Member Profile

Membership type: full
Anisa Qamar
Country of origin: Pakistan Currently in: Pakistan, Peshawar General field of specialization: Physics-
2004 Doctorate Physics -
Current Research Activities
Theoretical Plasma Physics mainly focus on non linearity including vortices, solitons and chaos. Currently focus on solar coronal activities.
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Anomalous Heat Transport and Vortex Formation due to Electron- Temperature-Gradient Driven Drift Waves in a Sheared Flow, A.M. Mirza, T.Rafiq, Anisa Qamar, G.Murtaza, R.T. Faria Jr. and P.K. Shukla Plasma, Physica Scripta, 60, 261 (1999). [impact factor 1.28]
2. Nonlinear Dynamics and Anomalous Energy Transport in an Electrostatic ITG Drift-Dissipative Mode, Tariq Rafiq, A.M. Mirza, Anisa Qamar, G. Murtaza and P. K. Shukla Physics of Plasmas, 6, 3571 (1999) [impact factor 2.45]
3. Order and Chaos in ETG-Driven Drift Dissipative Waves with Sheared Flows, A.M. Mirza, T.Rafiq, Anisa Qamar, G.Murtaza, P.K.Shukla and R.T. Faria J. Plasma Physics, 62(5), 531 (1999). [impact factor 1.16]
4. Electromagnetic Ion-Temperature-Gradient modes and Anomalous Transport in a Non-uniform Magnetized Plasma with Equilibrium Flows, Tariq Rafiq, Anisa Qamar, Arshad M. Mirza, G. Murtaza and P. K. Shukla Physics of Plasmas, 7(4), 1125 (2000). [impact factor 2.45].
5. Chaotic Behavior of Ion Temperature-Gradient Driven Drift Dissipative Modes, T. Rafiq, Anisa Qamar, G. Murtaza and A.M. Mirza Physics of Plasmas, 7, 4499 (2000). [impact factor 2.45]
6. Tripolar vortices associated with toroidal ion temperature gradient modes in a magnetoplasma with sheared flows, T. Farid, A.M.Mirza, P. K. Shukla and Anisa Qamar, Physics of Plasmas, 8, 846 (2001). [impact factor 2.45]
7. Formation of Quadrupolar vortices in ion-temperature-gradient modes, Anisa Qamar, A. M. Mirza, and G. Murtaza. Physics of Plasmas, 10, 2819 (2003). [impact factor 2.45]
8. Formation of tripolar vortices in toroidal ion-temperature-gradient driven modes in the presences of dust contamination, A.M. Mirza, Anisa Qamar, M. Yaqub Khan and M. Ayub, Physics of Plasmas 14, 083701, (2007). [impact factor 2.45]
9. Ion-temperature-gradient driven modes in Bi-ion magnetoplasma, Nazia Batool, Anisa Qamar, A.M. Mirza
Physica Scripta 78 065503 (2008). [impact factor 1.28]
10. Quadrupolar vortex formation in ion-temperature-gradient driven dust-contaminated magnetoplasma, Anisa Qamar, Arshad M. Mirza and M. Y. Khan Physica Scripta 79 025505 (2009). [impact factor 1.28]
11. Parametric studies of non-linear magnetosonic waves in two dimensional quantum magnetoplasmas, A. Mushtaq and Anisa Qamar, Physics of Plasmas. 16, 022301-8, (2009). [impact factor 2.45].
12. Vortical structures in a nonuniform pair-ion dust magnetoplasma with sheared flows, A. Mushtaq, A. Qamar and Zulfiqar Ahmed, Physics of Plasmas. 17, 014502 (2010). [impact factor 2.45]
13. Dipolar vortex formation in electromagnetic ion – temperature – gradient waves in a dust contaminated magnetoplasma, Anisa Qamar, M Yaqub Khan, Zulfiqar Ahmad and Arshad M Mirza, Physics of Plasma 17, 062301, 2010. [impact factor 2.45]
14. Chaos in toroidal ion-temperature-gradient driven modes in dust-contaminated magnetoplasma, Anisa Qamar, Arshad M Mirza, M Yaqub Khan, Attaullah Shah, Physica Scripta 83, 065503, 2011.[impact factor 1.28]
15. Dust ion acoustic solitons in pair-ion plasmas with non-isothermal electrons, A. Mushtaq, M. Nasir Khattak, Zulfiqar Ahmad, Anisa Qamar, Physics of Plasmas 19, 042304,(2012). [Impact factor 2.45]
16. Magnetohydrodynamic spin waves in degenerate electron positron ion plasma, A. Mushtaq, R. Maroof, Zulfiqar Ahmad, Anisa Qamar, Physics of Plasmas 19, 052101 (2012) [impact factor 2.45]
17. Tripolar vortex formation in dense quantum plasma with ion-temperature-gradients, Anisa Qamar, A. M. Mirza, Atta-ur-Rehman, Phys. Plasmas 19, 052303 (2012). [impact factor 2.45]
18. Electrostatic solitons in rotating dusty plasmas with anisotropic ion pressure, Muhammad Adnan, S. Mahmood, Anisa Qamar, Astrophys Space Sci (2012) 341, 551 - 558 [Impact factor 1.62]
19 Nonplanar electrostatic solitary waves in a relativistic degenerate dense plasma, Ata-ur-Rahman, A. Mushtaq, S. Ali and A. Qamar Commun. Theor. Phys. 59, 479-483 (2013) [Impact factor 0.95]
20. Nonlinear ion acoustic excitations in relativistic degenerate, astrophysical electron–positron–ion plasmas, Ata-ur-Rahman, S. Ali, A. Mushtaq and A. Qamar J. Plasma Physics 79, 817-823 (2013) [impact factor 1.16]
21. Planar and nonplanar ion acoustic shock waves in relativistic degenerate astrophysical electron-positron-ion plasmas, Ata-ur-Rahman, S. Ali, A. M. Mirza and A. Qamar, Physics of Plasmas 19, 052303 (2013). [impact factor 2.45]
22. Linear and non-linear dynamics of electron temperature gradient mode in non-Maxwellian plasmas, U. Zakir, Q. Haque and A. Qamar, Physics of Plasmas 20, 052106 (2013). [impact factor 2.45]
23. Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation for solitary waves in warm dense astrophysical electron-positron-ion plasmas, Ata-ur Rahman, S.A. Khan and A. Qamar, Astrophys. Space Sci. 347:119–127 (2013). [impact factor 1.62]
24. Three dimensional electrostatic solitary waves in a dense magnetoplasma with relativistically degenerate electrons. Ata-ur-Rahman, W. Masood, B. Eliasson and A. Qamar, Phys. Plasmas 20, 092305 (2013). [impact factor 2.45]
25. Effect of Anisotropic Ion Pressure on Solitary Waves in Magnetized Dusty Plasma, M. Adnan S. Mahmood and Anisa Qamar, Contrib. Plasma Phys. 54, 724-734 (2014). [impact factor 0.98]
26 Ion-temperature-gradient driven modes in dust-contaminated plasma with nonthermal electron distribution and dust charge fluctuations, U. Zakir, Q. Haque, A. Qamar and Arshad M. Mirza, Astrophys Space Sci, 350, 565-572 (2014). [impact factor 1.62]
27. Small amplitude ion acoustic solitons in a weakly magnetized plasma with anisotropic ion pressure and kappa distributed electrons, M Adnan S. Mahmood and Anisa Qamar, Advances in Space Research 53 845–852 (2014). [impact factor 1.40]
28. On the ordinary mode instability for low beta plasmas, Fazal Hadi , Muhammad Fraz Bashir , Anisa Qamar, Phys. Plasmas 21, 052111 (2014). [impact factor 2.45]
29. Dust acoustic solitary and shock excitations in a Thomas-Fermi magnetoplasma, Zakia Rahim, Shahid Ali and Anisa Qamar, Phys. Plasmas 21, 072305 (2014). [impact factor 2.45]
30. Bernstein instability driven by thermal ring distribution, Peter H. Yoon, Fazal Hadi and Anisa Qamar, Phys. Plasmas 21, 074502 (2014) [impact factor 2.45]
31. Pressure anisotropy effects on nonlinear electrostatic excitations in magnetized electron-positron-ion plasmas, Muhammad Adnan, Gina Williams, Anisa Qamar, S. Mahmood, and Ioannis Kourakis,
Eur. Phys. J. D 68, 247 2014 [impact factor 1.208]
32. Coupled ion acoustic and drift waves in magnetized superthermal electron-positron-ion plasmas, Muhammad Adnan & Shahzad Mahmood, Anisa Qamar, Phys. Plasmas 21, 092119 (2014). [impact factor 2.45]
33. Ordinary mode instability associated with thermal ring distribution, F. Hadi, P. H. Yoon, and A. Qamar
Physics of Plasmas, 22, 022112 (2015). [impact factor 2.45]
34 Magnetohydrodynamic waves with relativistic electrons and positrons in degenerate spin ½ astrophysical plasmas, R. Maroof, S. Ali, A. Mushtaq and A. Qamar Phys. Plasmas, 22, 112102 (2015). [impact factor 2.45]
35 Amplitude modulation of quantum-ion-acoustic waves packets in electron-positron-ion plasmas, Atta ur Rahman, Michael Mc Kerr, Wale F., El. Taibany, Ioannis Kourakis and A. Qamar, Phys. Plasmas, 22, 022305 (2015). [impact factor 2.45]
36. Electrostatic solitary waves in relativistic degengerate electron-proton-ion plasma, Atta ur Rahaman, Ioannis Kourakis and Anisa Qamar, IEEE Tansactions on plasma science 43, 4 (2015). [impact factor 1.052]
37. Propagation of ion solitary pulses in dense astrophysics electron-postron-ion magnetoplasma, Atta ur Rahman, S. A. Khan and Anisa Qamar, Plasma Science and technology 17,12 (2015). [impact factor 0.659]
38. Dust acoustic and drift waves in a non-Maxweelian dusty plasma with dust charge fluctuation, U. Zakir, Q. Haque, N. Imtaiz and A. Qamar, J. Plasma Phys. 81, (2015). [impact factor 1.16]
39. Electron temperature gradient mode instability and stationary vortices with elliptic and circular boundary conditions in non-Maxwellian plasmas, U. Zakir, Q. Haque and A. Qamar, Physics of Plasma, 22, 122105 (2015). [impact factor 2.45]
40. Quantum dust magnetosonic waves with spin and exchange correlation effects, R. Maroof, A. Mushtaq and A. Qamar, Physics of Plasmas, 23, 013704 (2016). [impact factor 2.115]
41 Ion temperature gradient mode driven solition and shock, U. Zakir, M. Adnan, Q. Haque, A. Qamar, and A. M. Mirza, Physics of Plasmas, 23, 042104 (2016). [impact factor 2.115]
42 Small amplitude two dimensional electrostatic excitations in a magnetized dusty plasma with q-distributed electrons: Shahab Ullah Khan, Muhammad Adnan, Anisa Qamar, Shahzad Mahmood; Astrophys Space Sci. 361, 213 (2016). [impact factor 1.622]
43. Characteristic study of head-on collision of dust-ion acoustic solitons of opposite polarity with kappa distributed electrons, Shahida Parveen, Shahzad Mahmood, Muhammad Adnan and Anisa Qamar; Physics of Plasma 23, 092122 (2016). [impact factor 2.115]
44 Small amplitude Kinetic Alfven Waves in a superthermal electron-positron ion plasma; Muhammad Adnan Sahahzad Mahmood, Anisa Qamar, Mouloud Tribeche ; Advances in Space Research 58 , 1746 (2016). [impact factor 1.401]
45. Arbitrary electron acoustic waves in degenerate dense plasmas by A. Rahman, A. Mushtaq, A. Qamar and S. Neelam; Indian J Phys. 91, 5 (2017). [impact factor 0.988]
46. On the characteristics of obliquely propagating electrostatic structures in non-Maxwellian plasmas in the presence of ion pressure anisotropy by Muhammad Adnan, Anisa Qamar, Shahzad Mahmood, and Ioannis Kourakis, Physics of Plasmas 24, 032114 (2017). [impact factor 2.115]
47. Tripolar vortices in ion-temperature-gradient mode with non-Maxwellian electrons in an inhomogeneous magnetoplasma; Anisa Qamar, Javed Iqbal, U. Zakir, and Arshad M. Mirza, Can. J. Phys. 95, 650–654 (2017). [impact factor 0.724]
48. Oblique ion acoustic excitations in an ultra-relativistic degenerate dense magnetoplasma; Ata-ur Rahman, A. Qamar, S. Naseer, and S. N. Naeem , Can. J. Phys. 95: 655–661 (2017). [impact factor 0.724]
49. Kinetic treatment of nonlinear ion-acoustic waves in multi-ion plasma; Zulfiqar Ahmad, Mushtaq Ahmad and A. Qamar Physics of Plasmas 24, 092304 (2017). [impact factor 2.115]
50. Electron Bernstein waves in a collisionless magnetoplasma with Cairns distribution function; M. Usman Malik, W. Masood, Aman-ur Rehman, Arshad M. Mirza, and Anisa Qamar, Can. J. Phys. 1-5 (2017). [impact factor 0.724].
51. Landau damping of electrostatic modes in nonthermal plasmas; Fazli Hadi, Ata-ur-Rahman, Anisa Qamar, Physics of Plasmas 24, 104503 (2017). [impact factor 2.115]
52. Proceedings of the “First Regional Conference for Women in Physics” (RCWP-2016), Islamabad, Pakistan, 25-27 April. Published by Canadian Journal of Physics on July 2017, Volume 95, Number 7
53. Oblique Interaction of Dust-ion Acoustic Solitons with Superthermal Electrons in a Magnetized Plasma, Shahida Parveen, Shahzad Mahmood, Muhammad Adnan, and Anisa Qamar, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 87, 014502 1-12 (2018).
54. Interaction of magnetoacoustic solitons in plasmas with dispersion effects through electron inertia, Shahida Parveen, Shahzad Mahmood, Anisa Qamar, Sajjad Hussain, Muhammad Adnan. Contribution to Plasma Physics, 1-13 (2018).
55. Nonplanar dust-acoustic waves and chaotic motions in Thomas Fermi dusty plasmas, Zakia Rahim, Muhammad Adnan, Anisa Qamar, and Asit Saha, Physics of Plasma, 25, 083706 1-10 (2018).
56. Effect of Pressure Anisotropy on Nonlinear Periodic Waves in a Magnetized Superthermal Electron-Positron-Ion Plasma, Shahab Ullah Khan, Muhammad Adnan Shahzad Mahmood Hafeez-Ur-Rehman, Anisa Qamar. Brazilian Journal of Physics 49, 379-39.
57. Kinetic Study of Dust Ion Acoustic Waves in a Non-thermal Plasma, Ata-ur-Rahman, Fazli Hadi and Anisa Qamar. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 88, 034501 (2019).
58. Interaction of kinetic Alfv en wave solitons in nonthermal plasmas, Shahida Parveen, Shahzad Mahmood, Anisa Qamar and Muhammad Adnan. Physics of Plasmas 26, 072117 (2019).
59. Interaction of Magnetoacoustic Solitons in Electron-Positron Plasma, Shahida Parveen, Shahzad Mahmood, Anisa Qamar and Muhammad Adnan. Advances in Space Research 63, 1192-1203 (2019).
60. Magnetosonic shock waves in magnetized quantum plasma with the evolution of spin-up and spin-down electrons, Zakia Rahim, Muhammad Adnan and Anisa Qamar. Physical Review E 100, 053206 (2019).
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingCurrently working as a Professor in the Department of Physics University of Peshawar. I am involve in teaching and research in theoretical and experimental plasma physics.
Workshop and Conference Attended
1994 Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan Regional Course on Plasma Physics1998 Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan 7th National Symposium on Frontiers in Physics2000 Nathiagali Pakistan 25th International Nathiagali summer college on Physics and contemporary needs2000 Govt. College Lahore, Pakistan 8th National Symposium on Frontiers in Physics2001 Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan Regional College in Plasma Physics2001 ICTP, Trieste, Italy Autumn College on Plasma Physics2002 Nathiagali Pakistan 27th International Nathiagali summer College on Physics and Contemporary Needs2003 COMSATS institute of information technology, Abbottabad, Pakistan. International conference on models and methods in fluid mechanics.2008 Pakistan Academy of Sciences, Islamabad. National Symposium on Plasma Physics2008 Nathiagali Pakistan 33rd International Nathiagali Summer College on Physics and Contemporary needs2009 Quaid i Azam University Campus, Islamabad Pakistan. Ist NCP Scientific Spring2010 National Centre for Physics, Quaid i Azam University Campus, Islamabad, Pakistan. 2nd International Scientific Spring2011 Government College University Lahore, Pakistan 12th National Symposium on Frontiers in Physics2011 National Centre for Physics, Quaid i Azam University Campus, Islamabad, Pakistan One day Workshop on Plasma Physics2011 Stellenbosch, South Africa International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), Working Group on Women in Physics2011 Department of Physics University of Gujarat, Pakistan. Pakistan Physical Society Conference on Contemporary Physics2012 National Centre for Physics, Qauid-i- Azam University Campus, Islamabad, Pakistan. One day Workshop on Plasma Physics2012 COMSTECH Islamabad, Pakistan. International Workshop on “PLASMA SCIENCE”2012 University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan. 13th National Symposium on Frontiers in Physics2013 National Centre for Physics, Quaid-i-Azam University Campus, Islamabad, Pakistan. International Scientific Spring2013 National Centre for Physics, Quaid-i-Azam University Campus, Islamabad, Pakistan. A half Century of Drift Waves and Beyond2013 National Centre for Physics, Quaid-i-Azam University Campus, Islamabad, Pakistan. First ICTP-NCP International College on Plasma Physics2014 Kohat University of Science and Technology Kohat, Pakistan. One day Activity on Plasma Physics2014 National Centre for Physics, Quaid-i-Azam University Campus, Islamaba, Pakistan. 39th International Nathiagali Summer College2015 ICTP, Trieste, Italy Career Development Workshop for Women in Physics2016 Department of Physics University of Peshawar, Pakistan. One day Activity on Plasma Physics2016 National Centre for Physics, Quaid-i-Azam University Campus, Islamabad, Pakistan. Regional Conference on Women in Physics2016 National Centre for Physics, Quaid-i-Azam University Campus, Islamabad, Pakistan. 41st International Nathiagali Summer College2017 Department of Physics Islamia College University Peshawar, Pakistan. One day Activity on Plasma Physics2017 University of Birmingham, UK. 6th International Conference on Women in Physics2018 National Center for Physics, Islamabad Pakistan 10th International Scientific School2018 ICTP, Italy 34. Joint ICTP-IAEA College on Plasma Physics2019 Kathmandu University, Nepal. 35. 2nd Regional Conference on Women in PhysicsAffiliations
IUPAPOWSDPakistan Physical Society -
Other Awards
Nov 1995Chancellor's Gold MedalGot first position in MPhil/MS.Mar 2011Research Productivity AwardPakistan Council for Science and Technology Awarded me this award on the basis of my research.Jun 2015Research Productivity Award (RPA)Pakistan Council for Science and Technology Awarded me this Award on the basis of my research.Jun 2016Research Productivity Award (RPA)Pakistan Council for Science and Technology Awarded me this Award on the basis of my research.Mar 2011Research Productivity Award (RPA)Pakistan Council for Science and Technology Awarded me this Award on the basis of my research.