.A.A. Badawy, Egyptian Chemistry Journal, 2010, Synthesis and characterization of carbon nanotubes using amorphous alloys catalysts, 53(3), 465.
• N. Ismail, A. A. El-Meligi, Y. Temerk and M. Madian, synthesis and characterization of FePS3 for hydrogen uptake, (2010) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35; 7827 -7834.
• N. Ismail, Y. Temerk, A. A. El-Meligi, M. A. Badr and M. Madian, Synthesis and Characterization of MnPS3 for hydrogen uptake, 2010, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 183; 984–987.
• A.A. El-Meligi, N. Ismail, "Hydrogen evolution reaction of low carbon steel electrode in hydrochloric acid as a source for Hydrogen production, 2009, Intr. J. of Hydrogen Energy, 3 4; 9 1 – 9 7,
• N. Ismail, A.A. El-Meligi, M. Uhlemann, A. Gebert , J. Eckert, L. Schultz, " Hydrogenation of Zr–Cu–Al–Ni–Pd metallic glasses by electrochemical means” 2009, J. of Alloys Cmpd, 480; 321-324.
• M. Herrich, N. Ismail, J. Lyubina, A. Handstein, A. Pratt, O. Gutfleisch, “Synthesis and decomposition of Mg2FeH6 prepared by reactive milling”, 2004, Materials Science and Engineering B, 108; 28-32.
• O. Gutfleisch, N. Schlorke-de Boer, N. Ismail, M. Herrich, A. Walton, J. Speight, I.R. Harris, A.S. Pratt, A. Züttel, “Hydrogenation properties of nanocrystalline Mg-and Mg2Ni-based compounds modified with platinum group metals (PGMs)”, 2003, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 356-357; 598-602.
• N. Ismail, M. Uhlemann, A. Gebert, J. Eckert, L. Schultz, “The Elechtrochemical Hydrogen sorption Behaviour of Zr-Cu-Al-Ni Metallic Glasses” , 2002, Materials Transactions (in Japan), 43, Nr. 5, 1133-1137.
• N. Ismail, A. Gebert, M. Uhlemann, J. Eckert, L. Schultz, “Effect of hydrogen on Zr65Cu17.5Al7.5Ni10 metallic glass”, 2001, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 314 ; 170-176.
• N. Ismail, M. Uhlemann, A. Gebert, J. Eckert, “Hydrogenation and its effect on the crystallisation behaviour of Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5 metallic glass”, 2000, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 298, 146-152.
• A. Gebert, N. Ismail, M. Uhlemann, J. Eckert, L. Schultz, “Effects of electrochemical hydrogenation of Zr-based alloys with high glass-forming ability”, 2002, Intermetallics, 10; 1207-1213.
Papers in International conferences:
• N. Ismail, M. Madian, M. S. El-Shall “Storing hydrogen in Pd/Ni graphene and graphene oxide”, Feb. 2011, IWAM, Raas El-Khaima, EAU.
• A.A. El-Meligi, N. Ismail, M. Madian “Characterizing Layered Structure of MgPS3 and New Application as a Hydrogen Storage Material", 2010, 5th International Eg e Energy Symposium and Exhibition (IEESE-5), Denizli, Turkey
• Ulrike Wolff, Nahla Ismail, Margitta Uhlemann, Jürgen Eckert, Annett Gebert,
“Hydrogenation of amorphous and nanostructured multicomponent Zr-based alloys with high glass-forming ability”,( MRS Fall 2001).
• Nahla Ismail, Monika Herrich, Allin Pratt and Oliver Gutfleisch, “Hydrogen Storage Properties of Nanocrystalline Mg-based Alloys Modified with Platinum Group Metals (PGMs)” Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e. V. (DPG), 2003.
• Gebert, U. Wolff, S. Hirnyi, N. Ismail, M. Uhlemann, L. Schultz, 7th International Symposium on Electrochemical/Chemical Reactivity of Metastable Materials, Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw/Poland, 19.-23.8.03 (2003).
• A. Gebert, J. Eckert, U. Kuehn, A. Reger-Leonhard, N. Ismail, Chinese-Deutscher Workshop, Peking/China, 30.10.-2.11.00 (2000).
• N. Ismail, M. Uhlemann, A. Gebert, “Effect of oxygen in presence of hydrogen on the electrochemical behavior of Zr-based metallic glasses”1st International conference in nanotechnology, NRC, Cairo,December,2007.
• N. Ismail, M. Uhlemann, A. Gebert, Cairo University International Conference for Clean Chemistry, March, 2008.
• N. Ismail, International conference of Solar and Renewable Energy, “Mechanism of hydrogen storage in presence of oxygen on Zr-based alloys” NRC, Cairo, March 2008.
List of patents:
1. New method of preparation of Titanosilicate compounds from local Egyptian materials. 25516.
2. Hydrogen as source of clean energy in MnPS3. 963-2009.
3. Layered crystalline advanced materials used for the first time as hydrogen storage
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchAssociate Professor in National research Centre in Cairo Head of Advanced Material Laboratory for renewable energy
OWSD Awards
Feb 2011OWSD-Elsevier Foundation Award for Early Career Women Scientists