Member Profile
Membership type: full
Nesheman Huma
Country of origin: Pakistan Currently in: Pakistan, Karachi General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
2013 Master Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology2012 Undergraduate Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
Elucidation of molecular techniques for efficient detection of Citrus tristeza virus. To compare the sensitivity and specificity of molecular detection techniques and perform molecular characterization of the virus.
Publications resulting from Research:
Research Publications
• 2020 - Mehdi, F., Ali, Kazim., Huma, N., Hussain, Iqbal., Azhar, A., and Galani, S.,
Comparative biochemical analysis of high and low sucrose accumulating sugarcane varieties at formative stage under heat stress. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol 26(1).
Current Status: Accepted
Research Publications
2019 - Huma, N, Sahar, S., Chishti, A.A., Azhar, A., and Galani, S., Comparative
RNA isolation efficacy: Assessing organic and commercial methods for Citrus tristeza virus detection.
Journal of Virological Methods.
Current Status: Under Review
Conference Proceedings
Title: RNA Amplification Efficacy: Comparison of Different RNA Extraction Methods for Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) Detection.
Authors: Huma, N., Sahar, S., Chishti, A.A., Azhar, A., and Galani, S.,
Published as a conference proceeding at 3rd International symposium on “Advances in Molecular Biology of Plants and Health Sciences” December 19-21, 2018 organized by Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology (CEMB), University of the Punjab, Lahore
Conference Proceedings
Title: Optimization of molecular based techniques for rapid and sensitive detection of Citrus tristeza virus
Authors: Huma, N., Sahar, S., Chishti, A.A., Azhar, A., and Galani, S.,
Published as a conference proceeding at International Conference on “Microbiology and Molecular Genetics” February 7-9, 2018 organized by Department of Microbiology and Molecular genetics, University of the Punjab in collaboration with Department of Allied Health Sciences (AHS), Superior University.
Conference Proceedings
Title: A novel approach: RPA for rapid detection of CTV.
Authors: Huma, N., Sahar, S., Chishti, A.A., Azhar, A., and Galani, S.,
Published as a conference proceeding at First International Conference on Life Sciences “Emerging Trends in Biological Sciences and Genomics” December 28-30, 2015, Jointly organized by M. A. H. Qadri Biological Research Center (BRC) &The Karachi Institute of Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering (KIBGE) University of Karachi
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchHigher Education StudyI am a Ph.D. scholar currently pursuing my research work to attain doctorate degree. Research is my passion, and I am committed to achieve my goals.
Workshop and Conference Attended
December 9-12, 2018 The Karachi Institute of Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering (KIBGE) International conference on “Molecular Biosciences: Research And Innovations” Fourteenth Biennial Conference of Pakistan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (PSBMB)March 22, 2019 The Karachi Institute of Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering (KIBGE) Four primary controls of biosafety organized by American society for microbiology and safer behaviors, 52 weeks of Biosafety program in PakistanAugust 10-13, 2018 The Karachi Institute of Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering (KIBGE) University of Karachi. 1st summer school on “Green Spin in BiotechnologyDecember 5-8, 2016 COMSATS University, Islamabad International Conference on “Research Enterprise on Food Safety in Developing World” , Organized by COMSATS, Islamabad and DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)April 2, 2016 DHA Suffa University, Karachi Workshop on “Research Communication Skills” Organized by Centre of Excellence for the Development of Research and Soft Skills (CEDRSS)December 28-30, 2015 The Karachi Institute of Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering (KIBGE) University of Karachi First International Conference on Life Sciences “Emerging Trends in Biological Sciences and Genomics” Jointly organized by M. A. H. Qadri Biological Research Center (BRC) & The Karachi Institute of Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering (KIBGE) UniversityFeburary 9-17, 2015 The Karachi Institute of Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering (KIBGE) University of Karachi Research Communication Skills for Scientific Writing & PresentationFebruary 2nd, 2013 Department of Chemistry, University of Karachi A Health Awareness Seminar on ‘World Cancer Day’ held on organized by CEAP, NAYS in collaboration with Department of Chemistry, University of Karachi & ENSF, Trieste, Italy at University of Karachi.October 13th, 2012 University of Karachi One day workshop on ‘Spreading Safety Culture in Laboratory’ held on organized by Cypress in collaboration with NAYS at University of Karachi.Presentation given
December 12, 2018RNA Isolation Efficacy: Comparison of Different RNA Extraction Methods for Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) Detection.The Karachi Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic EngineeringEvent: International conference on “Molecular Biosciences: Research And Innovations” Fourteenth Biennial Conference of Pakistan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (PSBMB)February 8, 2018Optimization of molecular based techniques for rapid and sensitive detection of Citrus tristeza virusDepartment of Microbiology and Molecular genetics, University of the Punjab in collaboration with Department of Allied Health Sciences (AHS), Superior University.Event: International Conference on “Microbiology and Molecular Genetics”December 29, 2015A novel approach: RPA for rapid detection of CTVThe Karachi Institute of Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering (KIBGE) University of KarachiEvent: First International Conference on Life Sciences “Emerging Trends in Biological Sciences and Genomics” -
Other Awards
Dec 2015Best poster presenter awardReceived best poster presenter award during international conference on "Emerging Trends in Biological Sciences and Genomics” December 28-30, 2015, Jointly organized by M. A. H. Qadri Biological Research Center (BRC) & Dr. A. Q. Khan Institute of Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering (KIBGE) University of KarachiJun 2016Selection as an “Indigenous Scholar” for the “PhD Fellowship for 5000 Scholars, Phase II, Batch- III” by Higher Education Commission (HEC).Selection as an “Indigenous Scholar” for the “PhD Fellowship for 5000 Scholars, Phase II, Batch- III” by Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan.