Member Profile

Membership type: full
Fatima El Guezar
Country of origin: Morocco Currently in: Morocco, Agadir General field of specialization: Engineering sciences-
2010 Doctorate Engineering sciences -
Current Research Activities
Engineering sciences
- Analysis, Control, Modelling and Simulation of (Random) Dynamical Systems in Power Electronics. - Wind Energy Control and Management.
Publications resulting from Research:
Book Chapter:
F. EL GUEZAR and H. BOUZAHIR: Simulation of Piecewise Hybrid Dynamical Systems in Matlab. In "MATLAB, A Fundamental Tool for Scientific Computing and Engineering Applications, Volume 3, ISBN 980-953-307-500-1. InTech, 2012.
Papers in Reviewed International Journals:
1. B. BENAID, H. BOUZAHIR, C. IMZEGOUAN and F. EL GUEZAR: Stochastic Stability Analysis for Stochastic Neural Networks with Markovian Switching and Infinite Delay in a Phase Space. In revision. (15 pages).
2. I. TIZGUI, F. EL GUEZAR, H. BOUZAHIR, and B. BENAID: Comparison of Methods in Estimating Weibull Parameters for Wind Energy Applications. International Journal of Energy Sector Management. Article number IJESM-06-2017-0002 (15 pages). (2017).
3. C. IMZEGOUAN, H. BOUZAHIR, B. BENAID and F. EL GUEZAR, A Note on Exponential Stochastic Stability of Markovian Switching Systems, International Journal of Evolution Equations, Vol 10, Issue 2, pp. 189-198 (2016).
Occurrence For Planar Piecewise Affine Hybrid Systems. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems,
Vol. 5, pp. 626–638 (2011).
5. F. EL GUEZAR and H. BOUZAHIR: A Scenario for Generating Chaotic Signals from A
Piecewise Linear System. In ALHOSN University Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences,
(ISSN 2076-8516), Vol. 2, N. 2-3, December (2009).
6. F. EL GUEZAR and H. BOUZAHIR: Chaotic Behavior in a Switched Dynamical System, Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, Volume 2008, Article ID 798395, 6 pages (2008).
7. F. EL GUEZAR, H. BOUZAHIR, P. ACCO, D. FOURNIER-PRUNARET and K. AFDEL: Scénario de Génération d’un Signal Chaotique à partir d’un Système Hybride Affine par Morceaux, e-TI - la revue électronique des technologies d'information, N. 4, (2007), ISBN 1114-8802.
Papers in the IEEE Digital Library:
8. I. TIZGUI, F. EL GUEZAR, H. BOUZAHIR, and B. BENAID: “Wind Speed Extrapolation and Wind Power Assessment at Different Heights, Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Electrical and information Technologies, ICEIT2017” to be held in Rabat, Morocco, November 15 -18, 2017. Accepted.
9. I. TIZGUI, F. EL GUEZAR, H. BOUZAHIR, and B. BENAID: “Estimation of Electricity Production for a Moroccan Wind Farm”, Proceedings of the IEEE 5th International Conference on Electronic Devices, Systems and Applications (ICEDSA-2016), Ras Al Khaimah, UAE, 6-8 Décembre 2016.
10. H. BOUZAHIR, F. EL GUEZAR, A. EL AROUDI, & T. UETA: Partial Time Delayed Feedback Control of Chaos in a Hybrid Model of a DC-DC Converter, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Communication, Control and Signal Processing , (ISCCSP 2008), March 12-14, St. Julians, Malta, pp. 158-161, 2008.
11. F. EL GUEZAR, H. BOUZAHIR, P. ACCO, K. AFDEL & D. FOURNIER-PRUNARET: Modeling and Simulation in Scicos: A Case Study, Third IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, (ISCIII 2007), 28-30 March, Agadir-Morocco, pp. 105-110, 2007.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingWith the Faculty of Sciences, Ibn Zohr University, Agadir, Morocco: • Spring 2017 - Laboratory Course of Automation and Control using Matlab for 9 groups of Physics Science (SMP6) Electronic section. - Automation and Control (Tutorials) for 1 group of Physics Science (SMP6) Electronic section. - Laboratory Course of Basic Electronics 1 for 8 groups of Physics Science (SMP4) section. • Fall 2016 - Laboratory Course of Analogical Electronics for 9 groups of Physics Science (SMP5) section. - Analogical Electronics (Tutorials) for 6 groups of Physics Science (SMP5) section. • Spring 2016 - Laboratory Course of Automation and Control using Matlab for 2 groups of Physics Science (SMP6) Electronic section. - Analogical Electronics (Tutorials) for 2 groups of Physics Science (SMP5) section. - Optic Geometric (Tutorials) for 2 groups of Chemistry Sciences (SMC2) section. • Fall 2015 - Laboratory Course of Analogical Electronics for 8 groups of Physics Science (SMP5) section. - Analogical Electronics (Tutorials) for 2 groups of Physics Science (SMP5) section. - Physics 1 (Tutorials) for 6 groups of Earth and life Sciences (SVT1) section. • Spring 2015: - Laboratory Course of Basic Electronics 1 for many groups of Physics Science (SMP4) section. - Geometric Optics (Tutorials) for 4 groups of Earth and Life Sciences (SVT2) section. • Fall 2014: - Laboratory Course of Analogical Electronics for 3 groups of Physics Science (SMP5) section. - Analogical Electronics (Tutorials) for 4 groups of Physics Science (SMP5) section. - Thermodynamics 1 (Tutorials) for 2 groups of Physics Science (SMP1) section. • Spring 2014: - Laboratory Course of Basic Electronics 1 for many groups of Physics Science (SMP4) section. - Basic Electronic 1 (Tutorials) for 6 groups of Physics Science (SMP4) section. - Numerical methods (Tutorials) for 2 groups of Physics Science (SMP4) section. • Fall 2013: - Laboratory Course of Electronics 2 and Digital Logic Design for many groups of Physics Science (SMP5) section. - Digital Logic Design (Tutorials) for 2 groups of Physics Science (SMP5) section. - Analogical Electronics 2 (Tutorials) for 2 groups of Physics Science (SMP5) section. - Thermodynamics 1 (Tutorials) for 2 groups of Physics Science (SMP1) section. • Spring 2013: - Laboratory Course of Basic Electronics for many groups of Physics Science (SMP4) section. - Geometric Optics (Tutorials) for many groups of Earth and life Sciences (SVT2) section. With the American University of Ras Al Khaimah, UAE: • Fall 2012 - ECEN 101 Information Technology for Electrical Engineers - ECEN 201 Introduction to Signal Analysis - ECEN 280 Electric Circuit Analysis With the Higher Institute of Technology, Ibn Zohr University, Agadir, Morocco: • Spring 2011 and Spring 2012: Digital Logic Design (Tutorials and Laboratory) for many groups. • Fall 2011: Course of C programming and algorithms (Lectures, Tutorials and Laboratory) for many groups. With the Faculty of Sciences, Ibn Zohr University, Agadir, Morocco (as a PhD Student): • Spring 2007: Laboratory Course of C programming for four groups of Physics Science (SMP5) section. • Spring 2006: Selected among many PhD students to teach C programming. • Spring 2005: Laboratory Course of C programming and algorithms analysis for three groups of Physics Science (SMP2) section and one group of Chemistry Science (SMC2) section. PEDAGOGICAL SUPERVISIONS • Supervision of PhD students at the National School of Applied Sciences, Ibn Zohr University, Agadir, Morocco: - Since Dec. 2016: - PhD Student: Mohamed AATABE. Title: Analyze Control and Simulation of Electronic Circuits with Commutations. - Since Dec. 2015: - PhD Student: Ijjou TIZGUI. Title: Control and Estimation of Production in a wind Energy Park. • Supervision of many capstone projects at the Faculty of Sciences, Ibn Zohr University, Agadir, Morocco: - Spring 2017: - Generation of a square signal: study and implementation with NE555 circuit. - Industriels programmables Automates (API): Perçage system. - Control and regulation: regulation of a wind turbine. - Sizing of a photovoltaic solar system. - Spring 2016: - Wind energy. - Solar energy. - Photovoltaic panels - DC-DC Converters. - Asynchronous motors. - Spring 2014: - Chaotic systems: Study and simulation of Chen’s system. - Hybrid systems: Study and simulation. - Spring 2013: - Chaotic Systems: Study and simulation of Chua’s circuit. - Chaotic Theory: secured transmission of information and Lorenz system.