Member Profile

Membership type: full
Hanan Saleh
Country of origin: Jordan Currently in: Jordan, Ma'an General field of specialization: Physics-
2009 Doctorate Physics -
Current Research Activities
Medical and Radiation Physics
Publications resulting from Research:
* Hanan. H. Saleh. “Atomic Form Factor of Some Tissue- Equivalent Materials at 25.2 keV
Photon Energy Using Geant4 Toolkit”, JJP, 2010, 3(1), 25-30.
* H. Saleh and M. Abu Shayeb. “Natural Radioactivity Distribution of southern part of Jordan
(Ma’an) Soil”, Annals of Nuclear Energy 65C (2014), pp. 184-189.
* J.M. Sharaf , H.Saleh. "Gamma-ray energy buildup factor calculations and shielding effects of some Jordanian building structures", Radiation Physics and Chemistry110 (2015) , pp. 87–95.
* M. S. Hamideen, J.M. SHARAF and H. H. SALEH. "Impact of superficial building materials on indoor radon level", JJP, JJP, 2015, 8(3), 165-176.
* H. Saleh, M. Hamideenb, M. Al-Hwaiti and S. Al-Kharoof . “Radiological Risk Measurements Due to Natural Radioactivity of Building Stones Used in Jordanian Houses”, JJP, 2018, 11(3), 193-200.
* Mohammad S. Al-Hwaiti; Hanan H. Saleh; Ma'mon Makhaleh; Mufid Masadeh. “Partitioning and health risk dose assessment of polonium-210 in selected brands of cigarettes and types of tobacco consumed in Jordan”, International Journal of Low Radiation (IJLR),, 2018, 11(1), 66-77. DOI: 10.1504/IJLR.2018.098271.
*Mohammad Marashdeh and H. Saleh. "Mass attenuation coefficient of olive peat material for absorbing gamma ray energy". Nuclear Science and Techniques 30(7):106. DOI: 10.1007/s41365-019-0637-8.
* H. Saleh, Jamal Sharaf, S.B. Alkhateeb, Mefleh Salameh Hamideen. "Studies on equivalent atomic number and photon buildup factors for some tissues and phantom materials". Radiation Physics and Chemistry. DOI: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2019.108388.
* Mefleh S. Hamideen, Omar M. Bdair, A. Chandrasekaran, H. Saleh & Z. M. Elimat. "Multivariate statistical investigations of natural radioactivity and radiological hazards in building materials mainly used in Amman Province, Jordan". International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. DOI: 10.1080/03067319.2019.1635123.
* H.H.Saleh, J.M.Sharaf, R.S.Abady. "Gamma-ray buildup factor and radiation absorbed dose enhancement at tissue-bone interfaces". Applied Radiation and Isotopes. DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2020.109464.
* Khalid A. Rabaeh, Nagham M. Bany Salman, Feras M. Aldweri, H.H. Saleh
,Molham M. Eyadeh, Samer I. Awad, Ammar A. Oglat. Substantial Influence of Magnesium Chloride Inorganic Salt (MgCl2) on the Polymer Dosimeter Containg N-(Hydroxymethyl)acrylamide for Radiation Therapy". Nuclear Science and Techniques. Under review.
*R. S. Abady, J.M.Sharaf, M.M. Imran, H.H.Saleh,. S.B. Alkhateeb. "Study of effective atomic number, mass energy absorption coefficient and absorbed dose rate in human organ and tissue substitutes.".Applied Radiation and Isotopes. Under review.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchAdministrationTeachingAssociate Prof., Al-Hussein bin Talal University, Maán- Jordan
Workshop and Conference Attended
2009 Salt, Jordan Second International Symposium on Nuclear Energy ISNE-09.2014 Vienna, Austria International Symposium on Uranium Raw Material for the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Exploration, Mining, Production, Supply and Demand, Economics and Environmental Issues2017 Palestine Technical University-Kadoorie First Palestinian International Conference on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy.2019 Prague, Czech Republic The 5th International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity - ENVIRA 2019